How to make my Guardian look like a Paragon?
What armor and dye is that ?
Looks good
The leggings match well. I noticed that a lot of paragon armor shoulders have upward spikes. You might look into that.
White Dye, Gold Dye, and the red on the helm is Lifesblood Dye
Vigil Helm
Ascalonian Pauldrons
Heart of Koda
Pit Fighter’s Wrist Guards
Pit Fighter’s Skirt
Pit Fighter’s Sandals
Note: Not the Exotic Pit fighter armor, the skins you can buy from WvW with badges
use t3 human for the shoulders
also an ex-para guardian here lol
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild
The Pit Fighter stuff is also available for not much karma from the heart vendors in places like Gendarren Fields.
Interesting mix for a guardian. But your character dont looks really elonian (white skin ??)
I actually play a descendant of an exiled sunspear, wearing an old parangons armor…
This one.
Cant do a better one with the actuals skins, maybe radiant gloves (not dyable)…
I use a suncatcher for backpack, but wings could be very cool…and a real dyeable tiara headpiece too…
Hey People
P.s. Please Anet make Angel and demon wings, would also love polearms to be added
Nothing comes close to angel wings except the arah light shoulders, but demon wings = tequila the sunrise’s wings.
…Please Anet make Angel and demon wings…
The Tequatl wings could be used to look demonic (it’s my plan if I ever level up my necromander)… and I guess with some imagination you could say that the holographic shattered wings from dragon bash are sorta angelic
As a personal request to Anet, BTW… pleace make at least one set of wings that isn’t constantly flapping.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.