How to obtain the Pet Seed if you deleted it?

How to obtain the Pet Seed if you deleted it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


(the Pet Seed is used in crafting Mawdrey)

I deleted the Pet Seed a while back because one of the components of it I couldn’t be bothered to get, but now I have said component, I want to work towards making Mawdrey again but not sure where to go to get a Pet Seed replacement.

Is there a personal story step I could redo to obtain the Pet Seed? Or an npc I don’t know about who gives it back if lost or deleted? I wikipedia’ed it but all I can gather from it is that I may need to go right back to the beginning to get the first ‘Mysterious Seed’ ( and basically start from scratch, which I’m hoping isn’t the case because I’ve previously done all the work up until the Cultivated Vine ( which is on my thief at the moment from memory, but am just without the Pet Seed which came along with crafting the Cultivated Vine.

I’m hoping there’s a way to get it back, but need help knowing how I would go about that. Thanks in advance!

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

How to obtain the Pet Seed if you deleted it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Liope.2948


You’ll probably need to do the story again with another character (at least the one that gives the seed – and if I remember correctly is the one where you have to go help the charr by doing some events).

How to obtain the Pet Seed if you deleted it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Sadly, other than by contacting support to see if they can help restore the deleted item, the only way to receive another Pet Seed is to completely craft a new Mysterious Seed into the Mysterious Vine back item to receive a Cultivated Seed, and then craft this seed into the Cultivated Vine back item to receive the Pet Seed all over again.

It is quite an expensive and time-consuming journey to get back to the Pet Seed point, so I hope support is able to replace your previously deleted Pet Seed.

Mysterious Vine

  • Mysterious Seed + Ley Line Infused Clay Pot = Mysterious Seedling
  • Mysterious Seedling + Package of Sacred Plant Food = Mysterious Sprout
  • Mysterious Sprout + Package of Phantasmally Infused Plant Food = Mysterious Vine
    Receive Cultivated Seed

Cultivated Vine

  • Cultivated Seed + Chaos Infused Clay Pot = Cultivated Seedling
  • Cultivated Seedling + Package of Ley Line Dusted Plant Food = Cultivated Sprout
  • Cultivated Sprout + Package of Oasis Soaked Plant Food = Cultivated Shoot
  • Cultivated Shoot + Attuned Grow Lamp = Cultivated Vine
    Receive Pet Seed

On a related note, I was affected by the update that converted everyone’s Mysterious Seed into a Pet Seed and I didn’t bother converting it back and simply went on from that point in the process. I finally soloed the Ascalon Fractal enough times to get the Pristine Fractal Relics needed to craft Mawdry and I only got around to finishing her maybe 2 weeks ago.

This means I have the Mysterious Vine back item/skin and the Mawdry back item/skin, but not the Cultivated Vine back item/skin.

I still have all of the unused account bound items in storage to craft it, but I haven’t brought myself to getting all of the other items to craft this intermediate stage as I like the Stage 1 and Stage 3 skins, but not so much this Stage 2 skin.

However, if support cannot help you and you are going to be going on a quest to make Stage 1 (Mysterious Vine) and Stage 2 (Cultivated Vine) to get the Pet Seed item again, I’d be happy to tag along with you to help you out. If you’d also be in need of some coin to purchase the food/light/foxfire/etc items versus crafting them all yourself, I’d be happy to pitch in and help you. We can craft Cultivated Vine together then. Aside from my liking your posts on these forums over the years and that I’d be more than happy to help you out, it’d also drag me away from the TP where I spend most of my in-game time.

Just let me know.

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How to obtain the Pet Seed if you deleted it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Thanks Stin :-P I should be ok though with costs and such.

I won’t send in a ticket because I already know it will be a resounding no (they said no to an infinite gathering tool I long ago deleted simply because I couldn’t move it to my other character – this was BEFORE the update that made the account bound versions). So I know what they’ll say. Something along the lines of ‘we can’t refund deleted items’. Same story, different item.

I’ll try to see if I can get any form of seed for the progression of it, via the dragons reach story on one of my new characters. Hopefully it works, but if not I’ll just give up on Mawdrey once more. I really don’t fancy going through all that work again :-(

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

How to obtain the Pet Seed if you deleted it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You’ll probably need to do the story again with another character (at least the one that gives the seed – and if I remember correctly is the one where you have to go help the charr by doing some events).

You don’t need to do it on another character. You can repeat the steps on the same character but you’ll have to talk to the NPCs to get the item instead of having them sent to you automatically. For the first item you can also buy it from the centaur in dry top near the vine bridge.