How to protect myself in WvW?

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859



I don’t get why Anet bothered with putting World Completion things in WvW, it’s frustrating me to no end! I worked tirelessly to get World Completion done, only to get stuck at 97% because either people two-shot me while I can shoot forever and do how much damage? 3 or something, or just kill me with 30 people at a time… I’m also dependent on my own server to procure territory I need in order to get POIs or Vistas, which isn’t that often, I basically got everything on my side of the map, but man, it takes ages to get the rest, if that would even be possible. When I’m walking to it, the territory changes ownership, I get killed by 4 people, or even a horde of 30. -_- I feel like I’ll never get it done… It’s annoying when the end is in sight, yet you just can’t reach it, argh!

Rant over.

So my questions are how can I get those World Completion things effectively and quickly, without transferring servers? I lack the gems for it and don’t feel like buying them simply for transferring.

The other one is how in the world (versus world hehe) can I actually defend myself against people who could kill me by blinking? (So to speak)

I do admit I’m not the best MMOer there is, heck, far from it! But I know I can AT LEAST be somewhat capable of surviving out there. I just have no clue how.

My profession is a Ranger. I figured that’s the best profession for World Completion due to the pets I can charm that way.

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Frosch.7809


Including WvW maps in world completion never looked like the best of ideas to me, as players are more likely to get discouraged from trying WvW than anything else if they struggle with world completion there. And i assume that including it was originally meant as encouragement to play WvW.

To try answering your question, there is not much you can do besides being patient and trying again. There is no quick way to get map completion in WvW unless your server is rolling over its opponents, which does not seem to be the case. But do not transfer servers because of this.

First, it does depend on how many people play WvW on your server, as more players mean a higher chance for access to the places you are missing. It also has an influence over which color (green, blue or red) your server gets in a match, as that colour is decided by how well your server did last week (the “strongest” server gets green, the “weakest” red).

You should have an eye on the WvW maps to see when your side has control over a place you need. There are various sites available, like this:
Remember that each friday after reset your server may have gotten a different color, giving you access to a different Borderlands map and Eternal Battleground keep.

As Rangers are considered to be a “weak” class in WvW you are making yourself a target for those players who travel around looking for someone to gank. They can also see your WvW rank and if you are an uplevel, basically you are putting a “free kill here” sign onto yourself there for some people who do not have the honor of letting you go your way. I assume that you are an uplevel if you do like 3 damage.

So try to get to 80 before you go to WvW again, if that is the case. Get yourself PTV armor (Power, Toughness, Vitality) and use every available speed buff in WvW, like the Warhorn skill. Be constantly on the move and use every structure your side controls for cover. If you see red names approaching, run to a tower nearby, or port out immediately and try again. Get used to the maps to know shortcuts and the easiest ways to get to places.

There will alway be players capable of bringing you down with 2 hits, but that’s not your “fault”, it happens to basically everyone in WvW, or getting overrun by a hostile Zerg. The only thing you can do then is port out immediately if you see someone coming or simply trying again.

So, the core is being patient and waiting for opportunities to get those places you are missing. Also, do tell in map chat about which place you need for map completion, and hopefully the players on your server will be helpful.

But foremost, do not let this discourage you, you are not the only one struggling with world completion in WvW. ^_^

[Yak’s Bend]

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curunen.8729


As a ranger you will attract a lot of hostile attention – enemy players will fall over each other to kill you first. You are the prime target for players hungry for kills.

When you say 3 damage – are you underleveled? But then you already have 97% completion, so I assume must be level 80.

Explore everything you can in your section of EB while you’re a particular colour. Use whatever mobility skills, traits and survivability gear you can – for example mainhand sword double leap, greatsword swoop and block, evades, +movement speed signet, -condi duration runes and food, rampage as one, lightning reflexes…

Edit: stack toughness as well. If you run full melandru + poultry soup you shouldn’t need to take too much vitality beyond base/traits. Take fall damage reduction trait. Work on running – with the right setup you should almost never be caught – only a good thief or warrior could keep up. Maybe go full wilderness survival or beastmaster/regen.

Deal with the other BLs when you rotate colour (maybe explore south for both enemy BLs now so you only need to do north when you rotate).

Oh, and make sure autotargeting is turned off – use the ranger’s insane mobility on weapon skills to explore and escape nasty situations. Put both bows away for this IMO.

I have not done this personally on my ranger (doing 100% on mes was enough) – if/when I can be bothered to do it, that’s what I intend to do.

(edited by Curunen.8729)

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


@Frosch: Wow, that was a nice message. I certainly agree with your encouragement part. I do follow a lot of your advice already, I’m kinda opportunistic when it comes to World Completion. :P I also am lvl 80, have PTV armour and have the warhorn buff. The 3 damage is an accurate exxcageration, I barely do enough damage to see the health bar deplete in the time they down me. :P

I don’t exactly know how many people play on my server, but enough for a big horde at least. :P

Since my server is green this week and I basically got all “green spots” already, I guess I’ll have to wait until friday, my server isn’t green material this week at least. :P

Yeah, I thought the Ranger wasn’t the best class for WvW, but this is just insane lol. I could ask my server people to help me, but I heard that people who ask for help are either noobs or desperate. I don’t really have an MMO mind so I struggle with understanding them sometimes. :P

Thanks for your post, I’ll try and be even more patient than I already am haha. ^^

@Curunen: Thanks for your post. Why is the ranger such an attractive target? Surely there are weaker classes? Also I just don’t understand what’s so fun about killing a basically harmless player, but I’ll probably never understand since I lack the MMO mind.

No, I’m level 80.

I have, in 1 borderlands map I have quite a bit explored already, my own one that is. In Eternal Battlegrounds I got everything that’s my colour, so guess I just have to wait for the shift now. I did the other bordlands a bit as well, I’ll wait for those shifts as well, does the one I get depend on the colour or does it just shift randomly? I’ll also consider your advice on mobility.

You both have helped me quite a bit, guess I’ll be patient.

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Frosch.7809


Many people who roam in WvW are actually not looking for a duel, but simply for other players to kill, and they are build for that. And yes, there are players for whom killing another player is fun.
A single Ranger looks like an attractive target to them because many Ranger players are not build to deal with that.

If you run around a map on your own as a Ranger many people assume that you are not trying to find duels or small scale group fights, but are a straggler trying to get to the Zerg or are working on map completion, and therefore some people will try to kill you because they know you do not want to fight.

It’s kind of a circular argument here, Rangers are seen as weak, so people target them over other classes, which means that Rangers die more often than others, which makes people see Rangers as weak.

But few Ranger builds can compete with other classes in WvW, especially classes used in roaming, like Thieves and Mesmers. Use a Longbow and most opponents will try to get into melee range of you, for example. I am getting targeted more often on my Ranger in WvW than on my thief, with whom many players try to avoid combat. But it depends on your build, your experience in WvW and your skill in dealing with other players.

Consider running with a group or with the “Zerg” (the big group), if your server is dominating a match the Zerg will lead you to places on opponent’s Borderlands while they take those places. Of course that means to actually play in WvW instead of just focussing on map completion.

But yes, wait till reset on Friday and your server may get another color. It depends on which place your server gets in the current match, and on it’s overall ranking. So by not concentrating on map completion you may actually get it faster.

Concerning help from your teammates, by any means they should be helpful, but i know that not all players are. Especially when you are not dominating this week and or your server is under pressure. In such situations it may be better not to ask for help with map completion. No one should call you a “noob” or the like, that is just rude. Instead new players should be welcomed by your servermates, they may turn into WvW regulars after all.

[Yak’s Bend]

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Why is the ranger such an attractive target? Surely there are weaker classes?

Ranger is pretty good at 1v1 battles and really bad at zerg battles. But the good 1v1 build is kinda specific and people can notice just by looking at your character.

If you are a ranger running alone in WvW people will try too see your weapons and pet, if they see you with a longbow and bear they will go attack you sure that they will win, I do that with my ranger and I can’t remember a time I lost to a bearbow in WvW.

Try to change your weapons to something like sword/warhorn + greatsword, GS #3 (swoop) is great to move faster and sword is a hard weapon to use so most rangers that use it are more experienced and other players will think twice before engaging you, besides it offers many dodges giving you more time to run away or wait for help.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


@Frosch: Yeah, I can understand killing another player is fun, because I can enjoy that as well, given they’re at my level hahaha.

I see, that’s interesting to know, I never thought about it like that, mainly because I don’t like killing people who don’t want to fight back I suppose. The circular argument certainly makes sense.

Makes sense, I believe Thieves and Mesmers are the best player killing classes if I’m not mistaken. With that knowledge, unless I’m specifically wishing to duel them, I might avoid them as well.

I did run with a Zerg once, though decently fun, they often go for places I already have haha. Still good for consideration though thanks.

Interesting, in a way that actually makes sense! Plus by focusing on it too much might actually invite more frustration.

Well, I’ve been called a noob and desperate so many times (on many MMOs) that I lost all trust and confidence in other MMOers unless I know them or talked to them, but even then lol. I’m in a situation where my server is kinda under pressure or at least a stalemate I think, guess I’ll wait till friday.

@Belzebu: Interesting, guess I’ve had the wrong build all along then lol, I actually have a longbow and bear omg! xD Though I also have a sword and horn, so that’s cool.

Perhaps I should make use of the illusion of me looking at least somewhat capable haha, then focus on WvW or something when I’ve got 100%, though other classes are probably better for that. What pet do you recommend?

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


This is an issue I see with many players and the real problem is that everyone seems to wait until WvW is the only thing they have left. It would be so much better to start WvW as soon as possible, and probably a good idea to join one guild that does a lot of WvW (they usually only ask you to rep while you’re in WvW, and you can have 4 guilds, so….).

It really comes down to patience. Also, if you feel that maybe your gear or build are under-performing, I highly suggest looking into your sepecific class sub-forum and asking for assistance or just browsing through, as many people list and hash out many, many different types of builds. Use food. Use armor/rejuvination boosters if you have them.

Everyone has to learn WvW sometime, so I don’t believe anyone should be called out for being a “noob”. My first time there I was totally lost – no help, no guild. I ran around, got killed and left, not returning for a long time, until I watched a developer video on “how to WvW”. Sorry, I can’t remember the link.

Anyway, good luck. You’ll get everything eventually!

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LadyTrouble.6920


I recommend running with the zerg. You can also try to ask the commander on the map nicely and a lot of the times they will help you out and take the camp that you need, if it’s possible of course.
Good luck!

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Frosch.7809


Well, I’ve been called a noob and desperate so many times (on many MMOs) that I lost all trust and confidence in other MMOers unless I know them or talked to them, but even then lol.

The playerbase in an MMO can be pretty toxic, i know that from personal experience. But i believe that GW2 is different, at least to some degree. Most of the game is made for player cooperation and i see more people trying to be helpful than being trolls. In WvW it depends on the atmosphere on your server, i can only talk about my own here, which is very good. If your server has its own Forum consider registering there to get to know your server community better.

What pet do you recommend?

Any pet but the bear XD.

Look at the special skills of pets, a wolf for example can cripple opponents with it, a Krytan Drakehound can immobilize foes. Some pets like devourers or spiders are used for their ranged attacks, birds for their damage output. It really depends on your playstyle, if you want a pet with a CC ability or one for roaming for example. For underwater get a shark, that’s something most Rangers will recommend. I’d say use a wolf or dog for melee.

[Yak’s Bend]

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


@ozmaniandevil: I’d probably have done WvW first if I actually knew the last few percent was in there lol, the only reason I found out is because someone told me haha. I just might browse sometimes, thanks for the suggestion and the encouragement.

@LadyTrouble: Well, my server doesn’t seem to perform so well this round, so their main objective is to try and keep up, which is understandable.

@Frosch: That is very true, in PvP everyone is friendly as far as I know, it’s when it gets competitive when I really start to doubt them at this game, perhaps I let my judgement cloud my vision…

Haha I see. :P

Well, I do have the lashtail devourer as the second pet, as well as the shark and blue jelly, so I guess that’s cool. I’ll consider using the melee pets you suggested. Thanks.

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sobat.8650


Buddy up with a couple like-minded players. Usually when you find someone roaming alone, they are built for one vs one battles.

Also, avoid using a longbow. It’s only useful if you are with a group and far in the back, but it is a dead giveaway that you are ill prepared for a close range fight (which will most likely be the case, you move faster going forwards than backpedaling and strafing) since already 1/2 of your weapon skills are dedicated towards ranged combat.

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


@Sobat: Thanks for the advice, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xerion.8014


This is one of the reasons i don’t have a legendary. I hate getting all the POI, Vista’s Skillpoint in PvE.

They should delete it from PvE so i can get a legendary aswell :/

Xerion The Fierced – #1 Ranger Extraordinary
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks

(edited by Xerion.8014)

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


Well, if they deleted it from PvE, there’d be none, so you couldn’t get the legendary either way. :P

EDIT: I just wanted to let you all know who were helpful to me that I managed to finish one of the three borderlands maps! I was like <insert Ned Flanders scream here> faint lol.

(edited by KaaaaasKop.2859)

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


wvw world completion for me has usually be exhilarating. trying to sneak through enemy territory without being detected, etc. true that you can’t get everything in the first run through, but if you keep going back there, you’ll eventually get it all (which server is which color usually changes each week).
ranger is a great wvw profession when you’re in a zerg or defending a gate, as they have the highest range and barrage’s aoe is so delicious. It’s not so great when you’re on your own. well, depends on your gear. If you’re a berserker bow ranger, you’re going to have a hard time. There are builds for rangers that make them immortal – I would recommend one of those if you’re roaming on your own.

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


Very true, I take it one step at a time and it goes reasonably well, but as a person who prefers to devote myself to that one thing I’m planning to finish before going on to the next thing this is quite annoying. :P

Oh yes, barrage is awesome, though all people really have to do is roll and they’re out lol. Makes sense they excel at that role though, long range is great in situations like that. Immortal lol? That sounds a bit OP if you ask me… :P

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


barrage is great against a zerg. it deals bazzilions of damage to dozens of players. doesn’t kill any one, but gives you kill credit for all of them it’s like a mini AC.

by ‘immortal’, I mean very few other players can kill you in 1v1. they would have to be focused on dps and burn you down over a long time, which they probably don’t have because they focused on dps. the downside to it is that an immortal character deals very little damage. it’s like an extreme tank (take a lot of hits + high hp regen).

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xerion.8014


Well, if they deleted it from PvE, there’d be none, so you couldn’t get the legendary either way. :P

What i meant with it, is that everybody has to go through the part of completing world completion they don’t like. For me that was the world they call PvE. I rushed my character with crafting to focus on WvW for 100%. I have completed it by now ofcourse, got my legendary and working on my second. But it was the worst game experience i had.

WvW can be really easy to complete if you got a few guys in the guild that go for the same goal, also being a bit tanky helps, you don’t have to kill people you come across, those you come across will be better anyways since most of them will be roamers but being in a group is ofcourse safer. And with easy i mean the easy points, like camps and starter towers that flip a lot and everything that isn’t in a tower or keep. So that means you should be able to complete each border for atleast 60-70% fairly easy.

Don’t ask a commander in map chat if he wants to go cap that tower or keep because you need that POI. Get ready to get flamed and hated if you do that.

Xerion The Fierced – #1 Ranger Extraordinary
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I echo LadyTrouble’s advice. If there’s a specific POI you need, try asking your Commander if they can direct the zerg to that location. Often, they’ll oblige if the place is one that can be captured without too much hassle.

Each week, check to see what colour you are, and take advantage of it to map all the areas (inside Keeps, Towers etc.) you can reach easily. The most annoying part is waiting for your server to get assigned the colour you need.

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


@Mystic: That’s true lol. Kill credit counts as a kill I assume?

Ah I see lol. Makes sense I suppose, being a tank does sound nice in this case.

@Xerion: Ah I see, I agree on that part, though PvE was fun for me, it eventually got boring as well, WvW completion is just horrible. I’m glad for you that you finished it now though, now you can do the things you want without any more worry haha.

Yeah, I do already got some things by charging right into a zerg and getting a POI right before I died, that was pretty funny hahaha. xD Mostly in those villages. I did finish one borderlands already, so that’s cool. ^^

Exactly what I believe most MMOers would do if I ask for help. That’s why I never do so. :P

@Zaxares: Well, I need a few POIs still, plus my server isn’t exactly steamrolling the rest, so I understand that their competitive needs are bigger than my completion needs lol. :P I suppose I might try and ask for help once sometimes.

Yes, I believe each friday the shift occurs right? This time, the server will get a different colour than green, so I can’t wait to get some more stuff haha. I agree, it’s super annoying. :P

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Well, if they deleted it from PvE, there’d be none, so you couldn’t get the legendary either way. :P

What i meant with it, is that everybody has to go through the part of completing world completion they don’t like. For me that was the world they call PvE.

We all apparently have to suffer through ANet’s idea that all three game modes can be mushed together to maximize the fun.

The PvE crowd really shouldn’t be required to explore WvWvW for map completion.
The WvWvW crowd should have requirements that compliment their game style for the title.

Now as for legendaries, both should have options that don’t necessarily require world completion. I’d be happy if they ever did create alternate ways to get legendaries available.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

How to protect myself in WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaaaaasKop.2859


Oh yes, I certainly agree with you. People are diverse, as such, their idea of fun is as well. A shame Anet doesn’t (or didn’t) realize that.

Yeah lol, that’d be swell, doing world completion for every character gets tedious and that’s an understatement!

EDIT: I’ve finally got 100% World Completion! WOOHOO! Just wanted to let those who helped me know I did it.

(edited by KaaaaasKop.2859)