How to report a hacker?

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

Can anyone explain me why we dont have a well done report system?

where is the report feature where you explain what you saw or what hacker did, why are we lacking the hacker section?

so, i just see a guy with speed hack, tried to report him and never found the hack section, he wasnt botting, he wasnt scamming, didnt have an innapropiate name, nor verbal abusing.

yet again he goes unpunished, i worked so hard to get that vista and he just “teleported” there.

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Not that I disagree with an expanded reporting system, but what you saw may have been someone logging back into that spot, after reaching it earlier. I personally find vista locations good places to log off from, because it provides a nice view immediately on my return.

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

no bro, let me explain you, i was in the vista and saw him appearing and dissapearing to the top, then he dissapeared and appeared further ahead.

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gopher.4562


Then use botting. It’s considered a third party program, just as any of the ‘hacks’ are.

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

Then use botting. It’s considered a third party program, just as any of the ‘hacks’ are.

did use botting, but its not that accurate that statement, bot or botting is repeating an action over and over again and it comes from Robot, hacks, like speed hacks, are not included in the term of bot or bottting.

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


My understanding is the “Botting” reports prompt a review of behavior and is the appropriate choice for suspected hacks.

I could be wrong.

Also, connectivity issues can cause you to “bounce” between locations, causing the type of ghosting you describe. Generally, if someone wants to use a teleport hack, they just disappear from one lcoation and appear in another—theres no reason to keep apeparing at a vista (unless the vista is within clicking distance of a trade post NPC)

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

My understanding is the “Botting” reports prompt a review of behavior and is the appropriate choice for suspected hacks.

I could be wrong.

Also, connectivity issues can cause you to “bounce” between locations, causing the type of ghosting you describe. Generally, if someone wants to use a teleport hack, they just disappear from one lcoation and appear in another—theres no reason to keep apeparing at a vista (unless the vista is within clicking distance of a trade post NPC)

thats exactly what he did, sorry if i didnt explained my self well enough.

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gopher.4562


Yes Denial, and you do that by using a third party program to automate your gameplay.

Robots don’t just rise up from the ground and start playing GW2. People use programs to automate it, which is why botting would be a decent place to report Hackers.

It all falls under third party program usage.

How to report a hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leodon.1564


I agree there should be a better way to report hacks specifically. I report botters all the time but hackers you need to describe in more detail. I once saw a hacker/botter ranger (Llc on Northern Shiverspeak) that could shoot WAY past the max range of shortbow (almost double), teleport to every kill he made (again across absurd distances), and had way too many buffs/heals to be legit.

Faye Oren – Mesmer
Lee Oren – Ranger
Eve Oren – Revenant