How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aarias.4016


Simple question, how do I report an enemy player for using hacks? When I select them, right click and select report, there is nothing there that would cover hacking.

(edited by aarias.4016)

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

First off all, I wonder how you would know if someone is exploiting. Exploiting is using a bug in the game that allows you to get an advantage that is not fair to people who don’t know bout the bug (and it really is a bug and not as designed).

Mostly this has to do with farming and trading. cause this is done in npc windows it is hard to tell. maybe you are using the wrong term for behaviour you find suspicious??

Secondly. All reports are being looked into, the option to select is only for the gm’s to understand what they are looking for when investigating. so if you pick e.g. botting they will look at what people did, while when you report for spamming they might only look at the chats they wrote….

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vytality.3195


Well, I think standing in the spot near Bluevale Refuge in the Green borderlands that gives you the Invulnerable buff that the supply camp bosses have would be considered an exploit.

Vytality- Guardian
Vyt Mindbender- Mesmer
Fort Aspenwood since BWE 3. Spirit of Faith (HOPE)

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aarias.4016


I’m talking about using ‘hacks’. When you attempt to report a member of the opposite team there is no option to report them for hacking, exploiting, or whatever else you want to call it.

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Again like being said, any option will do, When saying they are spamming they might only look at the players chat, but for example picking scamming or botting means they will look at the players behaviour.

Secondly. hack is very unlikely the wrong word. To hack the game in such a way that you can recognise it means they have hacked the game server. This is nearly impossible and takes a lot of work. What Vytality is describing is indeed an exploit and there for a bug. So you might want to do the same thing (stand in that spot), make a bug report. And state i nthe report that you didn’t use the bug, but that you saw people taking advantage of this. When investigating the team will not only look at the bug, but will also check the records who used it and then pass the info to a GM who has the banhammer.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aarias.4016


Mercury – The behavior I am attempting to report is not what Vytality is describing. I guess the answer is that there isn’t a way to specifically report hacking. Odd.

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Check the Exploit box.
Type your stuff, including date and time of incident.

There’s a button to take screenshot too.

How to report an enemy player for exploiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cutsforhugs.9730


“Again like being said, any option will do, When saying they are spamming they might only look at the players chat, but for example picking scamming or botting means they will look at the players behaviour.”

While it is true, there is a reason why they have multiple options, it is to specifically point out what they are doing so it is easier to know what kind of behaviour they are looking for.

For example, you find a bot. You report him for spamming. There’d be no real way for them to know if it’s a bot farming or the player himself farming, because they will be looking for another thing and doesn’t realize it’d be a bot.

Though, in this case it’d probably work.

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