Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PrinceCola.5620


So, as the title states i am always 1 or more levels behind the quests. I do EVERYTHING for my level. Every event i see and explore all i can, but quests always seem to be 1 or 2 levels higher. Is something wrong? I heard you CAN visit other starter areas, but it that necessary? Should i not be able to go from 1-17 like the map says?

Right not the quests on the map is like 13 and i am 11.

Thanks in advance!

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


I’ve found that in addition to getting map completion, if I always have food + potion active, harvest everything I come across, and kill some of the non-hostile mobs for the bonus XP I always end up way over level for my personal quests.

Many players don’t realize that the longer a creature has been in the world, the more XP it’s worth. The non-hostile creatures (the ones that con yellow) and veterans in out of the way places are worth quite a bit of bonus XP.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Specs.2195


if you do everything, you should stay on track. Kill, explore, harvest, craft, personal story, etc. You can also earn a fair amount of xp by exploring your home city and Lion’s Arch.

There is no signature here.

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ethics.4519


You can also feel free to jump into WvW and you’ll be upleveld to 80. You can follow a zerg and get tons of events if they are playing offensive (look for the blue commander triangle)

You don’t even have to PvP. You could just explore areas (vistas, POI, etc).

You can also do some crafting. It might be a little bit harder now because you don’t have a lot of supplies, but just keep harvesting/gathering. The hardest thing will be getting the fine crafting mats (like bloods, fangs, etc), but you could do cooking and avoid that.

RIP in peace Robert

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PrinceCola.5620


I don’t do crafting to be honest…pick up everything but do not make much. Should not be forced to craft. And WvW is so overwhelming.

Anyway, someone saw this thread and talked to me ingame. It seems my focus should always be on events…i always thought hearts were the quests of GW2, but it seems it is better to jump back and forth and do events. Guess i’ll just do so.

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I don’t do crafting to be honest…pick up everything but do not make much. Should not be forced to craft. And WvW is so overwhelming.

Anyway, someone saw this thread and talked to me ingame. It seems my focus should always be on events…i always thought hearts were the quests of GW2, but it seems it is better to jump back and forth and do events. Guess i’ll just do so.

You aren’t forced to do anything in this game. I was just suggesting it is good experience.

When leveling in open world, I go from heart to heart and do any events that I see. When the storyline quest is at my level, I’ll do that.

RIP in peace Robert

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Think of hearts as if they are sign posts, leading you from area to area on maps. Like you were told, events are the “quests” that you should watch for. And repeating them doesn’t hurt either. Just because you’ve completed an event before, doesn’t mean you should ignore it when it pops again. You still get XP, cash and karma for it, no matter how often you repeat it.

Besides that, leave no gather node un-harvested and make an effort to complete the maps. All those POIs, waypoints and vistas add up, while also delivering a decent bonus when you finish the entire map. You don’t need to travel to other starter zones, but why not? It’s all content. I have a level 55 Guardian that’s spent probably close to 75% of her time, just in the various starter zones.

Lastly, crafting is an excellent way to level up. In fact, until you get close to the discipline cap, there’s not a lot of other use for it. But the bottom line is you don’t need for leveling. It’s just a shortcut that essentially allows you to trade gold for levels.

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maximus Delion.8719

Maximus Delion.8719

Fully exploring your capital city (i.e. Divinity’s Reach for humans) will give about 1 level of XP just from unlocking all the POIs, waypoints and vistas. Also gives you a few transmutation stones to play with.

Although, on all my characters I always seem to be a level or so below where I think I should be until I hit the mid-teens. Then after the first map, it’s like someone lets off the parking break and my leveling goes into warp-drive.

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katz.5143


Also do the daily quest. The one that you need 5 out of the 9 tasks listed to complete. These give a nice bit of experience. If there are any other tasks beyond the 5 that you can easily complete you will still get a nice little exp ding for them so they are worth doing on the lower level characters.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fay.2735


Queensdale has had a problem with leveling up since beta really. You can do all events, all hearts, do all vista, poi’s, harvest all nodes and still be under leveled once you get around that crossing waypoint area. I’m always a level or two (or even more) behind from then onward. While other zones generally keep you on track reasonably well I always find I have to do personal storyline and/or crafting (or other things) to keep up in Queensdale far more than elsewhere.

That’s coming from having leveled in Queensdale with MANY characters. I can’t recall ever having a character be on track without going out of my way to get some additional XP. When in comparison I do not find I have this issue in Wayfarer’s for example.

All I can suggest is if you do not like having to do so many things outside of exploration to get enough XP you can always go to any of the other starting zones regardless of race and see if you fair better there.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

(edited by Fay.2735)

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Irena.1062


This happens in all starter areas, try going into Lions Arch and then to another starting area for a while.

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

This happens in all starter areas, try going into Lions Arch and then to another starting area for a while.

Besides things as doing sPvP or crafting. If you want to level up by playing PvE content then this.

I’ve posted it before but I’ll do it again. What I do when leveling a new character is as follows.

a: Whenever your on level with your story do that (so is your story for level 8, then do it when you are level.
b: get gathering tools asap and gather all you want.
c: do the tutorial instance
d: do all the 1-5 hearts in your startermap, and all skillpoints and vista’s
e: go to your home town and explore that
f: go to lion’s arch and explore that
g: go to another races home town and do that
h: go to that races start area and again do the area for level 1-5
i: repeat for all towns and starter area’s. By the end of this you should be level 14
j: finish your own starter area
k: finish 1 or 2 more starter area’s. Also from now on do your daily achievement on this character and in this map.

When done I’m level 25. Then I move to a level 15-25 map, not having to worry bout where I go. I move to a level 25-35 map when I’m level 35, etc. Soon the level’s of maps will change (there is a level 25-35 map, a level 30-40 map and a level40-50 map) so you don’t have the feeling your always doing two maps of the same level.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


if you explore every starter city and LA and map complete each single lvl 1 to whatever map outside of these zones, you will be just above level 20. more if you gather and focus on events as you come by them.

If you are staying in your area for role playing or personal reasons (which makes sense), you will be a little underleveled for your personal story. Some races makes it easier than others. Norn or Charr, for example, have their own flavored zones all the way up to 80. The other races have to share maps.

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


It all comes down to events. If I am playing at the “right” time, it seems like I can’t go more than a few paces without tripping over an event. Other times, I can’t find one to save me. There are plenty of ideas in other posts on how to combat this, so I’ll only chime in that my personal favorite is to go to another starter map, go past the lower level areas to find the hearts/events my level or slightly higher and do those.

Human Starter area: Always 1 level under.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MoggyLXIX.2891


I got my Norn guardian to level 80 and decided to create and alt. My human guardian reached level 20 without ever killing anything apart from the short intro phase. I did master both armour and weapon smithing and visited all POIs, Vistas and Waypoints in the various home cities.
And crafting is not that bad, my current armour (self crafted) is still better than anything I have picked up or been able to buy.

Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do and die