Hundred Blades Frenzy Warrior
Thoughts – do you, like me, believe that this is just plain broken? People claim “Glass Cannon”, but I can guarantee, with the mobility of the weapon set, I don’t find it that much harder to survive than usual.
It doesn’t work against players who have a stun break. Basically you can kill bad players, or good players whose stun break is on cooldown (if they fail to dodge the charge). Not a very appealing build imo.
Bolas is incredibly easy to avoid.
Like I said in a PvP video, 1 vs 1, this build is pretty obvious to fight/quite easy to counter – this was more a demonstration of potential damage (and damage which is quite often, and easily, dealt) – blindside an unsuspecting player(s), and you pretty much have a kill.
If you blindside an unsuspecting player whose stun break is on cooldown, you get an easy kill. Wouldn’t you rather play a build that can go head-to-head with another player and have a good shot at winning?
I would personally. And normally I do. The blindside was an example, I’ve wasted people head on, multiple people sometimes. Say “bad players” all you want, the fact I was able to do that with -ease- is a problem.
There’s a lot of denial when it comes to these FotM builds, play this build for yourself (and if you have, you should agree with me), that it’s a hardhitter outside of its burst regardless. It’s an iWin build. The traits, gear and skill setup is a monster.
I don’t enjoy playing FotM builds, though. I opt for my own.
Killing bad players with ease is perfectly fine. I kill bad players with ease on my engineer all the time.
It’s definitely FotM — pretty much every warrior I fight uses this build. I also very rarely die to them.
EDIT: olawdy, that image is from ‘Vampire Diaries’…
Ahahahaha with Heavy armor. Ele can’t do that with light armor. Hahaha
People defending this are trying to stay op and not wanting real balance.
Sure you may say its a glass cannon build, but even that glass cannon build with heavy armor has more defense AND damage then a light armor glass cannon build. Heavy armor glass cannon lmao at people who think that.
Not to mention in the chaos of battle this is very easy to pull off on someone engaged in another fight, not only that but even 1v1 this can destroy most people. Sure get out of the stun, but then you can cc them and kite till its off cool down.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
I don’t know what you were hoping for with this thread. Everyone who PvPs is aware that hundred blades hits really hard, and everyone who plays a decent amount has found a way to deal with it since almost every warrior uses it.
Evidently not, noblue, or there wouldn’t be a problem.
Posting anything PVP related on an official game forum is asking for people to be contrary for the sake of it, ah well. Let the games commence.
And for those who HAVEN’T sPvP’d, have and not sure what’s hitting them so hard, how it works, what it looks like, feels like etc. etc. It’s a video showing that.
Player helping player, is this sub-forum.
If you want to be helpful, you should talk about how to avoid it.
I have been helpful. Thank you for your contribution, noblue.