I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Debiru.7295


I have a hard time at level 80 figuring out what to do.

Ofcourse i got the CoF grind for gear, but other than that i cant see i got anything else to do except farm gold wich is kinda pointless and boring.

I enjoy the Gear grind in MMOs, and i liek “raids” wich i think lacks in here, but rather than complain i whould rather have some pointers as too what i can do for end game, and no, i will never do PvP or WvW.

So, is there a rute i or events i need to look for, or zones i should “hang” out in?

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Poledo.3256


That’s a hard one to answer. GW2 isn’t really structured with end game like other games. Firs thing I did was build up enough Karma to suit myself in some exotics. I did this chaining events in Orr and doing world bosses. Now I spend a lot of time playing alts because I actually really enjoyed the leveling experience and I am having fun trying different things out.

Really you need to find what you like or if this is even the game for you at 80. I’m having fun so I’ll keep playing but if I was hardcore raider, and I used to be, I would walk away from this game.

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deified.7520


Keep in mind this is non sub based, so if you feel like hanging out ikittenone, its not like you’re loosing money. Try doing social things if you can’t get a feel for fractals/dungeons. Try organizing adventures. Basically big open world events that are player driven. Put a story behind them and do some events. Like maybe you will go do a mini dungeon, then a jumping puzzle, and you finish it off with a guild mission bounty, all with a story to tie the together!

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JemL.3501


you do the same youve been doing

I took an arrow to the knee

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

on the top of my head…

other dungeons and fractals
ascended, legendaries & other vanity gear
make in game friends

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


Fill all PvE related entries on your achievement panel (jumping puzzles etc etc),
Max all craft disciplines,
100% World completion,
T3 cultural armor,
Dungeon Master,
Craft a mystic forge weapon,
Legendary weapon (if you really hate yourself enough)

…and then, WvW… but:

and no, i will never do PvP or WvW.

If you are done with all of the above go play something else and come back when more content has been added.

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Complete your personal Story

Get 100% map completion

Level an alt to 80

Work toward gearing out your character(s) with ascended items.
(that means, daily achievements, fractals, and guild missions)

Do dungeons

Work on maxing titles/achievements.

Participate in World Events that spawn nice chests.
(The Shatterer, Claw of Jormag, Tequatl the Sunless, etc.)

Work toward getting a legendary weapon


I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Goettel.4389


Much of it is down to working on your character’s look, which will give you plenty to do. I’m also alting it (3x 80, working on a fourth), since I love leveling in GW2, mix in some instances, explore for hidden content (there’s tons of it) etc. I doubt GW2 will satisfy any avid raider, since it has no raids. We could sure use some massive DE’s with scripted boss-fights requiring raid like numbers to get down. I’m sure they’re coming, too.

Send an Asura who knows math. Problem solved.

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vinny.6924


Lol I love how you put up a wall and say you won’t ever do some of the best level 80 content then come here and ask what to do.

Lol quit. Pointless post.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


well OP GW2 has you covered.
You like to grind for gear?
Ascended gives you a choice of grinding fractals, completing dailies or doing guild content.
You like raids- Guild content at higher tiers covers that- just join a big guild.

Seriously though there are some really cool events in the game – try the temple runs, they are great fun and need a fair amount of players.
I don’t do dungeons myself but many of my friends love them- check them out.
You might want to go for world completion since it is an achievement and lets you experience content you might have missed.
I don’t know if you are into skins but of you are there are awesome Mystic Forge skins to work towards if you do not like legendaries.
If alts appeal to you you can experience the game from an entirely different viewpoint and play style.
You can perfect your build and gear accordingly.
Or you can continue to do the things you found most fun on your way to 80.

Gunnar’s Hold

I Hit level 80 a while ago and....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


Well first of all, get a nice build that you feel comfortable with and max it out with gear, runes and food. Try to go for world completion, finish your personal story.
There are also a ton of super rare named exotics. There are even exotics that nobody knows how to aquire. You could also work for a legendary (however this is one of the toughest goals there are).
If you get tired of your build, you can start working on a new one. There is just so much fun to do that a lot of people don’t know about!

all is vain