I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Symphlion.8651



So, the Question said it all, there`s nothing I can do about it, can I? If so, I would really appreciate it

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912



You can try putting in a support ticket, they may offer you a one-time-only switch to the one you actually wanted, then again they may not.

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I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TooBz.3065


You can create a support ticket and ask for the laurels to be refunded, they have apparently done it for people who were confused about the label “unique”.

However, in general they will not correct player mistakes.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LHound.8964


In this case i don’t believe they will do anything, because it’s an amulet. There is only 1 slot for it, so it’s not a “unique” situation…

I guess you have to suck up your mistakes

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I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Symphlion.8651


Thanks guys, sorry for the silly question, but search functionality isn`t working for me.. I`ll try support!

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Only option is to try to file a ticket and see what happens.

And search is broken. Has been for quite some time. They can’t even get that feature working.

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


Don’t try support. They said they’re not capable of swap in game goods that have been bought with in-game currencies. At least that’s what I got when I bought the wrong fractal back.

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I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: locoman.1974


Your two options… put a ticket like everyone else and pray to the gods they might do something about it, but expect that they won’t, or give it to an alt.

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I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I just..how do you even buy the Wrong amulet ? YOur looking at the screen,you make a decision,you know they cost alot…and you still manage to click on the wrong item..i just dont get it…

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TooBz.3065


I just..how do you even buy the Wrong amulet ? YOur looking at the screen,you make a decision,you know they cost alot…and you still manage to click on the wrong item..i just dont get it…

People occasionally make mistakes, even about expensive things.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I just..how do you even buy the Wrong amulet ? YOur looking at the screen,you make a decision,you know they cost alot…and you still manage to click on the wrong item..i just dont get it…

People occasionally make mistakes, even about expensive things.

Hence,you should be carefull when clicking,and looking at your screen..instead of randomly clicking without bothering to look hoping you pick the right item..You cannot expect anet to give everyone another amulet of their choise because they are to blind to pick the wrong one ( sry if it came out harsh,i dont mean it like that..)
For instance,many people would like another amulet instead of the one they picked now,so expect 500 ppl sending tickets all claming they picked the wrong item,while they didn;t but they just want other stats.Do you see what a waste of time this will be for anet ?

Tbh,i would like to have new stats on my amulet aswell,shall i create a thread claiming the same thing the OP did … ?

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TooBz.3065


I just..how do you even buy the Wrong amulet ? YOur looking at the screen,you make a decision,you know they cost alot…and you still manage to click on the wrong item..i just dont get it…

People occasionally make mistakes, even about expensive things.

Hence,you should be carefull when clicking,and looking at your screen..instead of randomly clicking without bothering to look hoping you pick the right item..You cannot expect anet to give everyone another amulet of their choise because they are to blind to pick the wrong one ( sry if it came out harsh,i dont mean it like that..)
For instance,many people would like another amulet instead of the one they picked now,so expect 500 ppl sending tickets all claming they picked the wrong item,while they didn;t but they just want other stats.Do you see what a waste of time this will be for anet ?

Tbh,i would like to have new stats on my amulet aswell,shall i create a thread claiming the same thing the OP did … ?

Nope, I agree people need to be careful. I did say that Anet probably wouldn’t do anything. Some other games have systems where you can sell an item back for a short period of time, or otherwise salvage something out of a mistake.

Ascended gear doesn’t really give you any options, which is unfortunate. But, if you have a reasonable position, it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Psychol.5783


Is it me or this game have such a poor design that it’s easy for mistakes? I’ve lost 2 items due to a mistakes in a quick row which I don’t remember that happened to me before and I’ve played a lot of games.

I bought the wrong ascended amulet, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


It is buyer beware, read twice, click once, if in doubt at all, do not click. If you have an amulet that is not good for one avie maybe it is good for another one you have or worth saving for a later avatar you may decide to have.