I can't hear musical insturments

I can't hear musical insturments

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Angelica Dream.7103

Angelica Dream.7103

I just bought the drum, and when I could not hear it, so I tried my flute and it was silent too.

Checking my settings:
Game Menu/Options/Sound options/
I played with the Player Instrument Volume, and still can not hear musical instruments.

I hear game music, voices, ambient sounds, NPC talk, and weapon sounds just fine.

Note: I do hear the sound effect when I start the drum, but not the drum sound when I try to play. So any clue why my musical instruments are silent?


Update: I can hear the drum if I re-route GW though head phones, and restart the program. Even stranger!

(edited by Angelica Dream.7103)

I can't hear musical insturments

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Angelica Dream.7103

Angelica Dream.7103

Temporary fix. I changed my sound from 5.1 to stereo

I can't hear musical insturments

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StinVec.3621


That is the only way to correct the issue of some sounds not being heard. Guild Wars 2 does not support surround sound so setting your audio to be stereo is the only way to hear all sounds within the game.

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I can't hear musical insturments

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blude.6812


All I can to the op is lucky you (as long as you get the the rest of the sounds)-LOL