I dislike leveling

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FalconX.9287


So i just started and i begin to dislike this game
Why is the number of quests so low ? In wow there are tons of quests with fallow ups quests here i barely find the freaking quests . how the hell am i supposed to lvl up ??
For example im lvl 20 and have done all the quests that i found in kessex hills area now all the quests that i find are lvl 22-23 which is too much for me

Am i missing something or this game simply sucks ?

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eisberg.2379


You are supposed to do Dynamic events as well. Pay attention to what is going on around you. Also when a dynamic event ends, do not just run off immidiatly, often time there will be another event that will start up at or near the area really soon. Also, collect resources, they give a lot of XP, do a 100% zone exploration (all waypoints, vistas, hearts quests, points of interest)

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


There are so many ways to level in gw2, practically everything gives experience :p. try to do dynamic events when you see them. go collect resources for crafting. go craft, do world v world, etc. there are so many ways to lvl in Gw2, u just have to find/experience them first

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FalconX.9287


someone edited my topic title lol..i don’t dislike leveling my issue is that i dont find enough quests/there aren’t enough quests
yes i know about dynamic events (thats the only way i managed to lvl so far lol ) but still not enough
crafting i don’t like really ( didnt like it in wow either) i maybe try world vs world are there other ways ?

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


doing your daily achievement, zone completion (getting all heart quests/vista’s/skillpoints/waypoints/points of interest) and dungeons but those start from lvl 30 onward. there might be some other ways but i cant think of those atm. so in bulletpoints:

  • Heart quests
  • Dynamic events
  • Crafting
  • Peronal Storyline
  • exploring
  • Gathering
  • Zone completion
  • World vs World
  • Daily achievement (though this does not give alot of exp ;P)
  • Dungeons

*(There might be more on higher lvl that i dont know of yet cuz my highest is lvl 40-ish)

(edited by Smoothy.1085)

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vlawde.1895


This game is different than wow on purpose. I’m glad they don’t have the generic “quests” like most other mmorpgs have, the hearts are the closest thing to it. I do the dynamic events and personal story and am levelingnquitenfast

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


I’m working on my 3rd character to get to 80, and I feel you a little… I’d rather skip the low level zones I’ve already done and get back to the meat of dungeons and things I like doing. That being said, there are a few things that will help:

1) Best XP I’ve found on the path up comes from doing hearts and dynamic events 2-4 levels above you. Keep your gear up to date or those become punishing… I find that if I’m dieing more than once in an event or heart, I usually need to replace gear and things get smoother.

2) If you use crafting to keep your gear up to date, the bonus xp will help you move more quickly through levels throughout the leveling curve. If you don’t, consider using spam crafting to skip level blocks and zones you find tedious.

3) Don’t neglect your personal story… I started a 15-25 zone recently and at 100% map complete, I ended up lvl 22…. when I went back and did my personal story, I hit 25 pretty quickly.

4) Harvest / gather everything, res fallen NPCs along the way and you’ll notice a steady stream of small xp bonuses the whole time you’re going… and those crafting mats come in handy.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rouven.7409


In addition to Smoothy’s very good list – you can go to Lions Arch (simply go to your PvP button, press go to Heart of the Mist – you will see a portal there to Lions Arch pretty much in front of you) – and from there go through a portal to another capital city and explore the lower level zones.

Good Luck!

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


In addition to crafting for XP, make sure you use Discovery, since that nets you the most XP.

Also, if you’re doing a Heart, and see an Event, drop the Heart and go do the Event.

Also, go exploring off of the beaten track. Mobs that have been alive the longest net the most XP.

As for Events, keep an eye out for NPC’s shouting for help, since they’ll either point you out to an event that’s happening, or it’ll trigger an event in itself.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FalconX.9287


In addition to Smoothy’s very good list – you can go to Lions Arch (simply go to your PvP button, press go to Heart of the Mist – you will see a portal there to Lions Arch pretty much in front of you) – and from there go through a portal to another capital city and explore the lower level zones.

Good Luck!

Thanks . now i can lvl lol…

Also did some wvw, xp is good but it can be a waste of time if your group isnt winning ^^