I don't really understand crafting.

I don't really understand crafting.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Timiok.1048


I’m trying to be able to make higher level weapons as a weaponsmith, but everything I craft is level 5. My character is level 52, and I know I’m missing out on something. I’d like to make weapons for my lower level characters, but everything is level 5. What am I doing wrong? If it helps, my weaponsmith level is 26.

I don't really understand crafting.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


Are you using the discovery tab to find new recipes? For example craft a mighty inscription, a bronze sword hilt and a bronze sword blade go the discovery tab (top tab on the left) select the three items and it will let you craft a mighty bronze sword (which is level 10 I believe). Repeat this with as many different things until you can refine Iron and Soft Wood. Repeat again with a new set of recipes etc etc.

This page will probably give you a better idea -


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I don't really understand crafting.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lex.9071


Taht’s the porblem, u can craft higher weapons with higher waponsmith (max is 500), but with 400 you can craft exotic’s lvl 80.

To level ur weaponsmith, u need to unlock new recipes through research. Means u put different materials into the research window an unlock new recpies = got experience etc.)

But if u dont have a 80 charakter, i will wait with level up crafting, because it is realy expensive!

I don't really understand crafting.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


Its simple. Gray letter items don’t lvl up your crafting, only green and yellow/orange ones. Use the discovery tab too.

I don't really understand crafting.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926



That site will help you a lot