I feel Ranger pets should rally on kills

I feel Ranger pets should rally on kills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rican.1209


Anyone else feel Pets are fun for exploring but in dungeons/PvP/Big Events they are just about useless? I could stop attacking or evading and start reviving my pet but then it would just go and die in a second or so and no one is gonna really spend time to revive it either. It wouldn’t be much if you just add the ability for pets to rally on kills, make it a trait if need be. Anyone else think so?

I feel Ranger pets should rally on kills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jguthrie.7910


I’m only level 19 so I have just a few pets, 5 or 6. All of which go out and get into trouble on serious fights. However, I’ve been reading here today that there are a few pets, such as Spiders, Moas, which are ranged and buff oriented. So, for a dungeon, you might want to consider which pet you use as part of your tactics.

I feel Ranger pets should rally on kills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


If you swap pets, they arrive alive and ready to go. At least they did in the beta I played a ranger in.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.