I get defeated too easily in The Mists
Runes provide more bonuses based on the number of identical runes equipped. To obtain the full bonus that the rune provides, an equivalent number of runes of that type should be equipped.
In order to get for example the +5% damage against burning foes from the superior rune of flame legion you need to equip this rune on every piece of your armour.
Regarding pvp it mostly comes down to experience if you aren´t using a build that is ill suited for that purpose.
Post your build with gw2skills.net/editor
It would help if we would know:
- What profession you play.
- What your traits are.
- What your current level is.
The 1/6 means you only have one rune of that type equipped, therefor you only get the first stat boost (it’s highlighted in another color). If you had that rune on three armor pieces, you’d get the first three boosts. Generally, it’s best to use six of the same rune unless there’s something very specific you’re going for. I recommend searching rune and ticking exotic on the TP to have a read at what all of the runes do. You should also have alook at your class’s sub forum and look at PvP or wvw builds for trait and armor ideas. If you want to stay in small scale fights have a look at PvP builds. If you just want to get to the big group of people (the zerg), then look into wvw builds, which tend to be more defensive. If you’ve never done any form.of PvP before, then don’t sweat it- you just need more practice and a more efficient build.
I think you might need some pvp practice aswell first.I really suggest to hop to HotM with a buddy,join any empty server and just do 1vs1 skirmishes to practice the feel of your character and gives you insight on how to deal with particular classes 1on1.It best if you know someone that has multiple chars/classes so you can practice vs them all.
Thanks for your responses. If it helps I am a Level 80 Ranger and my traits are Marksmanship 20, Skirmishing 10, Wilderness Survival 30, Nature Magic 5 and Beast M6astery 5. On reflection is my Skirmishing trait perhaps a bit low whilst my Wilderness Survival trait perhaps a bit high?
On reflection is my Skirmishing trait perhaps a bit low whilst my Wilderness Survival trait perhaps a bit high?
For what? What is it you are trying to do with this trait spread, and why do you think your points in skirmishing is too low and your points in wilderness survival is too high to achieve what you set out to do?
Try joining a friendly and helpful PvX guild.
Also, try running in groups rather than solo roaming.
On reflection is my Skirmishing trait perhaps a bit low whilst my Wilderness Survival trait perhaps a bit high?
For what? What is it you are trying to do with this trait spread, and why do you think your points in skirmishing is too low and your points in wilderness survival is too high to achieve what you set out to do?
Reikou – In answer to your questions my current trait spread was one that I set up several months ago on recommendation from a fellow gamer when, if memory serves me correctly, I was having problems with a particular instance. I thought that increasing my Skirmishing trait at the expense of reducing my Wilderness Survival trait might help to improve my performance when in The Mists and fighting gamers from other worlds.
The points you put into your trait lines should be completely dependent on the actual traits you choose, and not based on the stats they give. Putting 30pts into Wilderness Survival is all about choosing 3 strong traits from that line.
Which traits did you take from each line?
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
In WvW? Expect to die.
It’s regarded as the weakest profession. In skilled hands it can be effective but for most, it’s just seen as a free loot bag. So don’t feel bad about dying to 1v1, you don’t really have much chance.
If you find mouse-targeting a problem (I do), try using the ‘target nearest enemy’ function in your control options set-up (I think it’s NOT keybound as a default) bind that to a key and also make use of tab-targeting.
There’s also ‘autotarget’ which selects a target for you whenever you fire off a skill without choosing a target yourself. It has some drawbacks though – I don’t use it.
But above all – if you want to enjoy WvW try another class – Mesmer is fun. Warrrior is OP.
In WvW? Expect to die.
You have it backwards, group rangers are vastly needed in WvW. They are only garbage PvE classes (lowest dps of the 8 professions).
Thanks to all. I’ve recently made some changes to my runes so that each piece of armour is now showing 6/6 and we’ll see how that runs.
runes are typically selected for that 6th stat, so that should help.
rangers can be very good in wvw. bow rangers are certainly awesome in zerg battles, as they have the longest range. Some ranger builds could even be considered immortal (meaning health regen and damage reduction is so insane that you just can’t kill them – they don’t deal much damage, but it will take several people to take them down)
try looking over at the ranger forums for build ideas: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger
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