I love downed state.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deadpoint.4751


The massive amount of complaints about the downed state in pvp is getting tiresome. I love it. It shifts the game from deathmatch to area control, and allows for more dynamic battles. In one sense it does slow down pvp, as you can’t burst someone down and then count on a quick win. But this is more than made up for by the ability to pull off dramatic reversals. It makes battles more exciting to watch and participate in by giving both sides a realistic chance to change the course of events right up until the last second. But the important thing is that this chance is not random, it relies on the skill of everyone involved. I like it considerably more than that other game, in which a strong opener can force the other team into a death spiral. Different strokes for different folks, but I for one am in love with the downed state.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karther.7481


As long as I’m not Downed then I’m cool with it

But I like how it makes you think, rather than the generic nuke them all to hell whilst trying not to die yourself strategy.

Rhelex – 80 Asura Necromancer
Time To Leave [GTFO] – a WvW Guild
Piken Square server

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Malakree.5912


Had a hillarious one earlier, got downed by stray catapult fire and another mesmer came along to try and kill me.

1v1 against this mesmer I successfully downed them, then killed them only while downed. Got a res off the kill then did another 1v1 before being mobed in a 1v4.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karther.7481


Mesmer’s 3 ability does deal some insane damage and there 2 button is very confusing for beginners. I bet he was raging :P

Rhelex – 80 Asura Necromancer
Time To Leave [GTFO] – a WvW Guild
Piken Square server

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I love it as well. It really adds a new perspective. A know a lot of folks coming from WoW are having a hard time dealing with there being more to killing someone than just “pew pew enemy hits the ground and disappears”. It makes WvW feel a lot more strategic, trying to help downed allies while still keeping yourself alive in the process.

EVERYONE has downed state, so it doesn’t give anyone an advantage. That makes it perfect as it is.

I guarantee the same people begging to see downstate removed would, upon having it removed, start QQing with endless fervor screaming that GW2 PvP is now just like WoW PvP. =D

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qtin.6940


Downed state is horrible and should be removed.
Same goes for underwater fights and siege engines in sPvP.

I played many games for years now, and GW2 has the worst PvP, hands down.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Draw.7529


You guys enjoy the down system because you’ve never fought alone against several players. In other words, zergers always win, no matter how good you are.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Some people find it difficult getting their head around the difference between:-

1) A fight is over when someone’s inert.

2) A fight is over when someone’s inert, but there’s a stage inbetween where they’re partly active and partly inert.

It’s really just a different mechanic and all it takes is to get used to it, strategize around it, and stop expecting a mechanic from other games you’ve already played.

This game is not those games.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Healing in PvP is terrible and should be removed.
Same goes for buffing in sPvP.

You guys enjoy the healing system because you’ve never fought alone against several players. In other words, zergers always win, no matter how good you are.

I played many games for years now, and GW2 has the worst PvP, hands down.

<————— WoW is that way. Have fun!

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lanvall.9157


There are more problems caused by it then solved by it. Its cool that they tried something new, but hey, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t make pvp better.

PvP isn’t only about area control! Its also about movement, class knowledge, reflexes and a few dozen other things.

The downed system promotes team fights, and not just any team fights! The bigger the better! Zerg vs zerg, its the only place the downed system actually works.

Now I don’t know about you guys.. but in other games I could pull of 1v2’s and sometimes even 1v3’s if playing against players that were not.. ‘at my level’ so to speak..

In Gw2, 1v3? forget it.

And to comment on your theory on dramatic reversals… Whats dramatic about it?
You are on the ground.. throwing rocks.. (why are you not fighting with your mainhand when you are downed?)… Then you magically rally… or heal yourself back up… But most of the time.. some Charr jumps up into the air, waving his arms.. then when he lands you are dead.. ????

Where does this drama that you mentioned start?!?!

Let me show you how a fight should end:

Now THAT is a finisher!

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Now I don’t know about you guys.. but in other games I could pull of 1v2’s and sometimes even 1v3’s if playing against players that were not.. ‘at my level’ so to speak..

This reads similarly to a freshmen in college who is failing a class saying “When I was in highschool I made all As! Something must be wrong at this University!”.

This game is difficult. Probably more difficult than most players on this board have messed with before (but not all. There are far more difficult games out there). On top of that, it’s different and has only been out 3 weeks. If you are expecting to be able to roflstomp people in this game because you can in another, simpler, one then you are looking at it wrong. Does it mean you’ll never be able to? No. If you could do it in another game, you’ll be able to do it here eventually. I’ve about gotten to that point myself, through an ungodly amount of WvWing.

It takes practice. Sure, we have TONS of practice at other games, but this game has new features we have to take into account for and that requires us to actually learn those systems. And I love that. I would hate to have this just become another WoW-revisited PvP clone.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lanvall.9157


You guys enjoy the down system because you’ve never fought alone against several players. In other words, zergers always win, no matter how good you are.

What he said ^

Im sorry to say this to you all but.. There is not a single skilled pvp’er that likes the downed system. And now we are not talking strategy wise, just cause you can adapt to a mechanic does not make it “good”.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


There are more problems caused by it then solved by it. Its cool that they tried something new, but hey, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t make pvp better.

PvP isn’t only about area control! Its also about movement, class knowledge, reflexes and a few dozen other things.

The downed system promotes team fights, and not just any team fights! The bigger the better! Zerg vs zerg, its the only place the downed system actually works.

Now I don’t know about you guys.. but in other games I could pull of 1v2’s and sometimes even 1v3’s if playing against players that were not.. ‘at my level’ so to speak..

In Gw2, 1v3? forget it.

And to comment on your theory on dramatic reversals… Whats dramatic about it?
You are on the ground.. throwing rocks.. (why are you not fighting with your mainhand when you are downed?)… Then you magically rally… or heal yourself back up… But most of the time.. some Charr jumps up into the air, waving his arms.. then when he lands you are dead.. ????

Where does this drama that you mentioned start?!?!

Let me show you how a fight should end:

Now THAT is a finisher!

Ignoring your juvenile tone and the fact that you’ve probably already made up your mind on this…

… in WvW just a couple nights ago, we were in a huge prolonged (maybe 20-30 minutes) fight over a bridge between a keep and a supply depot. So the enemy set up a pair of arrow carts, and decimated our force. With the keep at our back we managed to prevent a total collapse, and those who were left managed a charge across the bridge to destroy those arrow carts. This charge couldn’t hold ground because they had more siege further back, but it DID allow me and a few other guys to start picking up people that had fallen.

We started with those in the downed state, since they come up so quickly. After one or two rezzes, it snowballed. We were able to get everyone up before our front line fell back to the bridge again…

I can’t count how many times I’ve seen a comrade fall in a group of enemies… and how many times I managed (as a Guardian) to get them back up and buffed up with “Retreat!” to get us BOTH out of there before they all came crashing down around us.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


You guys enjoy the down system because you’ve never fought alone against several players. In other words, zergers always win, no matter how good you are.

What he said ^

Im sorry to say this to you all but.. There is not a single skilled pvp’er that likes the downed system. And now we are not talking strategy wise, just cause you can adapt to a mechanic does not make it “good”.

Oh – ho…

I like the downed mechanic, and I am a skilled PvPer.

Go ahead… do it… I know you want too…

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


You guys enjoy the down system because you’ve never fought alone against several players. In other words, zergers always win, no matter how good you are.

What he said ^

Im sorry to say this to you all but.. There is not a single skilled pvp’er that likes the downed system. And now we are not talking strategy wise, just cause you can adapt to a mechanic does not make it “good”.

It’s amusing you say that, since most people on here are QQing about hating the downed system because they CAN’T 1v2, while those who love the downed system are raving about it because they CAN…

I dunno about you, but despite the self-proclaimed “skill” of those hating on the system, the actual arguments imply quite the opposite to me.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Revenge.3207


IMO downed state should not be in PvP. It takes away from the intensity and the quick pace of the fight. I don’t even like going down myself – I’d rather just respawn. If I go down, I deserve to die. It also makes zerging wayyy too good, which takes away from strategy and skillful play. Going up against multiple players is already difficult and puts you at enough of a disadvantage, but when they can resurrect teammates that should have just died, it makes it nearly impossible to have any chance of beating them. It’s far too advantageous to zerg with downed state in the game. Skill should dictate who wins – not the amount of players running together.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Think of the down state as the last few % of your health, instead of standing your on the ground.

This is a pretty big feature of the gameplay, adapt or find your game elsewhere. Seriously, stop going into other games and trying to change things. This isn’t a mere bug or other type of thing that NEEDS fixing, this is a simple case of,,, “I don’t like it, change it”.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vertix.5693


I think it’s cool

I’m more frustated when I get some person who for some reason, I JUST CANNOT KILL.

They are sitting there all innocent then BAM im knocked down and they dissapear…

Rinse and repeat… I’m more frustrated being on the OTHER end of it HAHA.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


For what it’s worth… this exact topic was discussed to death during the beta. Literally hundreds of pages with pros and cons and good points and bad points, with kittening and moaning, with praise and fan-boydom.

And after all that… they didn’t remove it but did tweak a few (very few) of the skills slightly (very slightly).

I doubt it’s going anywhere.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Think of the down state as the last few % of your health, instead of standing your on the ground.

This is a pretty big feature of the gameplay, adapt or find your game elsewhere. Seriously, stop going into other games and trying to change things. This isn’t a mere bug or other type of thing that NEEDS fixing, this is a simple case of,,, “I don’t like it, change it”.

lol that’s how it goes. WoW players go to other games, turn the games into WoW, then cry because its a “WoW Clone”. Luckily, ArenaNet isn’t quite so dumb…

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lanvall.9157


Now I don’t know about you guys.. but in other games I could pull of 1v2’s and sometimes even 1v3’s if playing against players that were not.. ‘at my level’ so to speak..

This reads similarly to a freshmen in college who is failing a class saying “When I was in highschool I made all As! Something must be wrong at this University!”.

This game is difficult. Probably more difficult than most players on this board have messed with before (but not all. There are far more difficult games out there). On top of that, it’s different and has only been out 3 weeks. If you are expecting to be able to roflstomp people in this game because you can in another, simpler, one then you are looking at it wrong. Does it mean you’ll never be able to? No. If you could do it in another game, you’ll be able to do it here. I’ve about gotten to that point myself, through an ungodly amount of WvWing.

It takes practice. Sure, we have TONS of practice at other games, but this game has new features we have to take into account for and that requires us to actually learn those systems. And I love that. I would hate to have this just become another WoW-revisited PvP clone.

I can name a few games with “harder pvp” then Gw2:

1. Tibia – Die? Loose 1-5 levels and 10% chance to drop any equipped item + you drop entire inventory.

2. EvE online – Loose your ship, loose your Implants (This can range from barely anything up to several hundred US Dollars.)

3. Age of Conan – It still is the best PvP MMO, it just lacked a half decent gamedeveloper.. (Now it also lacks players..)

Gw2 has the potential to be the best pvp game ever made! WvWvW is awesome!

So what is it that Gw2 PvP needs changed to truly become the best?

*Global unit collision
*Removal of downed system
*Enemy names enabled in WvW

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Now I don’t know about you guys.. but in other games I could pull of 1v2’s and sometimes even 1v3’s if playing against players that were not.. ‘at my level’ so to speak..

This reads similarly to a freshmen in college who is failing a class saying “When I was in highschool I made all As! Something must be wrong at this University!”.

This game is difficult. Probably more difficult than most players on this board have messed with before (but not all. There are far more difficult games out there). On top of that, it’s different and has only been out 3 weeks. If you are expecting to be able to roflstomp people in this game because you can in another, simpler, one then you are looking at it wrong. Does it mean you’ll never be able to? No. If you could do it in another game, you’ll be able to do it here. I’ve about gotten to that point myself, through an ungodly amount of WvWing.

It takes practice. Sure, we have TONS of practice at other games, but this game has new features we have to take into account for and that requires us to actually learn those systems. And I love that. I would hate to have this just become another WoW-revisited PvP clone.

I can name a few games with “harder pvp” then Gw2:

1. Tibia – Die? Loose 1-5 levels and 10% chance to drop any equipped item + you drop entire inventory.

2. EvE online – Loose your ship, loose your Implants (This can range from barely anything up to several hundred US Dollars.)

3. Age of Conan – It still is the best PvP MMO, it just lacked a half decent gamedeveloper.. (Now it also lacks players..)

Gw2 has the potential to be the best pvp game ever made! WvWvW is awesome!

So what is it that Gw2 PvP needs changed to truly become the best?

*Global unit collision
*Removal of downed system
*Enemy names enabled in WvW

Never heard of Tibia, but I have played extensively both EVE and AoC. I agree with EVE, disagree with AoC. It was neat in theory, but a spamfest in reality. I was thinking more in line with Mortal Online or (depending on the zerg level of the fight) Darkfall.

As for the list- I disagree with the removal of the downed system 100%. I agree 100% with the collision detection, LOVE that and hate that it’s only an optional thing. And… don’t understand why the names matter. Honestly, the only thing not showing our names does is stop us from getting rage tells after we wtfpwn someone >_>

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qtin.6940


<————— WoW is that way. Have fun!

WoW has one of the most advanced PvP system, Focus target, Smart casting.
And there are no aggressive monsters in BGs that hit you as hard as players. (dude, those kitten sharks ..)

I will definitely go back to WoW if they don’t do anything to change the utter kitten that GW2 PvP is.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Now I don’t know about you guys.. but in other games I could pull of 1v2’s and sometimes even 1v3’s if playing against players that were not.. ‘at my level’ so to speak..

This reads similarly to a freshmen in college who is failing a class saying “When I was in highschool I made all As! Something must be wrong at this University!”.

This game is difficult. Probably more difficult than most players on this board have messed with before (but not all. There are far more difficult games out there). On top of that, it’s different and has only been out 3 weeks. If you are expecting to be able to roflstomp people in this game because you can in another, simpler, one then you are looking at it wrong. Does it mean you’ll never be able to? No. If you could do it in another game, you’ll be able to do it here. I’ve about gotten to that point myself, through an ungodly amount of WvWing.

It takes practice. Sure, we have TONS of practice at other games, but this game has new features we have to take into account for and that requires us to actually learn those systems. And I love that. I would hate to have this just become another WoW-revisited PvP clone.

I can name a few games with “harder pvp” then Gw2:

1. Tibia – Die? Loose 1-5 levels and 10% chance to drop any equipped item + you drop entire inventory.

2. EvE online – Loose your ship, loose your Implants (This can range from barely anything up to several hundred US Dollars.)

3. Age of Conan – It still is the best PvP MMO, it just lacked a half decent gamedeveloper.. (Now it also lacks players..)

Gw2 has the potential to be the best pvp game ever made! WvWvW is awesome!

So what is it that Gw2 PvP needs changed to truly become the best?

*Global unit collision
*Removal of downed system
*Enemy names enabled in WvW

Or the removal of players who want to change dymanics of a game. Adapt or move on.

I think you’re being drama queen with saying that downstate is preventing the game from being good. You don’t like the feature plain and simple. I don’t like alot of things in various games, but I either adapted to them or moved on.

As someone already stated, this was a topic during beta, and look, the feature stated put. I applaud ANET for standing there ground, something other games should have done.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


<————— WoW is that way. Have fun!

WoW has one of the most advanced PvP system, Focus target, Smart casting.
And there are no aggressive monsters in BGs that hit you as hard as players. (dude, those kitten sharks ..)

I will definitely go back to WoW if they don’t do anything to change the utter kitten that GW2 PvP is.

I loled. Like, actually laughed out loud. Thank you for that, these forums posts were getting too serious. =D Nice to see someone skilled in the art of sarcastic humor.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Syn.3459


Healing in PvP is terrible and should be removed.
Same goes for buffing in sPvP.

You guys enjoy the healing system because you’ve never fought alone against several players. In other words, zergers always win, no matter how good you are.

I played many games for years now, and GW2 has the worst PvP, hands down.

<————— WoW is that way. Have fun!

yeah nice logic

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Healing in PvP is terrible and should be removed.
Same goes for buffing in sPvP.

You guys enjoy the healing system because you’ve never fought alone against several players. In other words, zergers always win, no matter how good you are.

I played many games for years now, and GW2 has the worst PvP, hands down.

<————— WoW is that way. Have fun!

yeah nice logic;

someone doesn’t like the pvp? they’re from wow!
someone zergs? they’re from wow!
someone wants a healer? they’re from wow!

Someone comes to GW2 and doesn’t like how PvP works here so they demand it becomes like WoW? HRM… wonder where they come from. You’re right, no way it’s WoW- must be EVE Online.

I love downed state.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moderator


The Players Helping Players forum is not for game feedback. This subforum is meant for players to ask for or provide help to/from other players. Please help keep these forums clean by staying on topic. Thank you.