I'm so sick of profession shopping...

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khyber.2693


I’ve made countless threads and I still can’t make up my mind. I already have a level 80 Necromancer but that playstyle really just does not work for me.

It doesen’t seem like anything in this game really works for me. I like mobility, smooth AA, range, AOE, and the ability to easily queue up for dungeons. The closest seem to be ranger and thief. But thief is best melee and ranger is hated by all.

So, any suggestions for what i should make myself play next? i really love this game, it’s just none of the professions seem good for me.

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


GS Mesmer

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


GS Mesmer

Free bug with every patch?

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Ele is interesting. No weapon swap so choose your weapon before the encounter and live with your choice. Each weapon feels pretty different. Cant comment on how welcome they are in dungeons.

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168



1) Ranger – can be fantastic, i would take a good ranger any day, luckily my guild is full of them.

the haters are people i generally avoid at all costs as they follow like sheep to what is generally said, a well played ranger is a great profession to have with you.

2) thief s – Melee, don’t like it? whats wrong with gun/gun + bow ? see a few successfully (albeit not many) running this.

3) Mesmer, sounds like you want one of these, to be honest i main a mesmer and there great fun, melee / range can do it all (much like ranger/thief) however you will have tp manage shatters and phantasms to get the best out of them.

try a mesmer. but if ranger is hated by everyone you know, get a new guild or a new set of online buddies.

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raf.1078


I had the same problem. I just made and started leveling one of each. 5, nearly 6 level 80’s right now..and a warrior and mesmer at 40 something (my two least favorite classes)

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I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Bunker BM ( either power or condition) ranger <— the currently hated WvW profession.
It is quite fun to play.

If other folks don’t like the class you play, then have them send you the purchase price for the game and pay for your Internet connection. Then they have a basis to tell you how to play. Otherwise, follow @DrixTrix advice, find new friends.

“Please accept my text in the jovial, friendly manner that it is intended.”

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Rangers are a lot of fun and quite good, sounds though like you want a mesmer.

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saelune.5316


You get 5 character slots by default…I dont get why people dont use them. My goal is to get 8 slots (I have 7 so far) but even before I had all 5 slots filled, and use all of them. Only one 80 though, but the others are mostly between 30-50. One slot for each race, and a different proffession for each character. Variety is a good thing, but thats just how I see it.

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

^^I have done the same thing. though I have 9 character slots and 7 of them is level 80.

use the character slots you have. create characters with different race and profession. play them to level 10-20 or something and see if you like them.
also struggling to level up characters is part of the fun. just having them at lvl 80 isnt always all that great, especially if you try to level them as fast as possible.

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alissah.9281


" I like mobility, smooth AA, range, AOE, and the ability to easily queue up for dungeons. "
Sounds like a mesmer.
Mesmers have the best/second best in combat mobility. Melee and range auto attacks cleave (hit 3 targets), they have aoe from auto attacks and from shatters, and ad far ad i know people like mesmers for their dungeon runs. In my signature is a link to some videos where i make use of the amazing mobility.
In dungeons mesmers are effective at both melee and range, it just depends on what you feel like.
And ive got to agree with the above posters, you have 5 character slots!
When i try a new profession i always just in spvp, so i can see what the builds look like at lvl80, try different traits and weapons and stuff.

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Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


You have to decide what’s really important to you. What people think about your profession or what you know about it. I main an Engi and it offers everything I want. If some people say we’re crap to bring along, I don’t let it bother me cuz I know they’re wrong and I know what I bring to the party.

I recommend Engineer & Mesmer. They’re both amazing professions with a lot of utility and damage options. Play what’s fun, not what’s popular. Every month a patch comes out that changes things, so don’t worry about what’s strong or weak today cuz it’ll be different in 2 months anyhow.

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