If I delete all my characters can I....

If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tasty Kiwi.6837

Tasty Kiwi.6837

CAN I Transfer to another server?

Will the transfer be free of charge?

I read on the gw2 wiki that by deleting all your characters you are free to choose a different server. Is this true, and has anyone tried it?

Bonus Question : If I am able to transfer freely will I be able to keep stuff I have on my bank? Such as gold and items?


If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Yes, by deleting all of your characters you can transfer to another server for Free (if memory serves correct from a dev post).

Just make sure you send stuff you want to keep to friends as it will be deleted.

Gold, items in bank, everything gets deleted (by logic, having no characters = fresh bank) but i may be wrong on that, I have never (and wont) delete my characters

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If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


It has been said by a dev that this will allow you to transfer your account.

I dont thing you’ll be able to keep your stuff because the bank is bound to your characters, and without characters it would disappear, but that’s just a guess

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If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: thisolderhead.5127


It isn’t like transfers are expensive, your levelling time (even on the welfares) would offset and perceived savings – it would only be free if you consider your time as worthless.

But no idea to answer the actual question.

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It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
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If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


CAN I Transfer to another server?

Will the transfer be free of charge?

I read on the gw2 wiki that by deleting all your characters you are free to choose a different server. Is this true, and has anyone tried it?

Bonus Question : If I am able to transfer freely will I be able to keep stuff I have on my bank? Such as gold and items?


I’ve heard if you have no characters you can transfer free, haven’t found the info yet. As for bank, I assume without a character you have no bank.

The transfer fee is only charged if you have characters on your account; in other words, if your account has no characters or you delete all existing characters first, you will be prompted to select a new home world after creating a new character, free of charge.1

“Ok, confirmed by my good team member: The server transfer fee is for moving characters, if you have no characters the transfer is free.
Again, my apologies for my error yesterday.” ~Gaile Gray


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(edited by Geotherma.2395)

If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tasty Kiwi.6837

Tasty Kiwi.6837

It isn’t like transfers are expensive, your levelling time (even on the welfares) would offset and perceived savings – it would only be free if you consider your time as worthless.

But no idea to answer the actual question.

lol it is 1800 Gems to transfer to “Very High” server, that is 35$ just to transfer to another server, I’m not exactly poor but I am not going to spend $$35 to go to another server I loved gw1 and I am still new to gw2, I haven’t reached level 80 yet and my pvp rank is 10. I kinda won’t mind starting over.

If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tasty Kiwi.6837

Tasty Kiwi.6837

and thanks for the answers guys I appreciate it.

If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MorpherMaN.3812


Does this still work as of June 26th? I was considering doing this but I was afraid it was only a seasonal deal.

If I delete all my characters can I....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It still works. Delete all your characters and you can move to any non full server.