Im level 5 and i keep dying!
Avoid being ganged, take on them one by one, you would be fine. You are not supposed to tank 10 mobs at once in GW2.
The problem I have with the Charr leveling area is that mob’s level are scattered. So if you are following a path, you’ll suddenly die from a mob twice your level without even realizing it.
I guess this is your problem also. You might be fighting a mob that is higher level than you without knowing it.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Live and learn. Die and learn faster.
GW2 is an mmo where dying is not really a bad thing. Yes, you lose a bit of money and you need to go back to the place where you were, but honestly is not as bad as would be in any other MMO, You’ll die thousands of times in this game, it’s better that you’re getting used to it.
Nevertheless, you can avoid dying in the landscape almost all the time by analizyng everything around you before you join a fight.
1: Target enemy and check his level and special skills at the top center of the screen. If he’s above your level, you must expect damage above the usual. If the skills says “he immobilizes” then you must be ready to heal or kill faster because you might not be able to run away. (or cure inmmobilize, but that’s too advanced for your level).
2: Is the enemy holding a bow? then he probably shots you. Is he holding a staff? then expect magic attacks. Is he holding a sword? you can immobilize him and laugh.
3: Did you check out where did you came from? Aren’t enemies there? Cool, if the enemy is stronger than you, you can just run back to a known safe place.
4: Is there any player around? Is he doing the same as you are doing? Great, GW2 isn’t competitive, you are suggested to work with someone. Instead of killing different enemies, join that guy and kill the same enemies, you 2 will get the same rewards.
5: You are level 5, seriously you didn’t expect to die until you learned how to play properly? It takes way more time to realize what enemies can do, how to avoid problems, find the skills that better suits you, find the weapon that better adapts to your playstyle, etc etc. The point of having levels it’s that is a learning process. Once you are lvl 80 you’ll probably never die, until that you are still learning how to survive, take it easy.
6: You can dodge the 99% of the enemies skills in the game with a dodge. A dodge can be done pressing the same skill twice really fast (WW, SS, AA, EE, QQ etc). If you can time when you’ll get hit, you can avoid it. As a training i suggest you to find an archer enemy, stand at 20 meters away, wait for enemy to shot arrows and try to dodge them. The game use physics, so you can dodge or just move out of the arrow range. Once you master that you could try to dodge melee skills, which is harder to do.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en espaƱol / Spanish raiding guides
(edited by Elrey.5472)
check the level of the area you’re in, maybe join up with someone to help you train. Weapons will come in time, I wouldn’t worry too much about them right now, as you’ll get all you need in drops.
Your 6th skill slot is a healing skill. You can dodge attacks with [V] (or maybe another keybind)
Attack one mob at a time. Make sure they’re not above your level.
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
Thank you for the tips!, I went to the trading post and bought a level 5 sword and that helped alot, but now all my equipment says that it is damaged….how do i repair it???
Also, beware the rank of the enemy. The difficulty are from lowest to highest
1) normal
2) Veteran (bronze circle around portrait)
3) Elite (Silver circle around portrait, difficult to solo)
4) Champion (gold circle around portrait, difficult to solo, impossible to solo if unprepared)
5) Legendary (Purple circle around portrait, very difficult to impossible to solo)
6) World Boss (this one varies, and can be considered a semi construct. Impossible to solo)
With that out of the way, pay attention to enemy levels, avoid red circles, try not to stand still if you can avoid it, avoid red circles, dodge, oh and avoid red circles. The rest is basically learning what your enemy can do (white text below the enemies health bar can tell you some of their more dangerous abilities, and even how to hurt them in some cases). Also, be wary about your surroundings, you can easily turn a normal fight into an impossible one if you are not careful. This is especially true later on in the game where not only do you have to worry about enemies killing you, but also the environment.
Edit: Its only worrisome when your armor is broken, then they do nothing. Other than that, look on your map for a red broken shield, go to it, and look for a guy with a red broken shield above his head. He will repair your equipment, for a price.
(edited by Delmain.5167)
okay cool, now i have two more questions…. is there a storage bank thing to put resources in? and I have gotten a black lion chest (locked), how do i unlock it?
Yes there is a bank, you should be able to see them on your map, just mouse over them.
The chest can only be opened with a key, you have to buy those from the trading post or get really lucky and get one as a drop or from some story events.
Also, look here:
Basically everything is on there.
In the upper right of your inventory panel there is a little cogwheel. Click on that, then on “deposit all collectibles.” All your gathered mats will vanish. You can find them in the collectibles tab in the bank (the grid of dots icon). Banks are in major cities (look for the moneybag icon) and any crafting station (the starter zones all have a crafting area) — even if you don’t know the craft, you can use the station and click on the bag icon tab to access your bank.
Look at the very top of this forum also to the stickied red posts. One is OMG if you only knew this-tips for new players. The second is DreamyAbbadon’s post on combat. Both are very useful.
Some tip I have been missing so far in this thread is to change maps.
GW2 is designed in a way that almost everything helps you level up. So not only killing things and doing personal story does that.
To prevent leveling up too easy with the additional things, staying in one map is not enough to keep on track.
If you run out of space to explore in the starter map (with foes of your level), you can always go to another startermap. There are 5 others.
To do so you go to the black citadel. From there you use the pink asura portal to travel to Lion’s arch. You end up at the gate hub plaza. Take any of the other portals on that plaza and you end up in another races starter town. Find the only other exit in that town (see notes!) and you are in another starter map.
1: the human town divinity’s reach has the portal to the startermap to the south, ther is also another asuraportal to the east, but that leads to a high level map, make sure you get the right one.
2: Rata Sum can difficult to navigate cause there are a lot of asura portals. On arrival there you will see an undiscovered vista at your left hand. follow that path to another set of portals and take the one labeled ‘metrica province’
A bit more boring, but also very helpfull is to explore all the starter towns. This also gives experience and levels, but requires no fighting at all.
Also make sure to buy an axe, a mining pick and a harvesting sickle for the merchant. use the axes to cut down trees (you see a lil tree icon on the minimap), the pick to mine ore (you see those spots on the map as a lil rock) and harvest plants (a small plant on the mini map).
Gathering those things all the time give you experience. Besides that, you can use the items you get from it to craft things. Crafting also gives a nice amount of experience.
Last advise: find a friendly guild, make sure you explain that you are new to the game and have a lot of questions.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
(edited by mercury ranique.2170)
While the rest simply supply tl;dr posts, especially to a lv5 noob who should be exploring and lvling up, rather than posting clueless ?s on forums that a simple search on either wiki or google would answer. If you are like the average player you’ll have 100+ deaths under ur belt before reaching lv80. So quit whining, roll up ur sleeves and tackle the open world with a do-it-yourself attitude! This guy doesn’t need long useless paragraphs spoon-fed to him but rather a few handy tips:
1. dont engage mobs of higher lvl unless you want a challenge or are pro enough to handle them.
2. google ‘repair gw2’ and ‘bank gw2’, or search on the wiki I’m obviously not going to enlighten u on something so obvious. This should have been explained to you in-game if u were paying attention..
3 rite-click your collectible (i.e. resources) to deposit them into bank. Or cog -> deposit all collectibles.
4. From a major city (i.e. BC) find an asura gate to LA. from there you can take the ports to any city thus to any starter region.
(edited by nagr.1593)
Relax. You’re level 5.
If it’s still a problem by level 50 you can start worrying, but at level 5 you won’t have had enough time in the game yet to know enough to be good at it, you don’t have your utility or elite skills yet, you don’t have traits yet…
For now just experiment with everything, learn some things from others by asking, learn others from trial and error.
If you want to level faster go with another player, or with people from a guild. If you want to learn faster, explore solo, and ask only for information, not direct support. The greater the skill curve is, the faster you’ll pick up abilities.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)
You can gain yourself some ‘free’ XP by exploring cities. (Nothing to fight). There are waypoints, vistas and ‘Points of Interest’ – all of these give XP.
There are 5 cities (not counting Ebonhawke), one for each race and one central hub, Lion’s Arch, also a city.
Each one of these (bar LA) has a nearby starter zone for that race where you can go and tackle level 1-4 enemies and tasks.
No need at all to take on anything more difficult than your own level.
Charr starting zone is harder than the others, I always find that I do worse there than at ones like the Human zone, Queensdale. Those ghosts can be tough, they respawn SO quickly and they do like to gang up on you, lol.
The thing that makes early levels whizz by for me? Grilled steak! Jump on the TP and buy yourself some grilled steaks, and some tuning crystals (no need to buy the fancy ones, just cheapest will do), and keep your weapon at your level if you can (should be easy enough through drops rather than buying from the TP). You should find that a lot easier.
Failing that, a quick map chat shout out if you need help usually brings some people running to give you a hand at whatever event you’re stuck on. I know there’s one particular skill point in that map that I STILL can never do without help