In memory of Cyclenurse

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I’m not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, I hope no offence will be taken.

Today we learned that one of the friendliest, most generous, lovely and kind players of this (or any other) game has sadly passed away.

Cyclenurse was a member of our guild The Grey on Piken Square (and previously also on Tarnished Coast), a guild spefically created for older gamers looking for a friendly group to play the game with. She referred to us as her “Grey Family” and while most of us only ever knew her through playing GW2, she was the kind of person you would not hesitate calling a true friend, even though you never actually met her in “the real world” – the kind of person who made the lives of all the people that had the pleasure of spending time with her a little bit brighter.

She was one of the sweetest, nicest, most loveable human beings I have ever had the chance to interact with. She was a nurse IRL and a true caretaker at heart, always putting the needs of others above her own, always looking out for everyone, especially the “little guy”. She wouldn’t have it if someone was treated badly by others. She would gladly give anything just to put a smile on someone else’s face. She was that person you know you could always count on, no matter what. The person you wouldn’t know anything bad to say about even if you wanted to. The person for whom you wished only the best of things.

It’s still hard to believe that we shall never be able to hear her voice again, never be able to share the fun of Quaggan beach parties and costume brawl dance extravaganzas with her, never again be able to guess what she meant when she was typing messages in the middle of combat in her own little original orthography, she referred to as “Cyclese”.

She made a lasting impression on all of us and we will remember her always.

Because someone like Cycle was bound to have had made an impression on people outside our guild, I thought this might be a chance to reach out to those people, even if the probability that they will read this post here might be rather small. If you knew Cyclenurse and/or know people that knew her that aren’t members of The Grey, please let them know.

Attached is a picture of one of her main characters “Sky Sailor”, floating through the Eternal Alchemy. I remember that she replayed that whole chapter just so she could take this screenshot. It made her very happy and that’s how I will try to keep her alive in my mind. Happy, friendly, funny, kind and one of a kind.

Thank you all for bearing with me


In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I am deeply sorry to hear that Cyclenurse has passed away. All of us are grateful for her positive energy in the community and for her kind involvement with players, young and old.

Our thoughts and condolences are with her friends, family, and of course with her guild family, as well.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Foghladha.2506


So sorry to hear this. Losing a player is never easy. A lot of people who don’t play games don’t see the human connections we make within these virtual game worlds and discount our experiences. I can tell you first hand that I have felt closer to people in games than I have to people I call friend out of game. These bonds strengthen us and shape us. Losing someone like Cyclenurse, is a tragedy, however she is not entirely lost. She continues to live on in the people she affected in her lifetime. Keep her memory burning bright and she will live forever. We never truly die until we are forgotten. Carry her loving spirit on and celebrate her life and the things she did. Remarkable people are hard to come by and she was one of those people. I never had the pleasure of knowing her but I wish I would have.

Benjamin “Foghladha.2506” Foley
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azrael.4960


There was another player who passed away last year and a similar thread was created. I suggested this then and suggest it again now.

I think it would be really great if Anet could somehow create an adventurer’s cemetery, something like the big one in Divinity’s Reach or the gully of cairns in Hoelbrak. Or perhaps in the upcoming Guild halls update, a memorial could be created so that players would remember those who have passed away IRL.

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

There was another player who passed away last year and a similar thread was created. I suggested this then and suggest it again now.

I think it would be really great if Anet could somehow create an adventurer’s cemetery, something like the big one in Divinity’s Reach or the gully of cairns in Hoelbrak. Or perhaps in the upcoming Guild halls update, a memorial could be created so that players would remember those who have passed away IRL.

It’s a nice idea. Some things would need to be worked out though. How long would someone have to play to be eligible? Is this for everyone or just those in some way exceptional? If only for those exceptional, what are the limits? How would ANet verify that someone had actually died? Would they require a death certificate? (Because you know otherwise people will false report, either intentionally or mistakenly). If it’s for all players and if millions of people are playing over the years, thousands will die during this time. You mentioned a cairn. Will this be like a graveyard with tombstones with names of all the (possibly) thousands of players who died? How much space will this take up?

Just a few things that I thought of that would be needed to be figured out first. There are probably more.

Unless you are referring to a memorial without any names? A living flame sort of place.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: metaldude.4132


There was another player who passed away last year and a similar thread was created. I suggested this then and suggest it again now.

I think it would be really great if Anet could somehow create an adventurer’s cemetery, something like the big one in Divinity’s Reach or the gully of cairns in Hoelbrak. Or perhaps in the upcoming Guild halls update, a memorial could be created so that players would remember those who have passed away IRL.

SO MUCH THIS!!!! <3 :’)

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uinda.8093


I had the pleasure of knowing cyclenurse since the launch of GW2. She really was the kindest, loveliest person I ever met online. Thank you, A-Net for making it possible for people all around the world the get to know each other, slay dragons together and become friends. I’m grateful I got to know her and that we got to spend time with each other.
And thank you Gaile, for commenting, also everyone else, it’s really sweet of you. We miss her already and since we are such a small guild, everyone is very close and we talk a lot on Teamspeak, not only about the game.
We will throw a beach party on friday in LA in cyclenurses honor, the way she would have liked it, with lots of quaggans and snowball fights. She will be remembered for her lovely, cackling laughter, her generousity, her kindness, the way she rushed into battle to save her friends. She was a real friend and she will be missed more than I can put into words.

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gemgenie.4560


Not posted on here in a while but felt I should. I only had the chance to know Cycle for a short while but in that time she had a big impact on me. Friendly, happy, great laugh and one of the friendliest players you could meet.

A memorial would be lovely but yes some aspects would need to be ironed out. That said surely somewhere in rata sum would be fitting in which to remember those who have passed into the eternal alchemy, out of reach but forever close by.

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stormwolf.8567


Cyclenurse (aka Sarsarun, Copernica, Skysailor) made me feel right at home when I joined The Grey, and was so helpful in every aspect of the game. I still owe her a stack of foxfire too. Everyone that knew her will remember her with great affection.

With respect to the idea of a permanent memorial in game, that would be amazing but there is always the problem of who qualifies (or sooner or later the whole game world will be full of statues of ex-players!). Perhaps it could be a feature of the new guild hall that ‘statue slots’ can be purchased. positioned and ‘populated’ within a shared instance?

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dane.4638


I just know that I will greatly miss Cyclenurse! I would love to see a memorial for our lost adventurers but even if I don’t I will keep her memory close to me.

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anirri.4156


I sadly did not get to speak with her personally but i do know she helped some of my friends who i sent over the PS since they were from the EU and wanted to RP with people within their own time frame. I am saddened to see such a positive person leave us. Though gw2 (TC in my experience) has become more and more toxic this post reminds me that we need to do our best to remain positive. One day we are here and the next we could be gone. As for some sort of memorial wall in divinity i would agree, would be nice of anet. I have lost a few dear friends over the course of the game but we need to remain strong in their memory. And continue to carry their actions until the servers them self are a friendly and happy place to be, then once that is done we can finally sit down and smile knowing that we have all done something that not many games have been able to.

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Thank you Gaile for posting and thereby giving some more attention to this thread and thank you to everyone else who joined in.

Today was the day of the funeral and while none of us could be there in person we managed to get into contact with the family, who are mostly non-gamers, and they were very grateful and greatly appreciated how playing together online can form actual friendships. And so in a way, despite the fact that it’s such a sad situation, it feels that a little bit of good came out of it.

I really like all the ideas about player memorials in the game, though I can understand that those ideas don’t come without problems/difficulties for ANET in practice. Yet, maybe there is some kind of way to include something in the open world, or – as suggested by Stormwolf – the guild halls, where maybe it’s easier to implement.

All the best to all of you

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drayarr.6419


Ive just come across this thread. I’d like to pass on my condolences to Cyclenurse/Skysailors Family, friends and Guildmates. I had this happen to me once on another game. It truely is a loss.

May you find peace, in the Everlasting Alchemy.

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azrael.4960


There was another player who passed away last year and a similar thread was created. I suggested this then and suggest it again now.

I think it would be really great if Anet could somehow create an adventurer’s cemetery, something like the big one in Divinity’s Reach or the gully of cairns in Hoelbrak. Or perhaps in the upcoming Guild halls update, a memorial could be created so that players would remember those who have passed away IRL.

It’s a nice idea. Some things would need to be worked out though. How long would someone have to play to be eligible? Is this for everyone or just those in some way exceptional? If only for those exceptional, what are the limits? How would ANet verify that someone had actually died? Would they require a death certificate? (Because you know otherwise people will false report, either intentionally or mistakenly). If it’s for all players and if millions of people are playing over the years, thousands will die during this time. You mentioned a cairn. Will this be like a graveyard with tombstones with names of all the (possibly) thousands of players who died? How much space will this take up?

Just a few things that I thought of that would be needed to be figured out first. There are probably more.

Unless you are referring to a memorial without any names? A living flame sort of place.

Hmm, you make good points. I think for the simplest part, a monument like the tomb of the unknown soldier would be appropriate. Or better yet, with the upcoming guild halls there could be something the guild leader could build using influence and merits and inscribe a name on it.

Although it would be nice to have something that all players could commemorate a fallen player, it’s really most appropriate for a memorial to be in a guild hall. Players who wish to visit could do so at the invitation of a guild officer.