Introducing partner to GW?

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Psynch.4087


I was curious as to how some of you introduced GW to a partner, and how they enjoyed it. My GF really enjoys games like Animal Crossing and Happy Street (iOS), and can grind the hell out of those games. I’m not sure if GW2 is too much of a step up in complexity to her usual style, but I’d like to offer her the chance to play if she’s up for it.

Also, how might she start up? That is, what types of game elements would be best for an introduction to the game (and the genre)? For example, there’s no way that I’m going to start her up by talking about TP or similar things. I would try to relate the tasks that does in her current-fav game (Happy Street) to GW2 by emphasizing the materials gathering and early crafting, as well as going around low level areas and exploring and armor dyes.

What would be the best race? I imagine that either Asura or Norn would be ideal — Asura because they’re cute and silly, but also because Felicia Day does some voice acting, and my GF is a huge fan. Norn would be good because, at least early on, the quests involve turning into animals and stuff.

Anyways, let me know what you think; I’m really eager to hear suggestions/stories.

(edited by Psynch.4087)

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sacrai.6280


I’d say you will need to pay attention to a few things if she never played that kind of games:

- Help her quickly find a setup that she feels confortable with. Moving with the keyboard and camera on the mouse can be a tough one to handle for someone who never played FPS or MMORPGs. My girlfriend clicks on skills instead of using them on the keyboard, this has been a great improvement for her for example.

- Do NOT show her jumping puzzles. She won’t like it especially if you do great and not her. Some vistas might be to avoid in the early hours as well.

- Show her crafting (my preference goes to cooking, as I find it particularly interesting), she should like the hunt for materials.

- Start a character with her and select the same story at creation so you can go through the story together. it is much more enjoyable.

- My girlfriend started with a ranger and that seems like the best first character to make when new to the game. The pet does a lot of tanking for you, you can hunt for additional pets and the ranged attacks are quite easy to use.

Have fun playing together, hope for you she will like it, it’s so much better if she plays too.

[LAGS] Sacraï – Roche de l’Augure[FR]

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Psynch.4087


Great advice, thanks!

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brennus.1435


I’ll agree with Sacrai. Definitely go through it with her. Being a distant tutor makes it way more complicated. I introduced my wife to mmorpgs back in wow, and now she’s a very active gw2 player and we have a blast.

“Everyone is born a 5 signet Warrior,
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Tricky question. It depends on the person. I know if I wanted to introduce my wife to something, I’d simply tell her don’t bother, this isn’t for her. She’s be all over it.

And she’d definitely hate having me stand over her while she learned it.

Of course, she plays this game almost as well as I do, and in some ways better. lol

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Don’t underestimate your GF! This game is not too complex for her, unless you make it so. Let her be the one to decide what she wants to do, her interests may be very different from yours. (This from a middle aged lady, who plays a lot but has no interest in Legendaries, for example.)

Let her pick the race. You can either show her material on them beforehand or just let her sit at chargen. It does give a lot of information right there. Let her make her choices in peace, making a character can be a lot of fun and having the ‘perfect’ one will make everything she does in the game matter more. If she wants you to sit beside her while she does it, do it. If not, go make her a nice snack or something.

Any race is fine. I like all my five. And every character will eventually run into Zojja, so don’t let Felicia Day restrict the choice. It can be a nice carrot for a fan though.

Let her know you are happy to answer any questions she might have, but do not hover around, unless she asks you to. If you can be there IC with her that can be great instead.

Little thoughtful gifts are nice. Maybe a bottle of a color you know she likes. But don’t give her everything ready made. Instead go with her to get the materials or coin to pay for what she wants.

Also, don’t tell her that she is a newbie and therefore should only play, for example, Warrior. Long ago an ex-bf of mine did that to me. It felt insulting and playing a character that did not interest me was no fun. She can play any profession. Some just get defeated a bit more, especially at start, than others.

Most important for her survival is that she learns how to get away from danger. Explain to her about dodging, kiting and strafing. Or let Enigmius do it for you:

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fenesa.5271


I was going to write something similar to the above but I think Garambola.2461 has it spot on!

I agree with not pushing her towards a race and profession. I encouraged my gf to play Asura for similar reasons to what you mentioned and she changed race straight away for something as simple as not liking the voice!

With GW2 being so focused on discovery and exploration I would say go along with her and enjoy seeing her discover things for herself. Trying to help too much can sometimes take away from the sense of discovery and the excitement that comes with it!

I hope she enjoys it and you have fun in game together!

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I chime in as a woman as well.
Get her the game if you want and leave her alone to check it out.
If you live together play BF3 or something and leave her alone.
If she has questions she can ask but let her make her own choices- she will be much happier and the game is very friendly to new comers- she might prefer to ask ingame for help until she gets the hang of things
My husband got me the game back in beta for my birthday,- my present was 2 accounts- one for him and one for me.
I have played much more than him but hey at least I got him playing :P

Gunnar’s Hold

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I agree with pretty much anyone else. Let her decide for herself what and how to play and she’ll probably enjoy it a lot more.

I think you should give her some tips and information about the game to help her make decisions (for example you could tell her a bit about each race, things that might not be obvious like the norn turning into animals) but don’t dictate how she plays or hover over her. Let her explore the game and learn for herself.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

First tip: Get her the game as a gift (february 14th maybe?? )
Second tip: Let her play on her own. offer a Guild invite you are in too and offer to help her if she wants your help, and offer your company if she wants it.
The reason is that gaming has raised many relations but also ruined it. I know people who are really in love and both enoying the game, but also need to be indifferent rooms when playing. So find it all out yourself

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Introducing partner to GW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


As everyone else has said, get her the game and let her go from there on her own. If she wants help and asks you for it, be there to help her out.

I played GW1 for a little bit back when it came out, but I hadn’t touched it (or nearly any MMO) in several years before my husband asked if I wanted to try out GW2 beta last year. It took one weekend for me to fall in love with the game, and both of us still play (me more than him, now).