Investing Gold??
Umm your gold won’t depreciate for the main things you’ll need it for such as your skill books and I think higher end armor may cost a bit
You could invest it in gems…
If gold does depreciate, then gems should naturally appreciate relative to gold because the value of gems is tied to real money.
Invest your 6 gold in gems now, then maybe take 10 gold out 8 months later.
[Envy], [Moon]
You can buy gems for the gold and buy outfits, bank slots or bag slots
by investing i was assuming you were talking about the gold to gems system, but as the person above me has already pointed out you’re going to need at least 3g for skill books, 1g (or so) for each armour/weapon rune
but all in all, i wouldn’t invest in players… high chance you won’t be seeing it again so just keep saving it up because it costs over 30g for full exotics(22g if you manage to buy every piece for 2g each which is rare, 8g for runes)
Hmmm…give it to me?
There’s certain things you can do if you know what to look for. But as prices change they become either non-profitable, or not worth the time.
2 things I have done recently, but have stopped because they aren’t worth the time investment are:
Buy level 70+ rare and exotics for less than 12s each. Salvage them for Ectoplasms and sell them for 18+s each. This is VERY time consuming, as you have to go through almost every weapon and armor and set orders for each one. Then go through them again in 30m or an hour and redo them all, as you’ll likely have been outbid.
I made roughly 20g doing this, but have stopped.
I’m a Jewler so I can make Ruby Orbs out of Ruby Crystals. I buy a load of Crystals for around 5s – 5.5s, and the dust required. Then turn them into Ruby Orbs and sell them for 15+s each. There’s not a lot of profit in this, but if you do it a lot you can make decent money.
You have to keep an eye on the prices though, last night the crystal prices bounced up 1s, making it not profitable. When the price drops again I may do it a bit more.
Also, selling stuff on your server for cheaper than TP listed prices is much more profitable. If you have a large stack of something, or a high end exotic, try to sell it in /map around the big towns.
I refuse to use the TP for selling my Exotic Jewlery, because the cut is 45s on a 3g item. Meaning I lose money. So I can sell it for cheaper on my server, helping out locals, while keeping more for myself.
you could spend it…
find skins you like and get them.
Trade for Gems because soon you will want T-stones.
Trade for Gems and get an extra char slot (that’s what I did)
Trade for Gems and get town clothes
Trade for Gems and get boosts
Trade for Gems and …
Get the idea i think buying Gems is a good idea
Everything in this game is pretty much a gold sink..
Gathering, Crafting, Repairing, Can trade Gems, can be useful in WvW and buy siege weapons, can buy upgrades for your gear etc.e tec. etc
You could invest it in gems…
If gold does depreciate, then gems should naturally appreciate relative to gold because the value of gems is tied to real money.
Invest your 6 gold in gems now, then maybe take 10 gold out 8 months later
That seems sound. I did this, and I’m sure my gems will be worth more gold after a few months or a year when there is a lot more gold inside the game.
Buy apple stock. Avoid Facebook stock.
Buy apple stock. Avoid Facebook stock.