Iove's Leveling Guide/Tips! >:D

Iove's Leveling Guide/Tips! >:D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iove.3902


Hello! I’m Dean! Also known as: Wasdica, Dean Rhinebolt, and Iove! (with an uppercase i) I’ve been playing this game for a good amount of time now and would like to offer people some tips for leveling. I’d like to offer these tips because people have been asking how I level my characters so quickly.

In this guide I will give my personal opinion on a leveling path as well as go over any other option for leveling, so that you can do what you enjoy the most.

First off, we need to understand how experience works. You’re probably thinking …“Pfft, yeah right. Who doesn’t understand leveling?” — Understandable, if you were playing any other MMO, but we’re playing GW2 and it’s a’bit different!

“Experience (also exp and XP) is rewarded for performing and completing different objectives in game. As you gain experience you gain levels, increasing your basic abilities.”

If you click the above link you’ll see a listing that provides every possible way to gain experience in this game. I want you to note the absence of the word ‘quest’. That’s right! No quests! This is something people have been neglecting since launch.

For example, I see a lot of players complaining that they are under leveled after “doing all the quests” for a certain zone. This is obvious that they are talking about the Renown Heart(s) feature of GW2. In a traditional MMO, like GW1, a player is lead to an area with multiple quests to complete in order to gain experience. But, in this game, you are lead to Renown Hearts that will offer dynamic events near that area.

This is your main way of gaining experience within the game, but there are other things that can stack onto the prior to maximize experience gain. (i.e. gather nodes and personal story quests).

With this aside, we are ready to begin.

Now, if you’re new to the game, see suggestion B. If you’re a seasoned adventurer, see suggestion A.

Firstly, again, there are multiple paths for leveling quickly.

Now, people may have told you to just grind event chains. This is a very viable form of leveling and is also fast, but it involves a lot of repetition. This can become very boring. So let’s spice it up a bit!

A quick and easy way to gain EXP, level rather quickly, and make some easy money is to “Map Swap” © jk ;P

“Map Swapping is the act of zone completion via swapping to another map of equal level requirement after coming to a point of which you are too low level to continue.”
- Dean

BrEaK DoWn: Scenario!

You rolled a Human Mesmer that wants to join the circus… why did you pick a blonde fro… never mind. GRATS! You finished the initial quest/tutorial zone! Hey! Talk to the annoying scout so you can see the hearts! Go to a Merchant and get gathering tools! —

Got it? Good.

You make your way to the first heart (farm), but you see a POI in the town, grab it. You see a WP, grab it. You get the heart …oh no it’s under attack by bandits! Kill them! What? You did an event near a heart that also gave you advancement for the heart? Nice. Go towards the second heart! Done! Goto the third (Quarry). What!? Harpies! Done! Oh what’s this? A mining node! Bam, EXP. Oh a vista? Bam! Exp! — You did all of the hearts, POIs and other map stuff, and are level 4! Woot! Goto town and talk to the second scout! What!? The Heart he shows you is level5? WTF!


(edited by Iove.3902)

Iove's Leveling Guide/Tips! >:D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iove.3902



Okay so, this is where we get to pick a new zone to go to. You should head to a zone of equal level and begin to go 100% for this new map. You’ll be a little leveled above so when you get to the scenario when you talk to the second scout you’ll be above the level to continue and move on. Don’t forget to gather along the way! Once you receive 100% in this map, go back to you original map and 100% that one as well. (Doing this leads you to even more event chains to break the grind up a bit!)

Reason to do this:

You receive bonus EXP, and some really awesome loot for getting 100%. So, the positives…

+EXP from event chains!
+Loot from 100%!
+Materials you’ve gathered to sell! (By time I hit 30 with this guide I get about 4g already on an alt O.o — which is like maybe 20hrs or less of play time!)
+Complete your daily! (Gives you bonus EXP as well as your Karma Jug!)

The negatives…

+Slightly slower than some Event Chain Grinds
+…that’s it…


The suggestion, if you’re new to the game, is to enjoy the game for your first play through. Just do some events, your personal story, try out WvW and learn your class. The average time, I’ve seen, is about 2weeks to 80 for someone first time!

Another method, that is popular, is WvW EXP Trains, but that’s server and time dependent. I do not recommend solely leveling via WvW. (Also, if you bore of leveling after awhile, try your personal story! Great EXP and easy missions!)

Below, in the next posts, I will link specs for leveling. You can level with any spec that you want to, but there are some that are better for leveling than others.

(edited by Iove.3902)

Iove's Leveling Guide/Tips! >:D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iove.3902



Scepter/Dagger with Staff offers the best AoE for leveling and mob tagging while doing events with other players.

When you get trait points go 10 into Earth magic for some toughness and condition damage. Then 10 into Arcane for a free shield and the fury boon. Then 10 into Fire for some power and condition duration. With these weapons you can apply mass bleeds and burning. From here on you should be familiar with the class enough to spend the points how you wish.


Bow offers the best F1 ability for combos/burst and Kiting! In conjunction with the Greatsword it’s very deadly. This guild revolves around you putting 10points into arms for the first trait that gives you +40 Precision for each signant you have off CD. Making your crit chance during levels 20-40 near 85%! This makes those levels super fast. Then you can put points into Defense for for Toughness!


This build is about AoE Conditions with the Shortbow and Sword/Torch combo that can burn mobs really quickly. Just place points into Wilderness Survival. This gives you more damage and Toughness! Then you can work on points into Skirmishing for awesome trap features.


This build uses Staff and Scepter/Dagger for conditions! Points into Curses and points into Death magic. You can use Minions for you utility spells and just plow through stuff!


This build is tanky and uses Greatsword for burst and Mace/Torch for a block and extra heal. Points into Zeal and Valor! Guardian utilities are sorta weird, so pick what ever. Avoid the summonable weapons. They’re clunky.


This build uses the Daggers Death Blossom ability, Caltrops, and Ambush Trap to stack high bleeds. This build offers Blinds and stealth to avoid hits and sneak past tough mobs to get to objectives. Points into Trickery for more Caltrops and points into Shadow Arts to make you less squishy.


This build overs massive burn damage with extra heals. It also provides some defense with Shield! Points into Fire Arms and Inventions!

Mesmer: I need someone to make one for me, Mesmer is the last class I have to level

(edited by Iove.3902)

Iove's Leveling Guide/Tips! >:D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iove.3902


Things to remember:

There are foods that can increase EXP gain.
There are items from Black Lion Chests that can increase EXP gain.
There are many ways to level, so you don’t have to follow this to the T.
With this guide I have reached 80 in about 4 days.

Please share you own experiences with leveling! We can all help each other!

(edited by Iove.3902)

Iove's Leveling Guide/Tips! >:D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iove.3902


Bump? For Great Justice!

Iove's Leveling Guide/Tips! >:D

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KICKER.3874


Short Version of any leveling guide for GW2:
100% all the areas you are leveled for before going to higher level ones, don`t rush to hearts and points and do the events you find on the way.

I have to strongly disagree on the use of Flamethrower on Engineer for low levels, you won`t see its real damage until much later after gear and traits become available. I do agree on pistol and shield as probably the easiest way for new players, and another tip would be to absolutely try the Thumper Turret as a tank, easy PvE vs groups of enemies.

Btw, by 4 days to lvl 80 you mean 20 hours a day for 4 days ? I think you`re kinda exaggerating there, leveling your alt with crafting and plenty of gold available doesn`t work for new players.