Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XZERO.3014


I am trying too decide a main between thief, necromancer, and elementalist and so far their are things i love about each, however since PvP will be my main activity at lvl 80 i want too know how too narrow down my selection too a class i can enjoy.

So far i like the elementalists high damage, the rogues heavy burst, and the necromancers survivability. If i level my thief i’m thinking i’ll make him a shortbow thief, my elementalist will be a staff wielder, and idk yet for my necromancer.

Could you please help me by telling me the strengths and weaknesses of each in high end pvp?

thank you for taking your time too read this post and reply:).

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maverick.6485


It seems as though your title of the thread and your actually question are two different things.

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XZERO.3014


the relevancy is in the eye of the beholder, clearly i want too know the strengths and weaknesses of the 3 classes, but people tell me elementalist is just garbage in end game pvp.

I’m getting 3 birds with 1 stone.

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Charred.6814


To be good in PvP with any classes you need to know you can’t just stick to one weapon, or in the elementalist case, one element. The game is still new and most people aren’t entirely used to all classes just yet and since elementalist actually has 4 sets of weapon skills to deal with, it takes a bit longer to get used to. Sure engineers and necros also get extra skill bars with some abilities but they all come with a mechanic that makes it a little simpler. Elementalists have to juggle with the 4 pretty much at all times in PvP in order to be efficient.

Let’s just say it takes longer to master and it may feel inferior at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty good.

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StevenDorsey.2605


I made a elementalist atuned to air specially. I loved all the elements and used them all for situations and switched inbetween frequently for specific manuevers, unlocked all attacks for all weapons adn foudn the set I wanted most. By level 11 I was doing a level 11 story quest and couldnt survive. I died 15 times fighting 2 enemies and all my gear was broken and I was forced to fight naked. It felt like the game was just outright slapping me in the face since all I wanted to do was beat that quest. If I couldn’t beat 1 or 2 enemies in a story quest when I had seemed, not 2 levels before to be quite good, then I would not get very far in the elementalist chain anyways so after much research about the issue I gave up and sent my ele to elementalist heaven to await a day and age when elementalist was a viable option for those not wanting to specialise in earth and tanking just to survive.

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jericho.4258


Play a character for its play style and your play style compatibility and what you FEEL/WANT to play. If you pick a character based primarily on wanting to do lots of damage at the end game, your missing the point of the adventure. As well, in Guild Wars, the games is more about Utility. Doing lots of damage is fine and dandy, but if you dont have the individual surviability or the team abilities everyone including you will suffer.
You won’t be ableto support the group effort, no one will group you because you bring nothing to the group as a whole, and you will have a very boring experience on a game that is intended to be very versitile.

My opinion.

~Warbrek~ Level 80 Norn Warrior
~Josiah Jericho~ Level 80 Human Thief

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yoke.4671


Very Hard class to master, gota swap between atunements on the go all the time, if you dont your gona die alot.

The main prob for ele(Imo) is the weapon swapping, yes its cause we have 4 stances for a weap so its the same. But It isnt, for WvW esp if your in large grp fights you want staff usuall for the range and to give more support/cc and heals. but if you were to bump into a thief or a warrior in a 1v1 or even a 2v2/2v1 while getting to a fight or fleeing or so on, then you would usually not want a staff, way I play i like to use 2xdaggers(sceptre aint great for moving targets) for small fights but ofc Id be in combat with my staff and fish out of water and die. I feel confident for alot of 1v1s with daggers I dont with staff, but Im useless in big fights with daggers as range will get me 1shot every time. Weapon swapping needs to be there for Eles in PVP, pve is fine without be nice but no problem.

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Killua.8041


Elem has some serious healing at 1150/tick. Definitely viable at level 80.

O Killua O – Asura Mesmer | Killuas – Asura Engineer
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jwburks.9735


I think the reason the elementalist is so complicated is because it is broken. Badly. It needs to be looked at, and fixed. I have every class in the game and I can say, without a single doubt in my mind, that the elementalist is the most broken, pathetic and joyless class currently in GW2. I had never considered deleting any of my characters until playing this pile of misery.

We heard . . . we listened . . . we ignored.

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: C Banks.4358

C Banks.4358

To be a sucessful elementalist you have to attunement swap quite a bit, also I am assuming you mean WvWvW pvp? considering you can do sPvP with any toon basically from level 2 and be on an even playing field. Also for WvWvW necro and ele shine because their AoE/Support is spectacular.

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esya.3427


Opinions and likes differ. I have an elementalist as my main and am enjoying it very much. It might just not fit your playstyle. What is best for PvP also depends on what you are able to master best and enjoy the most. Having fun makes you better at things. For me an elementalist is easier to master than your said necromancer.

The disadvantage I do find on elementalist is as mentioned before in this thread, even though you can swap between attunements, you cannot swap between weapons during combat. This way you cannot swap between support staff and other weapon sets for 1v1 or 2v2 where staff is really a disadvantage.

Remember this is a game that is not really great for glass cannons. The dungeons and pvp will show you this. It might be fun for solo play, but everywhere else you will go splat soon. So look at your playstyle, what you prefer and try to find a class and build that go with that.

(edited by Esya.3427)

Is Elementalist inferior at lvl 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Novalight.7568


As is in WvW ele is hard to play imo, as it is. Just to get a reference point: I’m exotic geared on ele, I have also played a warrior to 80, semi exotic geared.

First, you have to decide, glass cannon or survivability spec. But mind you, when you meet a zerg, even your survivability spec is…not very survivable against a good geared zerg full of glass cannons, I can still get hit for 6-9k with protection up… and my damage, bar meteor shower, is pretty weak, compared to numbers that other classes can pull.

Hm, what if I want to run with a zerg and just nuke ppl down…go go glass cannon, full berserker set. Oh, the enemies aren’t loading when 2 zergs meet. So fun, coz you can’t really find a safe spot, because you don’t know where enemy is, autoattacks hit you for 3k+ and combine this with your low HP means you’re dead meat unless you have a strong front line, and even standing on castle walls and getting caught in 3 AOEs means a fast down.

Ele has pretty much 1 viable weapon for WvW, staff. Daggers will get you killed, scepter is so so, dunno, didn’t try to make idk an aura spec, 900 range is too low, not enough AOE.

So basically, playing against PUGs can be quite awsome on ele, they don’t focus fire, they break up fast even with much larger numbers if you surprise them. Playing against a geared organized guild…it’s a pain, you either deal weak damage or die too fast.

I’d say it’s not that elementalist is a bad class, I’d say burst is too big, 20k+ HBs, 11k HSs, 6k mindwracks etc, or that armor/damage ratio is kinda bad on some classes.

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