Is Thief really boring or what am I doing wrong?

Is Thief really boring or what am I doing wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Revolutia.6507


So, I just hit 66 on my thief and I must say, I am bored to death because all I can use are swords and daggers/pistols, there isnt really much variety with Thiefs, do you guys feel the same? This is not a cry post, I am just wondering if you are having fun with your Thief or you feel same way…


Is Thief really boring or what am I doing wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hyena.2037


It’s very possible that the thief isn’t the character for you.

I had a similar situation. My thief stalled at lvl 53. Just wasn’t having fun with it anymore when I realized that regardless of what I was fighting or what the situation was, the best way through a fight was to hit the same 1 or 2 skills, per weapon set (not counting auto attack chains)

I feel, rather than the limited weapon sets, iniative narrowed the class’s variety and situational awareness required. With other classes you might sit on a cooldown and wait for it to be useful, with the thief often when the moves outside my normal button spam verged on being useful it was better to just burn the initiative on another attack and kill the thing rather than try to cripple it somehow.

Most situations were solved by picking one of the following and dodging as necessary:
Spam heart strike until it dies.
Spam pistol whip until it dies.
Spam death blossem over a field of caltrops until several things die.
Spam cluster bombs until the event’s over.
C+D and Backstab if you’re bored.

Now, obviously PvP would be more engaging if only due to the chaotic nature of having player controlled enemies rather than AI, also making some of those less used buttons a bit shinier, but I personally don’t PvP until I’m fully comfortable with the PvE playstyle.

Try jumping into WvW if you haven’t yet. Gank some people, do a few hit and runs, see if it breathes some life back into the class for you. If not, it might be time to try something else.

(edited by Hyena.2037)

Is Thief really boring or what am I doing wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: K Cross.3458

K Cross.3458

Well, the thief was the class I had most fun playing with. Change your build perhaps. I was using D/D with heavy condition damage. Timing the Death Blossom so I can evade the enemy attack, droping caltrops on dodge, stealthing, using shadow step.

If you want my build. Go for Carrion gear with “of the Afflicted” runes, and Condition dmg daggers. Here are the traits:

So Stealthing will play a good role in this build. (it will give back initiative and make you safe while they bleed). Caltrops deal a good bleed damage while crippling them. You will have a total of 15 initiative, and Healing or Stealing will give you 6 initiave back. And I personally like Venom, so I traited it in Deadly Arts (Deadly Arts is necessary because it adds duration on your conditions) so it can be more powerfull.

This build is perfect for facing x vs 1 enemies, since Leap Death Blossom (it will be your main attack) is AoE.