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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

High level areas?

I can’t do any lv 60, 70, 75 or 80 maps alone without wasting all my money on revivals and broken/damaged armor.

I’m struggling to complete Fireheart Rise, Frostgorge Sound, and Straits of Devastation. I haven’t even attempted to venture into any of the Orr maps as of yet beyond Straits.

If anyone is nice enough to form a party with me tomorrow at or around 12 noon EDT, I’ll wait at Fort Trinity

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

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Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

I assume you’re playing as the level 80 ele in your signature. How are you having a hard time with those zones? Ele is incredibly powerful when built properly. There are builds where you are basically invulnerable where you can run around and take hits all day. Maybe try and respec yourself.

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Posted by: Incendia.6725


Agreed. I’m a level 80 elementalist too, and I’ve had no trouble in any zone. If you are indeed using your lvl 80 elementalist, and are having troubles in lvl 60 zones, may I ask what your build is?

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I’m dual dagger 20 fire 10 air 10 earth 10 water and 20 arcane. The boon swapper build. My Gear is all Knights Masquerade lv 80 Rare (power/precision/tough) and my accessories are all Lv 80 Mithril Masterwork in power/precision/condition or critical %. All my runes are of the undead (superior) for even more toughness and condition damage. I need to afford Superior Runes of Earth to increase my survivability where I can get protected whenever I swap elements or use cantrips. I even get better toughness that way.

I have about 12k HP.

For weapons, I’m wielding two Invader Daggers of Luck (says accuracy by a bug) Rare level with power/tough/vitality.

I get overwhelmed by mobs and spawn times more than actually doing absolutely terrible. Yet I do not have the cash to keep re-spawning and repairing.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

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Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Personally I can see 2 things wrong with your build from my perspective. 1) You’re wearing Rare armor, Exotic has better stats but if you don’t have the money obviously you can’t just purchase it but there is always crafting. 2) I feel that you have your traits all spread out, the farther you get down a trait line the better the bonuses/attributes are.

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yeah my tailor is not at 400 and I can’t farm or buy the materials to get there. Its either I quit GW 2 now or get a guild or party to help me through the game until I can afford it.

I should have to quit over not being able to get any farther. It wouldn’t make sense.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

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Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

There are plenty of ways to make money in this game. Go to WvW and follow a zerg, I come out with a ton of money/xp/karma for doing basically nothing. Go back to a zone you can handle. You might not even have the other lower areas done yet. I can promise you you’re sitting on some money in your materials right now. You’ve probably got a ton of stuff that you’ll never use because your two crafting professions don’t require it. Sell it.

But if it comes down to it and you feel “you can’t get any farther” then you can leave. Nobody is making you stay. I’m enjoying the kitten outta this game and appreciate what Anet has done, is doing, and will probably continue to do. This game may just not be for you.

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I beat every area up to the lv 70-80 maps and Fire Heart Rise. WvW my Machine can’t handle a group more than the size of 10. Best thing I could do is figure out where the tier 4 and 5 materials drop most often and stick to that, without ecto though, my jeweler is maxed out at masterwork in mithril all discovered.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

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Posted by: Incendia.6725


Personally I can see 2 things wrong with your build from my perspective. 1) You’re wearing Rare armor, Exotic has better stats but if you don’t have the money obviously you can’t just purchase it but there is always crafting.

Exotics are only 13% better than rares. Gear isn’t the be all and end all in PvE, you should manage to run around Orr in even common or fine gear.

But if it comes down to it and you feel “you can’t get any farther” then you can leave. Nobody is making you stay. I’m enjoying the kitten outta this game and appreciate what Anet has done, is doing, and will probably continue to do. This game may just not be for you.

Oh please, can you be more patronising? People have been waiting years for this game, and you’re telling someone to quit a great game beause they’re not good at it? That’s like buying thousands of pounds worth of climbing gear for Mt.Everest, then chickening out because you’re not good at rock climbing.

Is this boon swapper build the one Wooden Potatoes uses? He seems to do alright with it. If it’s something you’ve concocted yourself, then it may be wiser to swap to something more conventional. Like Overlord Falcor said, your traits are spread out way too thin. Traiting into 3 lines is pretty much the maximum. I would regard toughness as a stat for S/D players, since they really need to survive long enough for their conditions to wear their opponents down. If you’re going D/D it may be wiser to go glass cannon, though D/D was never my thing, so again you might want to seek the advice of a guide.
If you’re dying quite often in Orr it’s understandable, since that place is quite hard. But everywhere else should really be easy, or at least easy enough to be done with one person.

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yeah I’m in the last three Orr maps (the first one atm), and I’m using Wooden’s build as my original 30 fire 10 water 30 earth wasn’t working well. Fireheart is very buggy and is not leveling me up right when I cross certain areas and DEs spawning on top of one another.

Frost gorge is just vacant and I chose to go through the asura gate (and into the dredge mines) instead of going through Fire Heart to get there.

Bad choices? Maybe

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

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Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

Alot of people say Eles are strong and stuff but I had a hard time on mine as well. I quit my ele at level 50 and never looked back. I guess I just didn’t ‘get’ the class or something. So, maybe it’s not you, maybe it’s the class. Perhaps you just dont gel with it like I didn’t. I rerolled mesmer and I’ve destroyed everything from 1-80 and into all the Orr zones.

Also, if you want to add me to friends please do. If you don’t mind popping over to my server when you need help I’m more than happy to oblige. I’m online msot of the day running around in those zones.

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I did a lot of the first map of Orr region, but spent almost 40 silver already repairing and porting about. Everyone just does that Balthazar temple and just leaves. I’ll add you and see about visiting for this stuff.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

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Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Exotics are only 13% better than rares. Gear isn’t the be all and end all in PvE, you should manage to run around Orr in even common or fine gear.

Oh please, can you be more patronising? People have been waiting years for this game, and you’re telling someone to quit a great game beause they’re not good at it? That’s like buying thousands of pounds worth of climbing gear for Mt.Everest, then chickening out because you’re not good at rock climbing.

That 13% better kitten. That 13% could be just what he was looking for. He never specified whether or not he was able to almost take mobs all the way out or if he got overwhelmed at the start and died. Maybe its all he needed along with a quick retool of his specs to get it done.

People also wait years to climb Mt. Everest, spend all the money, get partially up it and realize that they can’t do it/its not for them. More people don’t make it than actually make it. Maybe this profession just isn’t for him. Maybe this game just isn’t for him. Only time will tell.

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Posted by: Sarisa.4731


Granted, I run S/D rather than D/D, and concentrate on power/condition along with my defensive stats rather than precision…

Glyph of Storms in earth atunement is one of the best ways to mitigate incoming damage from groups. It’s a reasonably long lasting AoE blindness field (that also does a small amount of damage). Arcane Shield is also a useful thing to use when trying to set up a slower casting ability. I personally use Glyph of Storms most, but swap to Arcane Shield when facing dredge and other blind immune mobs.

Earthquake is a good way to slow down damage, and to set up Glyph of Storms. Note it’s also an interrupt, so that can block some high damage abilities if you time it right. Due to the long cooldown, be sure not to waste it.

If you have Auto Targeting off, Ride the Lightning is an excellent way of getting distance. Just be careful of having Auto Targeting on, glitches with getting caught on terrain, and glitches when it fails to track a mob properly (and ends up CC’ing you).

Updraft can be a bit tough to position (it sometimes glitches), but when it works, it’s an excellent interrupt, control ability, and way to get you away from attacks.

Lightning Flash isn’t the best teleportation skill, but it IS a teleport. It can also be cast when you are channelling another skill, or when you’re under some CC effects. That you can use it while channelling makes it useful in group fights to charge up Churning Earth in a safer area, and then teleporting into the group at the last moment. You apply a lot of damage, but don’t get yourself hit much in the process.

You don’t have quite as many blast finishers in D/D as you do with S/D, but you can still stack a reasonable amount of Might. Extra damage that helps you kill faster means less damage taken. If you have room in your utility slots, Arcane Wave is a useful extra blast (that can also be cast while channelling).

Being defensive is fine, but you also have to be sure to be able to kill things fast enough that they don’t overwhelm your defences. That may also be your issue.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

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Posted by: dugore.2195


I’m on TC and would be happy to run around with you as what this post is about

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Posted by: Jayne.9251


Surviving in Orr (etc) as an ele: use focus and earth stance for stone skin and temp invulnerability … Run for wp, then head back and chip away … If too long a run flip over to air and use repel whirlwind … Then back to earth

L’enfer, c’est les autres

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Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


H ave you tried 0/30/20/20/0? gear for power/precision/toughness and vitality. This would give you more health, better healing from water. If I run into trouble after running through Lightning and Fire, I drop water and heal with each spell I cast. It has made my D/D ele very survivable. I know I have a ’learn to play this class" issue with the guardian, but I take my ele to places my guardian fails at.

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Posted by: Incendia.6725


If you haven’t tried S/D, try it. It’s a great weapon set, and if you build Power, Condition Dmg, and Toughness then it might work out for you.

Although it’s pretty gut wrenching to get to 80 and re-roll, people have done it before and honestly if you’re going to play this game in the long run, it’s well worth a shot. Have you tried any other classes? A good thing to do is to go to the Heart of the Mists with your selected class, spec your class, and then you over to the level 80 class mobs, so the level 80 warrior mob, or the level 80 guardian mob and kill them. They’re actually quite hard to kill, so if you can do well against these, then you can assume that normal PvE will be a breeze.

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Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Haha, man you guys are cool and all that for providing builds and stuff, but the OP was about getting people to assist her. Builds will help in the long run, but that’s not what the OP asked for…anyways

I’m in Sanctum of Rall and wouldn’t mind helping you go through any maps. I’m free pretty much all the time, just been karma farming in the mean time XD

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

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Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Also Yumiko, I can help you through dungeons to get some exotic lvl80 gear and good source of silver as well if you need some equipment upgrades.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I beat Straights of Devastation with an over all loss of probably 40 silver. Luckily my Map completion chest gave me two exotics with highly valuable superior sigils and runes that will give me enough gold to over compensate the losses. I found a mesmer girl to help out a bit and then she helped finish my story there, but I was up until 2:30 last night trying to do it. I was really upset over it. I really don’t know how I’m gong to manage in Malchor’s Leap and Arah. I might take it easy today and go try to finish Fire Heart.

I think I need to buy the runes of earth as Wooden potatoes used them to give the missing protection buff when you switch attunes. That seems to be the glaring issue as that 33% nearly endless damage reduction is invaluable.

I thank you all for your positive input. Its good to see such helpful people again!

@Incendia.6725 I have a guardian that i usually Role play on and she is lv 28. She isn’t going to do every map like my ele is doing yet she does seem better suited for harder content when I get her there, though I fell that guardian with her high armor is an easy mode and is not challenging enough. I think thief or engineer would be more durable but still a slight challenge.

@Arc that will be appreciated, last dungeon run I did was AC route 3. They were a speed run group and it just didn’t feel fun and it was just, “move your kitten ” I got it done for Ascalon, but it just felt like those Speed Clears in GW 1 I hated so much.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)

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Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

If you are on the Desolation server, you can poke me when you see me online.