Is it a bug with map chat?

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Catcrafter.3917



Yesterday I was in some charr area for few hours doing map completion and waiting if someone perhaps would write lfg for dungeon that I want and not a single person wrote anything. When i ported to lion’s arch in 5min about 20 map messages came up from people lfg-ing something IN MAP CHAT. So I wanted to know is this a bug or just incredibly unlikely coincidence?

(edited by Catcrafter.3917)

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Catcrafter.3917



Well, given that LA and what ever Charr area you were in are 2 different maps, it makes perfect sense. Map chat is not worldwide, it only broadcasts in the area you are in.

I didn’t know that… No i really didn’t, thanks for clarifying…

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Quaz.4931


People use lions arch to create groups for all dungeons, as well as Fractals dungeon (which was added recently and is very popular as it gives the best drops and is the only place to get the new tier of armour)

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Catcrafter.3917


People use lions arch to create groups for all dungeons, as well as Fractals dungeon (which was added recently and is very popular as it gives the best drops and is the only place to get the new tier of armour)

Hmmmmm? Am talking about “MAP” chat…

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Sounds like map chat was toggled on. It may just be a coincidence… a quiet night in that particular map chat. American or EU server?

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blarrg.8305


Well, given that LA and what ever Charr area you were in are 2 different maps, it makes perfect sense. Map chat is not worldwide, it only broadcasts in the area you are in.

\m/ \m/

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Quaz.4931


I am very confused by this question then, I read it as You were completing an area, with map chat on seeing if anyone was spamming “lfg” for a dungeon you wanted to do, but no one did. Then you when you went to lions arch, people spammed “lfg” for all sorts of dungeons and you thought you map chat was broken in the map you were completing?

Sounds to me, from your description, that no one was talking in the area you were completing on map chat, but in the lions arch map chat people were.

Is it a bug with map chat?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Catcrafter.3917


I am very confused by this question then, I read it as You were completing an area, with map chat on seeing if anyone was spamming “lfg” for a dungeon you wanted to do, but no one did. Then you when you went to lions arch, people spammed “lfg” for all sorts of dungeons and you thought you map chat was broken in the map you were completing?

Sounds to me, from your description, that no one was talking in the area you were completing on map chat, but in the lions arch map chat people were.

I fought that map chat is worldwide lol, not just for that area…