Is it worth coming back?

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lord.2086


Hi all,

I Pre-Order the Guild Wars 2 when came out I did play about 2 days few horses a day then I stop it I was busy never played since then I thought maybe I will come back and play sometimes any suggestion ? Maybe I can get some help in the game or make some new friends and play with me.

Your answer will be much a appreciated.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


The only way is to try it and see. Nothing else is possible no matter what advice pro or con comes out of this thread. Since you have so little experience in game you will have a huge amount to do but there is no “must catch up” in this game since exotics will get you through 99% of content and they can be gotten with in game karma by the time you reach that need.
Run around, look at things, explore and before you know it you will be leveled and geared.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Only you can answer that question. But it costs nothing to try!

The game is there, there are people about. There has been new stuff added since you left, of course, and a few changes. There is a ton of things for you to do, even just in the core game. Jump in and start exploring places you didn’t get to see.

If you have the character/characters from the start, do not delete them. They are getting birthdays present for every year they existed. 4th birthday will be soon too!

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: carrolltech.9215


I have came back about a month ago.

So much more content, more game stories. Scarlet has finished obviously but there is still LWS2 and 3 to play. with HoT expansion. New class with HoT expansion also. Revenent

It seems so much better than when I played it back when it first came out.

Blessed Fao – Human Guardian
Faolain Ventari – Sylvari Elementalist
Faolain Kormir – Human Revenant

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


If you do not want to buy the expansion I do not recommend returning.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Well being that the player only played 2 days after buying the game I would say raiding would be far off for him/her. Besides that fact, there would still be a ton he/she could do even without the expansion as I stated.

But to reply specifically to what you wrote I have to say that would be a matter of personal choice as well. I have all classes at 80 with world complete and all stories done. Of course I have HOT and it’s only on about 4 or 5 of the classes that I use the Elite Specs.

I main Engi and don’t use it for if I do I lose either survivability or mobility/speed just for a small bonus of extra damage (+6 might basically on top of my typical +6 might before procs enter play). So on that class, for me not worth the loss. But like I said – player personal choice and the game is perfectly playable without HOT.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


It’ll only cost you time to see for yourself.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


I personally just came back and I didn’t really like the way the game was before. I like it a lot more now. With HoT I feel the game has improved. I had a character leveled to 80 so I unlocked a bunch of the masteries and my low level toons are enjoying the gliding.

It’s a personal thing really but for me it currently it is a mostly positive experience.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Embered.5089


Just fool around. Really.
A friend of mine introduced me to the game, but all he needed to teach me was “what’s this heart symbol on the map?” and “what’s this Hero tab thing do?” and other basics that are probably in a tutorial somewhere. After that, I just did whatever I wanted to do. I joined a few new-player-friendly guilds, so whenever I would have (slightly) more complicated questions like “what is a fractal?”, i’d get a quick and helpful answer.

If after a few days of playing and joining a friendly guild, you still don’t like the game, then you should… Give away all your items to random people in Lion’s Arch. Or just mail me everything. My mail parrot is always ready to receive <.<

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Well being that the player only played 2 days after buying the game I would say raiding would be far off for him/her. Besides that fact, there would still be a ton he/she could do even without the expansion as I stated.

But to reply specifically to what you wrote I have to say that would be a matter of personal choice as well. I have all classes at 80 with world complete and all stories done. Of course I have HOT and it’s only on about 4 or 5 of the classes that I use the Elite Specs.

I main Engi and don’t use it for if I do I lose either survivability or mobility/speed just for a small bonus of extra damage (+6 might basically on top of my typical +6 might before procs enter play). So on that class, for me not worth the loss. But like I said – player personal choice and the game is perfectly playable without HOT.

Without HoT he doesn’t even get the option to play Revenant.
Without HoT he doesn’t get any of the new ascended combinations.
Without HoT he will not have suitable endgame since that lies in HoT and slightly beyond for LS3 right now.

HoT brings a lot to the table. Not that jumping in again is impossible but you won’t get the most out of the game without really doing so since Core suffers from many of the limitations it did 4 years ago only now there are nerfs that really don’t jive well with someone who has any previous experience since the whole system has literally been revamped from the ground up and plays completely differently from it’s previous iterations.

Basically if would be like he bought it all over again. <3

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Raiding without HoT is not possible at all. Besides, not everyone raids.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linken.6345


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Well being that the player only played 2 days after buying the game I would say raiding would be far off for him/her. Besides that fact, there would still be a ton he/she could do even without the expansion as I stated.

But to reply specifically to what you wrote I have to say that would be a matter of personal choice as well. I have all classes at 80 with world complete and all stories done. Of course I have HOT and it’s only on about 4 or 5 of the classes that I use the Elite Specs.

I main Engi and don’t use it for if I do I lose either survivability or mobility/speed just for a small bonus of extra damage (+6 might basically on top of my typical +6 might before procs enter play). So on that class, for me not worth the loss. But like I said – player personal choice and the game is perfectly playable without HOT.

Without HoT he doesn’t even get the option to play Revenant.
Without HoT he doesn’t get any of the new ascended combinations.
Without HoT he will not have suitable endgame since that lies in HoT and slightly beyond for LS3 right now.

HoT brings a lot to the table. Not that jumping in again is impossible but you won’t get the most out of the game without really doing so since Core suffers from many of the limitations it did 4 years ago only now there are nerfs that really don’t jive well with someone who has any previous experience since the whole system has literally been revamped from the ground up and plays completely differently from it’s previous iterations.

Basically if would be like he bought it all over again. <3

Well then s/he is in luck they get a brand new game for free since they bought it 3+ years ago and havent seen the total revamp

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


Well then s/he is in luck they get a brand new game for free since they bought it 3+ years ago and havent seen the total revamp

Complete with nerfed Arah and Cursed Shore!

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


yes, no, maybe? The answer doesn’t have anything to do with the game though.

Whether or not a MMO is worth playing depends on whether or not you friends to play with.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linken.6345


Well then s/he is in luck they get a brand new game for free since they bought it 3+ years ago and havent seen the total revamp

Complete with nerfed Arah and Cursed Shore!

Well since OP played what 2-3 days they dont know how it was before so no loss there.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

If the OP has never seen the content, they will never know it has been changed (nerfed). One can’t miss something one has never experienced. OP stated they only played a couple of days; probably didn’t get too far, like to Orr.

OP, just fire the game up and jump in. The water’s fine! Welcome return!

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Raiding is only available to HoT clients anyways, which have access to the new specs. They only played the game a few hours back at release, the core game has a lot of content for the OP to do. Not necessary for them to buy the expansion until they play and feel they will stick with the game.

OP, it’s free to play, just reinstall and play again.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


Well then s/he is in luck they get a brand new game for free since they bought it 3+ years ago and havent seen the total revamp

Complete with nerfed Arah and Cursed Shore!

Well since OP played what 2-3 days they dont know how it was before so no loss there.

I reckon being able to solo Arab but no other dungeons may be a tip off. Presuming op is observant.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Well then s/he is in luck they get a brand new game for free since they bought it 3+ years ago and havent seen the total revamp

Complete with nerfed Arah and Cursed Shore!

Well since OP played what 2-3 days they dont know how it was before so no loss there.

I reckon being able to solo Arab but no other dungeons may be a tip off. Presuming op is observant.

Yes, a change many, many clamored for. It is the last part of the Personal Story. Lucky OP!

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


Well then s/he is in luck they get a brand new game for free since they bought it 3+ years ago and havent seen the total revamp

Complete with nerfed Arah and Cursed Shore!

Well since OP played what 2-3 days they dont know how it was before so no loss there.

I reckon being able to solo Arab but no other dungeons may be a tip off. Presuming op is observant.

Yes, a change many, many clamored for. It is the last part of the Personal Story. Lucky OP!

You mean after everyone left that content behind forever? Not sure how lucky that Is in MMO terms.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lord.2086


Thank you, I appreciate all your opinion’s.

I have lots to catch up. I don’t think I can do it, But I bet will be fun playing, I don’t mine to buy the expansion, I just don’t have much time to play everyday max I can play per day is 3 hours, Other thing is right now I feel like a small fish in a big ocean. I don’t know nothing about the game nothing about characters, skills and so on…

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Left the Personal Story behind..forever? I’m pretty sure one can do the PS at any time one wishes to.

@OP: Three hours per day would be considered quite a bit by many. You are no more a small fish than many players, whether new, returning or just ‘casual’ players. If you have questions about characters, skills, features, mechanics, etc., the Wiki (accessed via the link above) is a great resource.

Good luck.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


… right now I feel like a small fish in a big ocean. I don’t know nothing about the game nothing about characters, skills and so on…

So like everyone else who’s just starting out. Just log in, have fun, and stop worrying.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Well being that the player only played 2 days after buying the game I would say raiding would be far off for him/her. Besides that fact, there would still be a ton he/she could do even without the expansion as I stated.

But to reply specifically to what you wrote I have to say that would be a matter of personal choice as well. I have all classes at 80 with world complete and all stories done. Of course I have HOT and it’s only on about 4 or 5 of the classes that I use the Elite Specs.

I main Engi and don’t use it for if I do I lose either survivability or mobility/speed just for a small bonus of extra damage (+6 might basically on top of my typical +6 might before procs enter play). So on that class, for me not worth the loss. But like I said – player personal choice and the game is perfectly playable without HOT.

Without HoT he doesn’t even get the option to play Revenant.
Without HoT he doesn’t get any of the new ascended combinations.
Without HoT he will not have suitable endgame since that lies in HoT and slightly beyond for LS3 right now.

HoT brings a lot to the table. Not that jumping in again is impossible but you won’t get the most out of the game without really doing so since Core suffers from many of the limitations it did 4 years ago only now there are nerfs that really don’t jive well with someone who has any previous experience since the whole system has literally been revamped from the ground up and plays completely differently from it’s previous iterations.

Basically if would be like he bought it all over again. <3

Well he/she has plenty of time to decide later if he/she wants to buy HOT, It’s not like there’s a limited time to buy it. I think you are thinking too far ahead here tbh. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Thank you, I appreciate all your opinion’s.

I have lots to catch up. I don’t think I can do it, But I bet will be fun playing, I don’t mine to buy the expansion, I just don’t have much time to play everyday max I can play per day is 3 hours, Other thing is right now I feel like a small fish in a big ocean. I don’t know nothing about the game nothing about characters, skills and so on…

WB Lord, your 3 hours will be perfectly fine. Not only that I am seeing a lot of new players all the time asking questions and such so you wont be alone in that department. Don’t be shy (filter, seriously lol?) to ask for info in the maps, people are usually all too eager to give helpful info.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bellatrixa.3546


Other thing is right now I feel like a small fish in a big ocean.

Quite honestly unless you make a crapton of Youtube videos or run a GW2 fansite that’s unique/has a lot of users, you’ll stay that way and it’s no bad thing. For starters it makes you less likely to be targeted by hackers/haters. The important thing is that you have fun while playing because that’s what gaming is all about. If your idea of fun is being e-famous, this won’t be the game for you unless you put in way more time than you say you can, but that’s true of anything.

Find a new player friendly guild (there’s scads of them out there), bookmark the Wiki and enjoy exploring Tyria

“Even if we find a way to save the world from the
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


If you have the time to play then yes it’s worth coming back. There would be a ton of content for you even if you don’t buy the expansion so why not?

Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.

Well being that the player only played 2 days after buying the game I would say raiding would be far off for him/her. Besides that fact, there would still be a ton he/she could do even without the expansion as I stated.

But to reply specifically to what you wrote I have to say that would be a matter of personal choice as well. I have all classes at 80 with world complete and all stories done. Of course I have HOT and it’s only on about 4 or 5 of the classes that I use the Elite Specs.

I main Engi and don’t use it for if I do I lose either survivability or mobility/speed just for a small bonus of extra damage (+6 might basically on top of my typical +6 might before procs enter play). So on that class, for me not worth the loss. But like I said – player personal choice and the game is perfectly playable without HOT.

Without HoT he doesn’t even get the option to play Revenant.
Without HoT he doesn’t get any of the new ascended combinations.
Without HoT he will not have suitable endgame since that lies in HoT and slightly beyond for LS3 right now.

HoT brings a lot to the table. Not that jumping in again is impossible but you won’t get the most out of the game without really doing so since Core suffers from many of the limitations it did 4 years ago only now there are nerfs that really don’t jive well with someone who has any previous experience since the whole system has literally been revamped from the ground up and plays completely differently from it’s previous iterations.

Basically if would be like he bought it all over again. <3

Well he/she has plenty of time to decide later if he/she wants to buy HOT, It’s not like there’s a limited time to buy it. I think you are thinking too far ahead here tbh. :P

Just doing dismal. It doesn’t take long to become lvl 80 even in pure pve.

Less in pve + pvp.

Less still with dailies giving tomes.

In just two hours of dedicated play a day he’ll hit that cap before maybe a month.

That’s just how the game it’s designed.

(edited by DGraves.3720)

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I think lots of players had L80 characters for the 3 years before HoT launched. No reason to think one must play in the jungle just because one has hit L80. There’s plenty to do in Core Tyria.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


I think lots of players had L80 characters for the 3 years before HoT launched. No reason to think one must play in the jungle just because one has hit L80. There’s plenty to do in Core Tyria.

But he won’t get LS2 either. Just 1. Actually can he even access LS3? He’ll not have enough masteries to glide well. Or is that me not knowing how many MPs were added?

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Pve wise i reckon you can have alot of fun still.

But if youre into pvp/wvw..Just do not bother.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

He will if he purchases LS2. Same with HoT and Season 3 (and any gliding whatsoever), which he said he had no problem purchasing. He won’t get ‘1’, if you mean Season 1, but, of course, will have access to the Personal Story (if that’s what you mean by ‘1’).

I think this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. One probably should not worry about all the added content before experiencing the Core, for a smoother gaming experience. There’s no rush; several months until we even get another (major) update to the story/game.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


He will if he purchases LS2. Same with HoT and Season 3 (and any gliding whatsoever), which he said he had no problem purchasing. He won’t get ‘1’, if you mean Season 1, but, of course, will have access to the Personal Story (if that’s what you mean by ‘1’).

I think this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. One probably should not worry about all the added content before experiencing the Core, for a smoother gaming experience. There’s no rush; several months until we even get another (major) update to the story/game.

But essentially he doesn’t get 3/4th of the game… And he bought it! He’s at F2P level!

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linken.6345


He will if he purchases LS2. Same with HoT and Season 3 (and any gliding whatsoever), which he said he had no problem purchasing. He won’t get ‘1’, if you mean Season 1, but, of course, will have access to the Personal Story (if that’s what you mean by ‘1’).

I think this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. One probably should not worry about all the added content before experiencing the Core, for a smoother gaming experience. There’s no rush; several months until we even get another (major) update to the story/game.

But essentially he doesn’t get 3/4th of the game… And he bought it! He’s at F2P level!

Sure s/he will be ftp level when they cant talk in mapchat, cant sell anything but basic mats on the tp.
Only have 3 bag slots on each character slots and only 2 character slots total.

So big hint s/he will never be on a ftp level having bought the base game.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

He will if he purchases LS2. Same with HoT and Season 3 (and any gliding whatsoever), which he said he had no problem purchasing. He won’t get ‘1’, if you mean Season 1, but, of course, will have access to the Personal Story (if that’s what you mean by ‘1’).

I think this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. One probably should not worry about all the added content before experiencing the Core, for a smoother gaming experience. There’s no rush; several months until we even get another (major) update to the story/game.

But essentially he doesn’t get 3/4th of the game… And he bought it! He’s at F2P level!

Three/fourths of the game? You must be a big proponent of Heart of Thorns if you feel those 4, now 5 maps encompass 3/4 of the game. Glad to hear you enjoy it so much, and appreciate the Devs’ hard work.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


He will if he purchases LS2. Same with HoT and Season 3 (and any gliding whatsoever), which he said he had no problem purchasing. He won’t get ‘1’, if you mean Season 1, but, of course, will have access to the Personal Story (if that’s what you mean by ‘1’).

I think this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. One probably should not worry about all the added content before experiencing the Core, for a smoother gaming experience. There’s no rush; several months until we even get another (major) update to the story/game.

But essentially he doesn’t get 3/4th of the game… And he bought it! He’s at F2P level!

Three/fourths of the game? You must be a big proponent of Heart of Thorns if you feel those 4, now 5 maps encompass 3/4 of the game. Glad to hear you enjoy it so much, and appreciate the Devs’ hard work.

The truth is that those elite trait lines, many of the start options, a of the gear and skills, and massive chunks of the story are locked behind HoT or simply unavailable anymore.

One entire class is simply unaccessible entirely.
An entire game mode Raids is locked off.
Much of the gear options are locked off.
Most skills are locked off which makes the lvl 80 mastery thing a permanent problem I think since harder core content greatly benefits from elite specs.


HoT was bigger than 4 maps. In entirely it’s unfurled into something huge.

Almost all endgame content lies in HoT.
Legendary armor? Same.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


He will if he purchases LS2. Same with HoT and Season 3 (and any gliding whatsoever), which he said he had no problem purchasing. He won’t get ‘1’, if you mean Season 1, but, of course, will have access to the Personal Story (if that’s what you mean by ‘1’).

I think this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. One probably should not worry about all the added content before experiencing the Core, for a smoother gaming experience. There’s no rush; several months until we even get another (major) update to the story/game.

But essentially he doesn’t get 3/4th of the game… And he bought it! He’s at F2P level!

Three/fourths of the game? You must be a big proponent of Heart of Thorns if you feel those 4, now 5 maps encompass 3/4 of the game. Glad to hear you enjoy it so much, and appreciate the Devs’ hard work.

The truth is that those elite trait lines, many of the start options, a of the gear and skills, and massive chunks of the story are locked behind HoT or simply unavailable anymore.

One entire class is simply unaccessible entirely.
An entire game mode Raids is locked off.
Much of the gear options are locked off.
Most skills are locked off which makes the lvl 80 mastery thing a permanent problem I think since harder core content greatly benefits from elite specs.


HoT was bigger than 4 maps. In entirely it’s unfurled into something huge.

Almost all endgame content lies in HoT.
Legendary armor? Same.

Almost all endgame? Ummm no, not unless you like excellent farming. Outside of HOT for endgame we have:

World Complete
Achievements (yes I know there are also HOT achieves, think of them as a bonus :P)
Mini Dungeons

That is a lot there so let’s see what HOT brings:

New legendaries (only 3)
More achivements
A new class – Not exactly end game but something else to explore.
Adventures – Not really end game as such but something else to do.

Masteries – Only the core tyria can really count here as the HOT ones are for the HOT maps except for gliding but it was originally.

On paper it may look similar but imo there is more end game in core tyria being things like PvP and WvW can go on and on forever due to how fun you find them.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Thank you, I appreciate all your opinion’s.

I have lots to catch up. I don’t think I can do it, But I bet will be fun playing, I don’t mine to buy the expansion, I just don’t have much time to play everyday max I can play per day is 3 hours, Other thing is right now I feel like a small fish in a big ocean. I don’t know nothing about the game nothing about characters, skills and so on…

I play 30 minutes to an hour most days — sometimes less, sometimes more. As long as you don’t mind shelling out for the XPac (for which I’d suggest you look for a retail box from an authorized retailer at a lower price), and log in once per Living Story release period, you’ll get access to that story and it will be there whenever you get around to it.

I view GW2 as a pastime — something I do to, well, pass the time. I set goals I can reach … eventually. This is a good game for that type of approach. Still, 3 hours per day ought to be enough to get a lot done.

As to learning curve… we all had to start at one point. What you’d be doing in learning the game is no different than what we went through. It’ll also be similar to what you may have gone through in any other games you may have played. Just start by picking a profession and playing it. Wander around, explore, try different things, read tooltips to know what your skills do. Then, when you’ve got a better idea of the basics, look in the Profession specific boards for build discussions or ask for help in those boards or in the Players Helping Players Board if you want to.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


He will if he purchases LS2. Same with HoT and Season 3 (and any gliding whatsoever), which he said he had no problem purchasing. He won’t get ‘1’, if you mean Season 1, but, of course, will have access to the Personal Story (if that’s what you mean by ‘1’).

I think this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse. One probably should not worry about all the added content before experiencing the Core, for a smoother gaming experience. There’s no rush; several months until we even get another (major) update to the story/game.

But essentially he doesn’t get 3/4th of the game… And he bought it! He’s at F2P level!

He also has 3 birthday gifts for any characters he had, 5 character slots (I think?), full access to chat, guilds, and the TP, and a very fancy and well-crafted outfit (Royal Guard armor) to hide ugly leveling armor.

Is it worth coming back?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvatar.5379


Yes, absolutely, give it a try if you are looking for a game to play. HoT added a lot of stuff but you already have access to the bulk of the game content so check it out. And if you enjoy it, you can always buy HoT later.

Some people seem to forget that we all played and enjoyed the game for 3 years without HoT so to suggest that a person can no longer enjoy that same content is ridiculous. Just because some people have stuff that you don’t, does not mean you can’t enjoy the stuff that you do have. A little proverb that is as applicable to this game as it is to real life.