Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I just deleted my Necro to try out a Mesmer. I’m finding it ridiculously slow to level mainly because I can’t find DEs as often as I used to.

The first couple of times through the low levels I didn’t mind but now I know most areas and quests, it is MAJOR tedium to grind. At lvl 5 you get a measly 8 xp per kill and running around to unlock waypoints is SLOW without a mount or speed boost.

Many low level areas I used to find DEs often rarely have them.

The stupid thing is the areas that have regular DEs are the ones that are chock full of BOTs and usually are at higher levels.

Does anyone else find this same problem?

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tondrin.7806


I believe DE’s are based on how many people are in a zone, so since everyone is at level 80, you’re getting less events and less callouts for events.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tb, haven’t really noticed a difference, and I’’ve started 4 new alts in the past 2 weeks.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dortmunder.9572


I’ve noticed the same thing.

It’s probably the lack of people killing stuff as well. Some events seem to be triggered by how many people are doing something around a heart.

The “dog” farm in Caledon for instance. I did that DE multiple times on one character while doing the zone. On a new character a couple days ago I couldn’t do it at all, the DE would never start.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Calavera.1086


I hope they do because some events were happening with ridiculously high frequency. If you stumble upon the same event every 5 minutes it kinda looses its appeal and breaks immersion IMO.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drintar.1246


You guys do know that when an npc yells at you or waves and says something like there’s fighting at X or excuse me a moment or can you help me etc that if you stop and talk to them and say you’ll help it will trigger events to start right?

EDIT: Not to mention the kill the troll champion event I triggered in beta because I tried to pick up this shiny troll thing off the ground

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


You guys do know that when an npc yells at you or waves and says something like there’s fighting at X or excuse me a moment or can you help me etc that if you stop and talk to them and say you’ll help it will trigger events to start right?

EDIT: Not to mention the kill the troll champion event I triggered in beta because I tried to pick up this shiny troll thing off the ground

I am somewhat aware of it but I thought it only occurred in deserted areas, ie: a packhorse stopped on the road so it is kinda obvious something needs to be triggered.

This is a very bad mechanic because it makes it NOT a dynamic event but simply a talk to NPC trigger quest event. It makes GW2 no different than many other MMOs, but MUCH worse because there is nothing to indicate where they are unless you happen to run right into them.

Example of total newbie area DE problem. Shaemore starting area, Bandit bridge blockade event. (lvl 2-3?) It used to occur all the time. Now it rarely occurs. Which NPC do you talk to to trigger it? Are Noobs to the game supposed to know that?

Also, the area wasn’t exactly deserted either.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drintar.1246


It isn’t a talk to the npc trigger event per se. If ALL the players passing the npc ignore the fact the npc says to them(and I do mean says it’s speech from the speakers) things like “excuse me do you have a moment?”, “can you help me?” etc then the event doesn’t get triggered it requires the players to actually pay attention to the world around them.

I mean I don’t know about you but if someone ran up to me going “hey do you have a minute?” and waving at me I’d at least stop to see what they wanted. If you don’t then you miss triggering the event because the npc doesn’t always trigger it. For example there’s an Asura cop like npc that will trigger the save the researchers event.(at least I assume this triggered it as she asked me if I had a moment then told me they were captured and asked if I would save them I said sure and got the new event nearby etc)

Now the next several times I passed that NPC she didn’t run up and ask me if I could help so there is a double random component I think to some events. 1) the npc that triggers them has to have been triggered to ask for help and 2) someone actually has to talk to them and say they will help

Granted this is theory but I’ve had two npcs do this and saw a little girl yelling to hurry there was a fight on the bridge during the defend the pack animal from the pirates thing in gendarren fields.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


It isn’t a talk to the npc trigger event per se. If ALL the players passing the npc ignore the fact the npc says to them(and I do mean says it’s speech from the speakers) things like “excuse me do you have a moment?”, “can you help me?” etc then the event doesn’t get triggered it requires the players to actually pay attention to the world around them.

I mean I don’t know about you but if someone ran up to me going “hey do you have a minute?” and waving at me I’d at least stop to see what they wanted. If you don’t then you miss triggering the event because the npc doesn’t always trigger it. For example there’s an Asura cop like npc that will trigger the save the researchers event.(at least I assume this triggered it as she asked me if I had a moment then told me they were captured and asked if I would save them I said sure and got the new event nearby etc)

Now the next several times I passed that NPC she didn’t run up and ask me if I could help so there is a double random component I think to some events. 1) the npc that triggers them has to have been triggered to ask for help and 2) someone actually has to talk to them and say they will help

Granted this is theory but I’ve had two npcs do this and saw a little girl yelling to hurry there was a fight on the bridge during the defend the pack animal from the pirates thing in gendarren fields.

Yes I have seen the NPCs that run up to you and that is fine. But mostly in the higher level areas. Maybe I haven’t paid enough attention, but I don’t remember seeing that in the 1-15 Human Starting area.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Might not be in the human area but the one in the asura was in metrica province

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FateOmega.9601


I saw 1 in caledon forest and he told me to help and so i did. When i get there the event has just been completed. Kittens!

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The frequency isn’t nerfed, but the events have different start-up triggers.
As an example I take the Hylek Patli DE chain. After the event ends and a certain amount has passed a mysterious chest appears south off her village. This set in motion the first DE, wich is followed with the second DE and then the third. When I just started doing things I was clicking things like the chest all the time. Now when I pass that location and see it’s up I leave it alone cause I’m not in the mood.

So that is one reason why you experience less DE, many off them needs to be started by a player and people do it less. The second reason might be that some events only trigger when there are enough players in the zone. I have not seen signs of that (have been playing on a EU server at 4 am in the morning and having as many events as at peak time, I think even the opposite, cause it is harder to do certain group events, they are longer around then at daytime.

The last reason is luck. Many off my guildmembers where telling me bout the Behemoth creature in Queensdale. But it took me 50 times of zoning there to have a message different then `The swamp lies dorment’

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Prophet.6954


I can confirm, this is the ‘measly’ experience you get at those levels. And also can confirm, that many events trigger, off environment interaction. Asking why the people are sick (green skulls above their heads) in queensdale for example, triggers the “water is polluted”.
All of the escort quests are usually npcs in town, and if no one talks to them, nothing gets started…and since that ‘escort’ quest doesn’t start, you never run into the one after since they didn’t get their supplies from the cart, that says patrol the perimeter of the keep, etc etc.

I experienced even very early, bouncing between overflows and such, that at times events were heavy and frequent, and other times slim to none and some I started myself, only to have to bail on as no one was around.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Yes I have seen the NPCs that run up to you and that is fine. But mostly in the higher level areas. Maybe I haven’t paid enough attention, but I don’t remember seeing that in the 1-15 Human Starting area.

I have seen this happening in the humans start area. It was on one off the farms where a peasant run to me as asked ‘have you got a minute’.

So i guess we all have to learn to pay attention to the NPC’s. It’s new to many off us that have played other games, but i think it’s a great way off getting more “into the game”!
So let’s all look out for people that need help (NPC’s and Players alike) and make this a real journey in a wonderfull world!

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Prophet.6954


I have seen them not “always” have an “orange sliced in half” over their head.
Many times its “hey you look like a buff cookie, can you be my hero?” type comments from them, and then they run back to their “please talk to me to start the awesomeness” position awaiting your action to confirm you’ll lead them to safety.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rozcinana.7249


I saw 1 in caledon forest and he told me to help and so i did. When i get there the event has just been completed. Kittens!

This has happened to me a few times too. I’m all proud of myself for starting an event and it’s over when i get there!

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Yeah I’m starting to talk to NPCs more now and sometimes it starts a DE. The stupid thing is when the NPC starts a DE so far away you have waypoint there to get there in time.

I still think they need to tune this to make DEs happen more often in less populated areas.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bvhjdbvkjf.1987


I’ve had less problems finding DE… more so having problems soloing them when I try to do DE and people have either run off cause the last one ended or just aren’t around.

For example in Metrica when you prevent the skritt from taking apart the asura gate, once they get it working there’s a DE that takes places in some lab where if no one sticks around one person can end up fighting multiple veteran level golems at once.

I like the idea of DE being dynamic but it doesn’t seem like many actually adjust to the participation well – and I’m not wanting to loose the benefit from killing lots of mobs but I’m less keen on dying just cause there’s no one around to help.

Hell in Plains of Ashford there’s a DE to kill some Flame Legion Shaman just past the lake of rock drakes that sometimes gets infested by tar elementals – and that guy (perhaps in my opinion alone) can’t even be beaten when there’s 2 people… I’ve had to wait around for more people to show up just to do the event.

I know the thread was started to discuss the frequency of DE, but I think it’s an overall lack of balance that needs to be adjusted.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I’ve had less problems finding DE… more so having problems soloing them when I try to do DE and people have either run off cause the last one ended or just aren’t around.

For example in Metrica when you prevent the skritt from taking apart the asura gate, once they get it working there’s a DE that takes places in some lab where if no one sticks around one person can end up fighting multiple veteran level golems at once.

I like the idea of DE being dynamic but it doesn’t seem like many actually adjust to the participation well – and I’m not wanting to loose the benefit from killing lots of mobs but I’m less keen on dying just cause there’s no one around to help.

Hell in Plains of Ashford there’s a DE to kill some Flame Legion Shaman just past the lake of rock drakes that sometimes gets infested by tar elementals – and that guy (perhaps in my opinion alone) can’t even be beaten when there’s 2 people… I’ve had to wait around for more people to show up just to do the event.

I know the thread was started to discuss the frequency of DE, but I think it’s an overall lack of balance that needs to be adjusted.

i think is is a bit of both which requires adjustment.

One thing I have noticed is that the difficulty of DEs scales with the total number of players NOT the number of players in a particular area. This is a problem for DEs spread out over an area where you have a concentrated clump of maybe 40 players (playing essentially in easy mode) and a few separated group of say 3-5 players who are being massacerd because the dificulty level has been scaled to the total number of players. This I think is a very poorly designed mechanic which should be fixed.