Is the story designed so you really have to have other players in a group?

Is the story designed so you really have to have other players in a group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dirlettia.5861


I have tried multiple times on different toons to do certain story missions and am hitting roadblocks all the time where it seems certain class/npc combinations just cannot complete a mission.

My worst at the moment comes for my Guardian as although i can tank the avatar of balthazar for a while I just have no way of killing it solo as all my npc’s were killed by the combined attacks of the avatar and thaumaturgist as soon as the cutscene finished. The camera angles are also a hinder as I can never see myself due to the abundance of tents and things which stop me even seeing what I am doing.

Rezzing them does no good as the marksman restart outside the mission and will not follow me back in and my warband member refuses to leave the avatar spawn point when i rez him. If we had NPC controls from GW1 so he didnt attack on sight and would go to a rally point we may have more luck.

So the question is how do other folks fair when they come across a mission which seems vaguely impossible?

Is the story designed so you really have to have other players in a group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KaLeB.4371


the npcs do little to nothing and seem like a waste of time. that said all but the final story line part is soloable or atleast was for me.

Is the story designed so you really have to have other players in a group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fish.4567


I had no problem soloing personal story. Certain parts may be challenging, but if you change your character’s build to focus on survival and learn to dodge most powerful attacks, you’ll be fine.

I am a guardian myself.