(JadeQuarry) Looking for a game buddy!!

(JadeQuarry) Looking for a game buddy!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


So I pretty much solo’d my way to 80 and have been soloing stuff since then as well. GW2 is fun but seeing as this is a MMO I’d love to have someone to tag along with. I’m fairly new to the game, only been playing about a week, so I’d be more than happy to travel along with someone more experienced with the game who can offer me advice on things like dungeons, crafting, WvW or PvP. I have a guild but it feels more like a chat room rather than a place I can find friends to run around with. I just think having someone to explore the game with and say “Hi” to when I log on would make it more interesting.

I play a dual dagger Elementalist who I’m pretty good with (I think). I mainly PvE but I’m open to trying WvW and PvP. I haven’t done a whole lot of it cause it feels a little overwhelming. I also like long walks on the beach.

I’ll be around so feel free to say hey.


Also, I live in California so I’m on pacific time.

(edited by TylerWolff.7186)