Jump+dodge: intended mechanic or weirdness?
The game mechanic responsible is mostly likely movement speed affecting jumping distance, which is an intended mechanic. It works both ways. If you are in combat you are moving slower than if you are out of combat, and can’t jump as far. I THINK dodge moves you at your out of combat movement speed, even during combat. That’s most likely the reason for what you are seeing, and wouldn’t give you an edge in any way.
Either way it’s fun to do a sweet flip when jumping off ledges.
It’s fun so clearly unintended.
Personally I’ve never tested the dodge jump combo in combat. The only tests I’ve done were off ledges in LA. When I execute the combo it seems that there is a little boost to the jump distance. There is a thread on Guru I saw the other day with some more detailed tests on distance. GWGuru It’s what made me ask the question here. I’ve been playing with it and personally I feel that if it was intended it is a little difficult to execute consistently. I certainly wouldn’t use it on a jump puzzle because it would totally biff it, but maybe my timing is just off.
It’s no more overpowering than using one of the many run speed buffs in the game and then jumping. Same effect really. I’m sure they didn’t intend for that to be a specific “move” for you to use, but there’s nothing wrong with it so I don’t see why it would be changed later.
as much as i love the jump dodge, i have actually never used it in combat lol.
definitely only off high places or ledges!DD
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of the front flip off of stuff game and I don’t think it is overpowered. I can get more reliable super jumps with leap of faith anyway. All I was going to get at is if it was intended maybe Anet could look at making it a consider making it little easier to execute (like make it a kind bind or something) and if it wasn’t… well hopefully they leave it alone because it is fun and not harmful.
I never posted about this because I don’t want it removed. You see it’s my ‘thing’:
- About to walk through a portal? JD time.
- Hanging out in PvE? Throw a JD in there sometimes
- Just capped a keep in WvW? JD off the side
- Involved in heavy sPvP combat? errrrr…….. don’t JD
Just leave it, it’s a quirk in the game and I love it and as far as I know you can’t exploit it.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
hopefully intended mechanic, I use this all the time when running around with my little asuran charactors, looks great and is great to do over fences and stuff.