Just Got The Game!!!

Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xiumph.9085


So, I bought this game and it’s sitting on my desk in it’s physical copy awaiting me to play it. I wont be able to play it until my new PC build is complete (so awesome! 660 ti’s SLI!) but anyway I really want to hear how awesome or not awesome this game has been for you and what I should be looking forward to etc.


Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Well, let’s start with:
- enjoy it, take your time, the world is great (however still buggy here and there)
- don’t await to have lot’s of gold, especially not by crafting, that’s a money sink
- but be ready to say goodbye to old role schemes, they probably won’t apply
- try sPvP and World vs. World vs. World

I can only speak about myself: for me GW2 has set new benchmarks for MMORPG.

(edited by Talyjta.9081)

Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Are you sure you want to know all???

Ok, here we go!
I simple LOVE this game!!
I know, there are MMO mechanics in play, things are not that revolutionary as Anet let us believe, but the game feels very very fresh and alive to me.
I love to explore the maps and getting rewards for just doing that. You get experience for almost everything you can do in this game.
Even crafting is not a time/money sink, you level your character by crafting too.

The main thing Anet is proud off are the Dynamic Events (DE’s on the forum mostly). And yep, they are lovely to do, give you agian a great reward towards your efforts and its just so great to see people coming from all different directions to join in the battle to kill that big bad boss
It’s also true that if you hang around in an area for some time, you’ll see the same events start over again. But i see no harm in that. Specially if the rewards are good enough. And it pays off to stay a bit longer in a certain area because that is the way i found new DE’s that i hadn’t seen before.

What makes this game also great are the graphics. Yep, Anet has a specifick art style and you love it or not, but you have to be honest, this are about the best graphics i’ve seen in a MMO so far. They raised the bar and its up to the competition to catch up with them. And with your new Pc (envy those 660 ti in SLI, i have a single 660 ti and it runs great but you’re gonna have SOOO much power ) you should be able to run in on max grahp settings so get ready for some awesome sights!

What else to tell you? I haven’t tried PVP or WvW yet, so can’t really have an opinion on that. Dungeons are also a part that i yet have to enter but i hear from my guildies that it can be lots off fun when you set your mind to it So get into a great group off players and you’ll should be set for some fun runs!

For the rest you should try out a few things. I’m not gonna recommend any race or profession as that is personal taste in my opinion. Try out what you like, level it to 10-20 to get a good feeling off the profession and decide then if you like it or not.

So there is some basic info about the game and what i love about it. Hope it helps you a bit and have fun when you do enter Tyria

Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TDWIG.9712


Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raf.1078


Its a good game with a really decent in game community. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProphetSword.5427


The game is great. If you’ve played other MMOs, you will find that GW2 has a different way of doing things. In my opinion, it is better than the standard way.

The idea in this game is that the whole game is end game. Enjoy it the moment you start, don’t worry about leveling or getting to the end, take your time to explore, and find a guild of friendly people who will help you out when you need it.

Oh yeah…and don’t listen to the negativity in the General Discussion area of the forums. Form your own opinions.

Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think the most important piece of advice has already been said, but it bears repeating:

Take your time with the game and allow yourself to enjoy a slower pace.

GW2 is not a game for speed leveling. Leveling is just a side effect of enjoying the game.

Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


So, I bought this game and it’s sitting on my desk in it’s physical copy awaiting me to play it. I wont be able to play it until my new PC build is complete (so awesome! 660 ti’s SLI!) but anyway I really want to hear how awesome or not awesome this game has been for you and what I should be looking forward to etc.


On any forum you’ll hear plenty of QQ since people that are content tend not to post, but here are some of my favorite points of the game:

- The community is pretty awesome: Town chat in GW2 is noticeably better than most games. WoW had lots of crap constantly in trade chat (and is also well known for the type of conversations in Barrens Chat) and Tera probably had the worst of all the games I ever tried..

- The game feels very alive. There’s just about always something going on, whether it’s random banter of NPCs or dynamic events.

- I never feel like I’m being forced to play. In many other MMOs, I always felt like I had to grind through tons of boring content to get to the good stuff (end game dungeons/raids and PvP). However, you can jump right into so much of what makes GW2 great without having to grind to max level or having to farm up the latest and greatest set of gear.

There are issues, but GW2 is definitely doing something great here and I’m glad I got this game.