Just came back

Just came back

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ferreus.6725


Played the game at launch for about 3-4 months, then I had health issues IRL take me away from gaming in general for about another 3 months. Then when I got back into it, I went to SWTOR first and got dragged into a guild situation that, well, long story short – I didn’t come back here.
Now that I have, I wonder why it took me so long. Love this game.
My question is: which style/spec I guess is the most popular for mesmer now?

Just came back

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


For Mesmer specific questions you may want to peek at the Profession forums. Overall though I would suggest the site: http://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki to learn what the “go-to” builds are for classes. They’re very cookie-cut builds that work right out of the starting gate, but I would recommend reading the various builds and learning to customize them.