Karma Vendors in Orr clarification
try mix and match from various temples to get the
++ power
+ vitality
+ toughness
armor sets
Top exotic have similar stats but different skins from dungeons and temples. Go to the wiki to see various looks and stats. Open temples are in several posts in players helping players forum. There are no weapon karma, just dungeon token and I believe wvw. Karma merchants are only open for a time then become contested again.
Thanks. But, could someone answer the questions for when and how the vendors appear. They are what concern me the most. Thanks.
look for the temples being active, as I said there are posts with open temples.
Thanks. Could you maybe check my questions pal. I know about them being “active” etc. but I need to know if I have to have completed event, just have waypoint clear, vendor one off or only if done event.
Thanks. And sorry, it’s just I feel I’m not finding out what I need to know & really want some decent gear lol. Thanks very much for having patience and helping me though
Explicitly stated, the Karma Vendors that have the armor you’re looking for become available when the chain of events is successfully completed to open a temple. By extension, opening a temple also uncontests the waypoint.
As Yargesh mentions in his post, you can look for an open temple and then guest to that world to buy the armor pieces you need.
On a related topic, beyond your PVT armor, may I also recommend eventually getting yourself a set of knights and a set of berserkers armor? Guardians to incredibly well at support. So much so that with practice, you can be quite DPSy while supporting.
The temple needs to be controlled by the pact for the vendor to appear. It doesn’t matters who clears the event. The vendor will stay there until the risen took back control. It is possible for the vendor be there even if the waypoint is contested.
Hi memphissz. As to your question about the temples, when they’re contested there is a series of events that you have to complete in order to unlock said temple and cause the karma vendor to appear. Each temple has their own set of events. The temple of Dwayna (Temple of Zephyrs) for example, has a clearing event, two escort events, and a final clearing event involving a champion boss. After the final event a large chest appears for those who participated, and the karma vendor becomes available. Even after doing this though, it’s possible for the temple to become overrun again, making the waypoint contested again and the karma vendor unavailable. Each temple has the same armor skin, but the stats are different.
As for Karma weapon vendors, usually those only supply Rare level weapons, and quite a few can be found in each city. The tier 3 cultural venders supply unique skins for level 80 characters. Exotic weapons are usually found as drops, or can be crafted if you have the profession high enough.
As for where you might get the best tanking gear, or which venue is the best to aquire it (events, karma vender, dungeons) I’m afraid that’s a matter of opinion. Personally, I purchased most of my armor from the Trading Post, the one exception being a set of heavy armor from the temple of Dwayna. It’s a matter of personal taste, which you’d be better to try and work out for yourself. I hope this is helpful.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Thanks all. Berelious you got what I was after, and helped lots.
Be aware however that Orrian Temple vendors will only be able to supply you with a total of five pieces of P/v/t armour. The sixth piece you’ll either have to get from dungeons or WvW.
And the level 80 rare P/v/t Soldier’s Spineguard that can be bought from the BLTC for 1 or 2 silver has the following stats:
Power 20
Toughness 14
Vitality 14
Where the exotic one from the Cathedral of Silence has these stats:
Power 22
Toughness 16
Vitality 16
You won’t be missing out on much if you get all the other trinkets as exotic and keep the backpiece rare.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
Just to add, here is a good guide for all your high-level items:
and specifically for the karma armour