Karma armor/weapons for level 35
just check all the lvl 35 heart guys. you can still see the lvl requirement for a heart even after you’ve completed it. they sell karma gear equal to the level of the heart.
there’s a karma vendor that sells rare equips in each city, am i right?
oh, yes. cultural armor. the vendors should show up as a blue helmet icon on the map in your races home city. I’m pretty sure they’ll only talk to you if you’re the right race though. The human one just said to my sylvari “do i make you nervous?” or something along those lines.
strange…. i bought cultural armor by gold in this NPC’s
Cultural armor is sold for gold. Karma armor is bought from various Heart vendors after you have completed their tasks. (The most expensive Karma armor is bought in Orr. I believe each piece of armor costs a staggering 43,000 karma!)
snowden drifts heart vendors. Also notices the same items in other zones of the same level for human/silvari