Karma points

Karma points

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: trooper.2650



Hello guys, still levelling my guardian here…
What do I do with karma points? Shall I keep them for when I am 80 or should I spend them as I progress through the game?
At the moment (lvl55) I am fine with what I have got: 100% drops. Levelling is not an issue nor the few dungeons I have done as long as the people I group with are ok.

As a matter of fact I did a bit of levelling without using traits at all and did not really notice the difference. But I guess the game is now getting tougher and traits become compulsory.

So, should I wait? Are there nice upgrades to buy with karma for when I will be 80?
What other currencies are there that will allow me to buy gear? Or should I start saving money asap?

Last question. I care about crafting but is not my main focus: should I salvage all of the white drops/replaced gear or should I sell them to make more money?

Thanks for advice

Karma points

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Siam.1278


I think your thread is suppose to be in the Players helping players section but anyways.

If you plan on getting some exotic gear as soon as you reach lvl80, I say save them for the those god armors being sold by the priests in Orr.

If you’re planning on getting legendary, a lot of the materials needed for it also need karma.

Always saving your gold now will help a lot, if you plan to buy exotic armor/weapons when you reach lvl80.

For crafting, I suggest you salvage white/blue light armor to get some mats off of them and sell them at TP and just sell white/blue medium/heavy ones as they’re cheaper on TP/can be farmed easily. For greens, you can throw them at the mystic forge for a chance to get a rare (only when you are at least lvl70+ so that the gear you get can get you ectos), otherwise just NPC/TP them.