Keeping armor current?

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iron Maiden.7453

Iron Maiden.7453

Im lvl 14 and been stuck with lvl 10 armor. Ive done plenty of grinding in various areas around lvl 14&15 but never armor drops. So i just went and bought some lvl 15 armor off the bltc. Cost alot… so that brings me to my question… ^^^

Also second question where the heck is the audio log collector closest to hoelbrek!!!

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kootje.9271


It’s kinda easy keeping it current. Doing events will make u able to buy stuff from the heartvendors. They’ll help u keep up with ur lvl. Also do the personal story quests to help keep up. They give armor/weapons/trinkets too.

About the audio log collector, dunno…

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

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Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iron Maiden.7453

Iron Maiden.7453

Ah never thought of checking karma vendors. I been hording my karma LOL

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kootje.9271


Karma is mostly usefull for a legendary, so use it if u can, u’ll gather loads and loads of it lvling to 80 anyway.

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

If it ain’t dutch,… :P

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I wouldn’t worry about saving karma to much. It comes fast at level 80 plus you have the jugs of karma. I spent my warrior down below 4k karma and a few days later she had 16k, and she isn’t even my main. I just farm in Orr occasionally with her.

You can check out your server’s WvW. There is a merchant there who sell karma armor at whatever level you are. It’s pretty ugly but it’s essentially free. :-) Its in the same area where you spawn in your borderland iirc.

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


Usually you don’t need to keep your armor current. I didn’t and I did fine with necromancer.

However it gives a much greater impact on warrior and might even be necessary or from big advantage for guardian.

The only audio log collector I know is in the Diessa Plateau at the beginning when you come from the Black Citadel.

Gamer & Developer; Playing games is part of making games! Gather experience and make games!

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iron Maiden.7453

Iron Maiden.7453

Ty. Im a warrior is there any cool armor i can get or am i stuck with chainmail crap for awhile?

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


I know there is some cool armor out there but I myself am level 31 and got only chainmail. At least I got a nice helmet.

Gamer & Developer; Playing games is part of making games! Gather experience and make games!

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


To answer your audio log collector question, the one closest to Hoelbrak actually stands near the passage to the snowy part of Wayfarer Foothills, you can’t miss her (or any charr for that matter).

As for armor, I switch sets every 8-10 levels as that’s when they start to lose effectiveness. A masterwork set will suffice, rare and exotic are too expensive unless it’s lv 80 exotics, and those can be obtained with dungeon tokens.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

(edited by Lindbur.2537)

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Subby.2583


Im lvl 14 and been stuck with lvl 10 armor. Ive done plenty of grinding in various areas around lvl 14&15 but never armor drops. So i just went and bought some lvl 15 armor off the bltc. Cost alot… so that brings me to my question… ^^^

Also second question where the heck is the audio log collector closest to hoelbrek!!!

Gear is not overly important when leveling up. I suggest you visit the trading post every 5-10 levels and get gear that you can wear (blue items).

Once you hit 80, grab a set of Masterwork (green) items and then start heading for exotics (from either Karma or dungeon tokens).

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


You can get pretty good gear from your personal story too and they mostly come in 3 varieties of skins as well- I remember when I still had a warrior I liked the scale version quite a lot

Gunnar’s Hold

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bri.2359


The audio log collectors have been missing since the updates on many servers. The one in Wayfare on my server is gone, not sure about the one the in Dissia.

As for armour, you are only lvl 15, so no, there is no ‘cool’ armour you can access yet. Don’t waste gold or karma on armour/weapons until you are at least lvl 60+. You will need all of both you find during leveling to kit yourself when you reach lvl 80.

Just play the game and use what drops or rewards from personal story. If you want more heavy armour options, pick up armorsmithing and craft it with the mats you collect while map exploring, doing hearts, etc.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


Gear needs to be updated no more often than every 5 or 10 levels. Equip what drops and what you get from your personal story as you go and just fill in what’s seriously lacking everytime you get a new trait (not trait point). Every 5 levels I’d look at my gear level for each piece & if any were more than 5-8 levels from my level I’d get new stuff from the TP for cheap. The TP is insanely cheap sub-80. You’ll probably be able to replace everything you have with blues or greens for not much more than what you’ll vend the old stuff for.

Cool looking armor comes 30+. Once you can do dungeons for tokens you can use them for better armor skins. Also, some karma vendors have nice looking armor sets.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


“Please accept my text in the jovial, friendly manner that it is intended.”

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tony.6028


While leveling, I place buy orders on sets of blue gear every 5-10 levels. I don’t infuse them. When I’m done with them, I sell them. It’s practically free, and sometimes generates a small profit.

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


I didn’t use the trading post to buy stuff until after I hit 80. I just kept buying stuff with karma. The stat combos aren’t always what you want, but it doesn’t really matter all that much until you hit 80. Once you hit 80 just buy exotic temple karma gear.

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katlyntje.7962


There should be an audio log collector in Snowden Drifts, the extreme upper right corner.

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow. BOOM!

Primary: Gizzmologist Saikka – Asura Engineer

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The collector in Wayfarer is back now. I just turned in two to that NPC.

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Keeping your armor current is not essential, but it IS extremely helpful. The difference between using gear at or near your level and using gear more than 30 levels below is remarkable. It can mean the difference between taking 3-4 hits from a Champion and getting one-shotted by that same Champion.

At the same time, until you reach level 80 there’s no real need to get the best armor/weapons. Fine/Masterwork gear will suit you just fine, and you can usually buy those for 1 copper over their vendor price off the TP. I’m currently running around in a mixture of level 79 Greens/Blues on all my level 80’s because:

1. I’m not yet at a stage where I’m ready to start farming dungeons/crafting Exotics for them.

2. Transmuting level 80 gear requires Transmutation Crystals, which are much rarer (and more pricey) than Transmutation Stones.

Keeping armor current?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NibriAyid.3680


If you don’t die often you can just wait until most of your armor is broken before you update your armor. That’s how I know when to update my elementalist’s armor. There’s quite a few cases where replacing the armor isn’t much more than repairing outdated armor. Remember broken armor can still be salvaged or sold to a vendor (not trading post) for the same price as if it wasn’t broken!