Keeping up with Tradeskills

Keeping up with Tradeskills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltaire.2579


Hey guys,

So I have taken up the fine trade skills of Leather-working and Huntsman.

One thing I have noticed, is that I as progressed through the starting zone, I was able to more or less keep up with the 1-75 leather working. As huntsman uses the same trophies (Tiny Totem, Small Venom Sac, ect) as Leather Working, I was only able to loot enough of them to bring the Leather working sill up to 75 just after I zoned over to the next area.

For huntsman, I had to actually farm for more parts to increase the skill…..and I don’t really want to do that.

I am wondering if you guys have had the same experience in your trade skilling escapades.

Keeping up with Tradeskills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132



Everything you do in this game means exp so you will certainly find yourself out leveling your crafting zone area well before you can collect enough stuff for the second trade skill.

although, with the account wide bank and crafting supply collection area your alts you may want to play can easily contribute to your mains crafting needs rather than going back to low lvl areas with your main to farm.

Keeping up with Tradeskills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: notebene.3190


I find it difficult. I’m 50, ‘just’ started playing in a 40-50 area, where my next personal story quest is (42nd level). I managed to get my crafting up to make myself ‘greens’ at 50 (full set of Tailoring items and Artifice items), but that took me about 6 levels (combined experience from crafting and farming mobs), starting around late 43, just getting to make myself my 45th level blues right around 45, and then my greens came in at 49 with a few bubbles of experience to spare.

During that time, I just farmed for materials. At the end, I ended up deciding not to go out and farm the 32 blood, 16 claws, 16 venom and 16 other items I needed to make everything. I bought much of it on the TP, which took me from about 1g.32s down to 75s (and then I went down to 7 silver making myself 12 space bags, that was all one me).

So it does seem ‘rough’ compared to some other games I’ve played (WoW and Rift come to mind), but maybe easier than something like TERA, which I completely gave up on (and then the game ultimately, as it just wasn’t for me, but I’m sure fine for a lot of folks).

Now, taking a step back, and realizing that this game has no subscription, but a gem shop, and gems can buy you gold among other things, if you are used to playing a subscription model and have no problem with giving them $15 a month for your time, that would give you 1200 gems per month, and could net you a decent enough penny, if you spent it all on money, to keep up with your crafting, and then once you maxed your crafting, back off a little?

A lot of ways to look at it.

Ultimately, I’m a bit bummed about how much experience you get from crafting. At the same time, because of de-leveling, it doesn’t really matter what my level is, I’m ‘behind’ (so to speak) in zone difficulty, so my gear is always actually ahead.

My biggest problem is I’m now 50, managed to get up to 25s, but know I need 2g for 60, and am probably going to have to spend a pretty penny on the TP (or go mad farming, or a little of both) if I expect to keep my crafting up for these next 10 levels or let it slip.

The good news is, I’ve allotted myself (for now, I may increase it) 800 points per month ($10). I have 100 left from my initial spending spree (I made two $10 purchases in beta to help test the system on two occasions), and get to buy 800 more in two weeks. I’m sure I’ll be broke by then. I may just have to slow my playing down.

Oh, and don’t get me started on transmutation stones. I got some for a few zone completions, but don’t see them much any more. I bought 25 (gems), and am now down to like 7. I have to burn 7 every level to keep the look of a few pieces I like the look of, and I change my armor every 5 levels. I think I’m going to skip the blue level and just wait until the next green set (presumably 60) comes up before I change.

For someone that ‘really’ likes to make the very best thing they can make themselves as soon as they are available, it’s a bit of a tough road in this game, but doable.

Keeping up with Tradeskills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


Something I’ve discovered is that the best way to keep up with tradeskills is to level an alt with entirely different skills that uses different mats. That way, you can chuck other stuff you get into the bank as you level said alt, which ultimately helps your main.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

Keeping up with Tradeskills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sylvanlord.3208


Something I’ve discovered is that the best way to keep up with tradeskills is to level an alt with entirely different skills that uses different mats. That way, you can chuck other stuff you get into the bank as you level said alt, which ultimately helps your main.

Sadly, unless you choose JC/Cooking, I don’t think this is possible. Ultimately every profession except those two (from what I’ve seen) use the same series of materials (totems, claws, bones, etc). Their only differences are the varying degrees with which they implement the base harvesting materials (wood, cloth, etc), and each profession is equally demanding of the former mats.

Keeping up with Tradeskills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drevin.6534


I play the game as a human. I completed the 1-15 area, then moved to the 15-25 area, and then the next one. When I got myself over 250 pieces on copper ore I think in the bank, I picked up 2 professions so I don’t have to keep the overflow in my inventory. Once I cleaned up my lower level ores/wood, I realized that now I’m getting a whole bunch of next tier ores/wood that I can’t use because I haven’t reached the appropriate crafting level. So what I did was to forget continuing playing in higher level areas, and I started doing the low level areas of the other races. Not only does this get me world completion, it also gets me to gather the appropriate resources that I need to improve crafting. So I think you might want to consider playing in other low level areas.