Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Forzani.2584


Having a tough time finding the right combination.

I have a mouse that has some extra buttons on the side. It’s hard to explain but I can’t use those buttons on the side (thumb). All the pressure is on my index finger pressing the right mouse key so I can turn. Left mouse to camera turn or target something specific. If I lift my thumb the mouse is not controllable.

I have a steele keyboard. I use the left side of the keyboard for Forward and back movement. Strafe left and right. Keys beside those that I use for nearest target, weapon swap and 180 turn. Plus a key to speak on TS.

I can’t reach the 1-5 keys very easily so end up gasp clicking 50% of the time.

Just can’t find the right combo to be able to mouse turn (one hand), move forward/back/strafe (other hand). Can’t find a way to use actions without clicking.

This likely makes no sense
Just curious how other do it.

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Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The nice thing about the Naga hex is that there is a pad in the middle of the thumb buttons that you can rest your thumb on so you don’t actually have to lift your thumb to press the buttons.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Athryl.9372


I use the regular Naga for the same reasons. My Naga has developed the dreaded double click issue many people have, but in game it doesn’t usually matter…it’s when I use it for regular computing that it is a hassle.

Arden Kynaston – Tarnished Coast

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Donari.5237


I’ll echo Khisanth. I got a HEX after the first beta weekend and it’s been wonderful. Though I move by holding down both mouse buttons rather than pushing the mouse with my thumb, as I want to keep all my movement on the mouse and skill use on the keyboard, so it might not suit your style.

It comes with a few thicknesses of thumb pad. I applied the thickest one, like a null button in the middle of the set. I actually only use buttons 4, 5, and 6, those being strafe left, move back, and strafe right. I don’t remember what I set the others to.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forzani.2584


I’ll echo Khisanth. I got a HEX after the first beta weekend and it’s been wonderful. Though I move by holding down both mouse buttons rather than pushing the mouse with my thumb, as I want to keep all my movement on the mouse and skill use on the keyboard, so it might not suit your style.

It comes with a few thicknesses of thumb pad. I applied the thickest one, like a null button in the middle of the set. I actually only use buttons 4, 5, and 6, those being strafe left, move back, and strafe right. I don’t remember what I set the others to.

Thanks for the tip on the Hex.

I have dabbled with holding both mouse buttons for movement but I can’t click target on something and it locks out some of the other keys when I have both mouse pressed. Hard to get used to. That would be great though to have all movement on the mouse to free up other hand for actions.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I’ll echo Khisanth. I got a HEX after the first beta weekend and it’s been wonderful. Though I move by holding down both mouse buttons rather than pushing the mouse with my thumb, as I want to keep all my movement on the mouse and skill use on the keyboard, so it might not suit your style.

It comes with a few thicknesses of thumb pad. I applied the thickest one, like a null button in the middle of the set. I actually only use buttons 4, 5, and 6, those being strafe left, move back, and strafe right. I don’t remember what I set the others to.

Thanks for the tip on the Hex.

I have dabbled with holding both mouse buttons for movement but I can’t click target on something and it locks out some of the other keys when I have both mouse pressed. Hard to get used to. That would be great though to have all movement on the mouse to free up other hand for actions.

I had once considered a setup where I would control movement with my feet. :P

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Neoheart.2750


I use the regular Naga for the same reasons. My Naga has developed the dreaded double click issue many people have, but in game it doesn’t usually matter…it’s when I use it for regular computing that it is a hassle.

There’s some good videos on youtube that can help resolve the issue. Personally i dont own a naga but when researching them i came across several articles, videos, posts etc about this issue.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


I have a Naga Razr, and I’ve actually found that by changing the way I grip the mouse, so that most of the weight is in the right hand side of the main pad of my hand, I have much greater control over movement of the mouse, and can easily hold down the right mouse button, while clicking the scroll wheel for dodge and also leaving my thumb completely free for pressing buttons down the side for skills.

I probably haven’t explained the grip very well, but basically shift the pressure away from your fingers to your palm (or the pads under the knuckles of your fist if that makes more sense). Not only can you accomplish more with the mouse, you actually gain much better movement control overall.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Name.9625


I have a Naga as well, using my thumb to press the buttons on the side. That way i have my 10 skills and 2 of my attunements covered. Mouse buttons 4+5 are used for the other 2 attunements. I use my index finger to press those buttons, while i hold the right mouse button with my middle finger.
That and using WASD for movement works fine for me. Both on engi and ele

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Forzani.2584


Different pressure points does make sense.

I also like the idea of foot controls. There has got to be something like that isn’t there? That would completely solve the problem I am having.

Mouse+keyboard+foot control=win

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I switched from the Naga to the Naga Hex, not because I wanted, but because I accidentally killed my old Naga with a static shock. Poor thing.

I didn’t like the feeling of the new Naga’s thumb buttons, so I went for the Naga Hex. I must say the thing I hate the most is that they moved the 4th and 5th mouse buttons from being next to the left mouse button to behind the mouse wheel.

Whoever thought that would be a convenient place for mouse buttons? You have to hook your finger to a very unnatural position to reach them, especially the one closest to the rear. I had to switch my weapon switching from mouse5 to middle mouse button (wheel) and it takes some time getting used to…

One – Piken Square

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


Different pressure points does make sense.

I also like the idea of foot controls. There has got to be something like that isn’t there? That would completely solve the problem I am having.

Mouse+keyboard+foot control=win

I definitely suggest you try it. I got the tip from someone else while playing FPS games, where control over your mouse is absolutely key. Shifting the pressure to the heel of your hand rather than the fingers has made a huge difference to me.

I am pretty sure you can have foot controls – I’ve definitely heard of something like that because there are people with no hands who play computer games with their feet. Whether they can be combined with mouse and keyboard as well … well, it would be interesting!

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I switched from the Naga to the Naga Hex, not because I wanted, but because I accidentally killed my old Naga with a static shock. Poor thing.

I didn’t like the feeling of the new Naga’s thumb buttons, so I went for the Naga Hex. I must say the thing I hate the most is that they moved the 4th and 5th mouse buttons from being next to the left mouse button to behind the mouse wheel.

Whoever thought that would be a convenient place for mouse buttons? You have to hook your finger to a very unnatural position to reach them, especially the one closest to the rear. I had to switch my weapon switching from mouse5 to middle mouse button (wheel) and it takes some time getting used to…

I don’t bother using mouse 5. 4 I just use with my index finger(take target).

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Teratus.2859


I have a R.A.T.7 Mouse that has two buttons for the thumb

I use them as my F1 and target nearest enemy buttons
I’ve also assigned my Mouse wheel burron as my dodge ^^

I’ve been playing with this control style for over a year now and I couldn’t imagine playing without it lol

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forzani.2584


I have a R.A.T.7 Mouse that has two buttons for the thumb

I use them as my F1 and target nearest enemy buttons
I’ve also assigned my Mouse wheel burron as my dodge ^^

I’ve been playing with this control style for over a year now and I couldn’t imagine playing without it lol

Crazy looking mouse. Looks like something out of the Transformers movie. I saw on their website they have a new version called mmo7. More suited for mmo games. Will have to do some research.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I’ve got foot controls. A three button system.
They’re a bit clumsy because it takes a lot of pressure to activate. Also they can’t emulate ctl or alt etc.

After a bit of experimenting I found the best use was to use them for targeting functions. next-target and target-nearest-enemy.

I also use a Naga mouse with thumb buttons. I have l/r strafe and forward movement bound to the thumb along with lookback and autorun. Dodge is on the middle button. That puts all my movement on the mouse (except jump – somehow that always feels best on the spacebar) and the keyboard is entirely free for skills.
(I never kbd turn or ever backpedal)

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forzani.2584


I’ve got foot controls. A three button system.
They’re a bit clumsy because it takes a lot of pressure to activate. Also they can’t emulate ctl or alt etc.

After a bit of experimenting I found the best use was to use them for targeting functions. next-target and target-nearest-enemy.

I also use a Naga mouse with thumb buttons. I have l/r strafe and forward movement bound to the thumb along with lookback and autorun. Dodge is on the middle button. That puts all my movement on the mouse (except jump – somehow that always feels best on the spacebar) and the keyboard is entirely free for skills.
(I never kbd turn or ever backpedal)

That’s what I need to get to. All movement on mouse. I have a logitech currently. It has side buttons but like I mentioned above I can’t seem to use them because I lose control of mouse.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

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Posted by: Obtena.7952


I also have the Naga and I think we have the same issue … thumb pressing the side buttons and losing some cursor control. I just never got a feel for what ones I was pressing or if I did, I couldn’t grip the mouse comfortably to move around (I think the mouse is too small for me). I was thinking about moving to a Razer gamepad (with the thumb controller) but I haven’t pulled the trigger because I don’t know if the thumb can be used to move the cursor. I do think it would be superior for me playing this game, it may also be for you.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forzani.2584


I also have the Naga and I think we have the same issue … thumb pressing the side buttons and losing some cursor control. I just never got a feel for what ones I was pressing or if I did, I couldn’t grip the mouse comfortably to move around (I think the mouse is too small for me). I was thinking about moving to a Razer gamepad (with the thumb controller) but I haven’t pulled the trigger because I don’t know if the thumb can be used to move the cursor. I do think it would be superior for me playing this game, it may also be for you.

I have used a game pad but it was more for replacing the keyboard. thumb control was on the right side(left hand). I didn’t realize there was a game pad that had a left thumb control for right hand to replace mouse.

Would have to test it but what about targeting?

At the end of the day I want to be able to do 100% movement and targeting with 1 hand …hopefully right, and leave the left hand for all other actions.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m hoping someone can tell US if one can target with the thumbpad while moving with the WASD on the Orbwearver …


Keyboard/Mouse Suggestions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tzarakiel.7490


I switched from the Naga to the Naga Hex, not because I wanted, but because I accidentally killed my old Naga with a static shock. Poor thing.

I didn’t like the feeling of the new Naga’s thumb buttons, so I went for the Naga Hex. I must say the thing I hate the most is that they moved the 4th and 5th mouse buttons from being next to the left mouse button to behind the mouse wheel.

Whoever thought that would be a convenient place for mouse buttons? You have to hook your finger to a very unnatural position to reach them, especially the one closest to the rear. I had to switch my weapon switching from mouse5 to middle mouse button (wheel) and it takes some time getting used to…

I have a naga with the old buttons myself and I dread the day it will break from wearing out. It’s my (15th)worst nigthmare

“I’m more insulted by his lack of imagination.”