Kite Vendor
That’s… actually a really interesting wiki page.
At the bottom, it says “This NPC was added in the July 9, 2013 update and will stay indefinitely1”
“1^ Post by Paul Belz, Guild Wars 2 Forum”
Yet at the top, it reads “This page contains information about a Guild Wars 2 element, mechanic, or feature that has been removed or replaced. (November 02, 2015)
The information on this page does not apply to the current version of the game or the content is no longer available.”
Either they’ve moved him and the wiki isn’t updated yet, or they went back on their statement and removed the NPC despite what Paul Belz said (which seems the most likely, as the linked source for the Paul Belz quote is a deleted post).
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.
I noticed that as well. I wonder what’s going on in the background for all this. Is it not going to be available anymore, was it just forgotten, or are they working on an issue for it? I’d like to know so if I should hold some gems for a kite or not.