LF 100% map completion partner
What server?
This is the best time zone map in my opion: http://www.worldtimezone.com/
(edited by Drow.2081)
What server?
I didn’t think server mattered for PvE but I’m on Tarnished Coast.
This sounds fun. Im a lonely solo player that needs friends.
What server?
I didn’t think server mattered for PvE but I’m on Tarnished Coast.
Region matters. NA servers can’t talk with EU servers.
Server used to matter for about 8% of map completion before they removed WvW from it.
Slight clarification – when Seera says NA servers can’t talk with EU servers, it doesn’t mean that you can’t chat with them. You just can’t join the same map instance, which is kind of important for map completion. But otherwise, yeah, WvW doesn’t matter anymore, so region is the only thing that matters for map completion parties.
Just in case you or someone else reading misunderstands what Seera said.
I am on TC also.
I have 3 characters in some stage of world exploration.
If you need some help just message me in game. As long as it is not between 8 and 9pm Eastern I can lend a hand. (dailies from 8-9 every day, doncha know. )
Can no long be part of this have computer malfunction. Good luck all.