LF Leveling Partner
Is be happy to tag along.
What profession you play? And how long you been playing (just curious)? I didn’t play too long so I’d prefer to play with someone who has been playing a while and don’t mind giving tips and such. I’m not a noob to MMO’s or anything, but didn’t play much of GW2 the first time around.
I main a ranger but I have every class, I have been playing since day 1. I’m a PvE player there’s a ton I know and tons I’m learning still. I’ll be on around 6pm pst (west coast time zone).
Okay cool. Which of the 3 classes that I mentioned would you recommend? And does the realm that you’re on matter at all? It shows my home as Sorrow’s Furnace.
I’m home on cd crystal desert; but I can guest. I had a ball on my necro! So much I made another!
Okay, I’ll give the necro a shot then. I prefer a rangy playstyle if possible, and it’s been so long I don’t remember the styles of each profession, so dunno if necro would be best or not…
One way to find out roll test re-roll if needed.
I logged onto my account and I have a level 14 necro, and 11 mesmer. Those are the 2 I want to choose between. Any pros/cons of one over the other?
Both Necro and Mesmers have ranged abilities with staff (for both) and greatsword (for Mesmer), and scepters for mid-range on both.
Necros are tanky and have high vitality and death shroud. Mesmers obviously have their illusions/phantasms. Both classes have difficulties with mobility and disengaging from a fight that’s gone horribly wrong, but you can get a speed boost signet with Necro, which you can’t with Mesmer, leaving you reliant on focus skill 4. Don’t know whether that would bother you or not, but some people find it very annoying.
I would say generally, you have to know how the class works properly with Mesmer. Necros, while capable of great things if you do understand the class well, you can get away with more easily while you’re still working it out. But level 80 is a long way away, and you’ll know the class well enough by then, whichever one you choose.
Necros rock at condition damage, Mesmers do good condition damage, but better power than Necros, I think. Mesmers are incredibly powerful at 1v1, Necros are superb at aoe. So that might make a difference to you?
For me, it often just comes down to something really trivial to choose between what class I’m going to play. At the time I made my necro, the choice then was “do I prefer green spell animations or purple, well, everything?” At the time, I wanted the green, so I went with Necro, haha.