Late 30's. Heart quests too few

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LordMaxxie.7698



Ok, so I’m level 38, been taking it slow. Breaking up my heart questing with personal story, and exploration. I’m hoarding materials so I can craft later. I sold a lot for T1, which I got.

I’m level 38, in Hirathi hinterlands, and the quests are level 39 and 40.

I’ve done all starting zones, and there’s only 1 zone left with 15-25 hearts.

I’m getting very little exp, and when I reach level 39, I doubt I will even be able to level using the one heart quest and personal story at that level.

I do dynamic events, and did a run of AC.

Is it impossible to level solely on hearts and personal story?
I’ve been using EXP boosts as well.

Thanks in advance.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: merlinr.6581


Well I leveled all the way to 80 doing only hearts and dynamic events. All I did was move around to different maps and I completed all the objectives 100% (vistas, waypoints and points of interes). I didn’t do my personal story or any PvP stuff. Oh I did a lot of gathering along they too and a bit of crafting but not a lot.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


There is more then 1 map for your level man

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: merlinr.6581


Indeed there is plenty of maps for every level range. So go some other places besides just where you personal story is taking you.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LordMaxxie.7698


Can someone direct me what these maps are called, the places?

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shifted.6912


There are recommended levels under the names of each of them, but you can always visit a website like

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yata.8932


also you can go to other lower level maps, and still get good exp, also do map completion, nice exp there.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drevin.6534


Too bad you’re not crafting. Discoveries would give you some nice xp.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Molkien.5916


Make sure you do the skills challenges in every maps you go, these give some nice XP. Also complete daily achievements. I’m currently lvl 41 and my leveling rate is good. But then, I have cooking/weaponsmith at lvl +/- 100, which helped.
P.S. I’m curious, what is T1? Is it a set of pvp or dungeon gear?

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Just to be clear, it’s NOT possible to level only on hearts and personal story. Hearts are only supposed to be direction arrows, moving you through the maps so you hit the meat of your leveling content, the dynamic events. As the game progresses, you’re going to see fewer and fewer hearts, until you reach Orr where there exactly none.

By the way, just because you’ve hit 100% on a previous map, doesn’t mean that you’ve seen all the content there. It also doesn’t mean you can’t continue to gain experience and karma from doing events in those zones again.

Oh, and if you want to level quickly, don’t ignore crafting. My 80 Ranger had 20 levels just from crafting by the time I capped. It’s worthwhile if you choose to do it.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ten.8421


Yes, it’s impossible to level solely on hearts and personal story.

Unfortunately, the game does not make this clear at all, but: the hearts are just bonuses. They are merely there to give you a rough direction where to go next, and some opportunities for karma vendors. The beef of your leveling is supposed to be Dynamic Events and Map Exploration. Always do all skill point quests. Do as many Dynamic Events as you come across. Discover all the waypoints. If you feel like it, also all the Point of Interest and all the Vistas. Gather whatever you come by on the way. (You don’t have to craft, you can sell what you gathered on the trading post if you’d prefer that).

Gamut Gaming Group [GGG], an inclusive non-oppression, non-prejudice, non-normativity group.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cancer.9065


Farm some events (not the same one though diff one) in you zone level and you will be done in a couple of hours.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltic.6912


if you do lot of harvesting you can also get a bunch of levels just trying to get to lev 75 in a few professions

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mulch.2586


Ignore the hearts, do everything else, you’ll have plenty. I’ve ended up so far ahead on xp on all my characters, I can’t possibly hope to zone-complete and stay within level range of the zones. And I don’t use xp boosts.

If you’re feeling you’re leveling faster than the content, you’re missing most of the content. It’s not the hearts.

Personally I think it’s best to just gather, leave crafting til later, too, to be kind to your coinpouch.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


You didn’t make it clear if you are completing hearts only in one racial zone or multiple. In any case you get tons of XP for completing dynamic events so always go for them when it pops up on your screen. You don’t have to go looking for those events just doing Heart quests usually finds you a few DEs. Stop your heart quest temporarily when the notification pops up and go for the DE.

Late 30's. Heart quests too few

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knote.2904


Do not underestimate the xp gathering nodes give you. I try to gather as much as possible (I slack more now though) as well as just exploring, and killing mobs in my way, etc, etc. And I’m consistently overleveled. Hell I don’t even craft.

Also if you see a dynamic event you’ve done before already, you can always quickly participate and kill a few mobs or w/e then leave and still get Gold most of the time, and at the very least Bronze, extra xp.