Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I leveled two characters to 80 by doing pretty generic stuff… explore here and there, do quests, craft, mine, odd dungeon, etc. It was alright-ish. Back then there were at least people in sub-80 zones sometimes (the ones waiting outside dungeons do not count), not that you really need them for much anyway.

Now I’ve grown bored of one class entirely, and I still want more options than the other, but I honestly cannot bring myself to level in a way that requires any effort at all. I used crafting for a bit and got to the low 20’s, but I already have all the professions I need so any further is wasting gold. Regular gameplay just makes me get bored and go do something else.

Are there any good farmable events to go from 20 thru 80? Ones that require so little thought you don’t even notice how mind numbing it is? Or… something?

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: marnick.4305


Your problem is that active content on your level is the fastest way to level. On the other hand, mind numbing grind is only possible on far lower levels and those won’t get you to 80. If you want an easy time, I can only recommend to complete areas that are at least 10 levels too low for you. It’ll be mind numbing but also slower so ….

But really , if you want an mmo to grind … go play wow. You won’t find what you’re looking for in GW2.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I think you’re missing the point. It’s not that I want to grind, just that I don’t really get any enjoyment out of pre-80 content. I’d probably spend most of my time in WvW once the character was at 80, but going there and being scaled up leaves you both terribly ineffective and not really gaining much experience (unless there’s a zerg to follow). I much prefer having access to all my traits and skills, so then I often play PvP instead… but when I come back out of that, I’m no closer to being able to take it to WvW than I was when I started.

I guess earlier levels might just be the best way to go in the end… at least with the necro I could play with staff and pets, while browsing through forums on the other screen or something.

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lucky.4263


gw2 fun starts at lvl 1 the lvling, exploring, DE’s and story are what make gw2. rushing or trying to find the fastest way to lvl 80 will just leave u disappointed, there is fun stuff to do at lvl 80 but there is no “carrot on a stick” mentality (well besides FotM for accended back and ring)… justenjoy the game it wasnt designed for the fun to start at endgame, if thats what your really interested in then WoW and the like is that-a-way —-→

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


I enjoyed levelling to 80 on my main but i struggled seriously hard just to get an alt to 26 to join another order. just like farming at Orr, what i tried to do is find an event chain that happens either often or goes for very long to farm exp from mobs and chained events. A good example of this is is the Centaur camp assaults in Hirathi highlands (sp?) at around 35-45. there are like 5 camps to assault and each one comes with a separate defense event afterwards so you get tons of loot and a decent amount of xp. I did that from 35-60 on my main, haven’t quite reached it with my alt but hoping it will be just as effective.

also what he’s saying is that he doesn’t like the pre-80 PVE content and that’s just his opinion. personally I agree, it was fun the first time for me but now its just a drag. I don’t know where everyone is coming out with this “wow that way etc etc” comments.

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


I’m not sure if this helps (i really think it will not help the OP but maybe somebody that has yet started on the adventure GW2 is).
What i’m doing so far is only visit the maps that are for my race. So i have this human ranger and he only visits the maps that “belong” with the human race. What i mean is this: lots off people run trough an area for say lvl 15-25 and when they are at the end off that map, they still need to level a bit to go to the next level map (25-35). So they run to any other lvl 15-25 map and rush trough that also. That way, you run trough content in a fast pace.
And when you start a new char with a different race, you have no new territory to explore and appreciate.
So i keep my chars to the right area’s and then i have new content when i start a new one.

Just my 2 copper on the subject! And not being offensive on the OP

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gaspara.4079


WvW is the closest thing your going to find. Find a build that gives you perma or near perma swiftness and decent 1 v 1 ability against mobs. Then go to WvW and do a little bit of following the zerg and a little bit of ninjaing enemy dolyaks and enemy sentries.

Also doing your story mode is great xp/time also.

I have been working on an engineer doing WvW often going into a borderlands and runnig around killing enemy dolyaks and sentries and running away from enemy players. I have been (with some effort) able to solo a sentry since level 11.

Supply camps where you can sneak up and pull the dolyaks without aggroing any other npcs are great experience because each kill counts as half the value of a world event and takes little time or effort and respawns every few minutes. Plus it helps your server in the long run.

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’m an altoholic when it comes to MMOs so I’ve been down your path a lot.

I don’t know what you did when you leveled your 1st 80, but I’m sure you didn’t do everything in the game. Each new toon I roll I make sure it’ll have a different story, a different Order, and usually a different race. It changes things up a bit, and directs you to different maps while leveling. Don’t do the same map zones you did with past toons.

Join an active all-level guild and ask if anyone wants company while questing. Go on guild dungeon runs. As you level, try different roles in the dungeons.

Don’t forget food and crystals for increased XP for kills.

You asked for non-crafting, but I went from 2-16 getting my cooking from 1-400 and it only cost me about 1g. I had a lot of the mats in my bank already from leveling my other toons. TP costs are higher now, but you can still do it for probably <3g. Don’t forget to use boosters while crafting.

Not sure what profession you’re working on but don’t do warrior or ranger, as I hear they’re the 2 more ‘boring’ professions to play. Give mesmer, ele, or engineer a shot. they seem more dynamic.

Seems that can help you a little, but if it’s really just the fact that you don’t have all your traits & utilities you’re kinda screwed. The only option is PvP or get to 80. Do what you can to make the journey more enjoyable. Good luck.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


Have you tried WvW? If you like level 80 content, then WvW is really the closest thing to skipping right to level 80.

The PvE option would be fractals, but even the lower tier fractals tend to be very rough on low-level characters, despite the level 80 up-leveling.

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blude.6812


But really , if you want an mmo to grind … go play wow. You won’t find what you’re looking for in GW2.

Say what???
Sure it’s easy to lvl up to 80 without grinding—-but after that, grinding is all there is to do get to get stuff.

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Why do you require 80 content for fun? What magical switch gets flipped that matters to you?

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


Why do you care why he wants to get to 80? He does. It shouldnt matter to you how hw wants to play.

I know I don’t do anything but solo level until 80, because I have no wish to do content at a disadvantage to everyone else, making it harder on myself.

As for answering your question, honestly I would say alternate human-charr zones doing 100% map completion listening to exciting music and VOIP chatting with people. I can usually do 8 levels a day (~5 hours a day) doing this, and it’s how I’m getting my 6th character to 80.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Following a good WvW Commander is the easiest.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.