Legendary Weapon Progress Group

Legendary Weapon Progress Group

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Yesterday when I was leveling my ele by doing AC runs, one PUG ranger who joined our group was sayin that he was only 100ish tokens away from getting Bolt. Naturally with 100 charged lodestones required, that is a pricey weapon. I asked him how much time he spent getting the money required for all the materials and he simply said it took him 2 weeks. Only 2 weeks, about 4 hours each day. I believe he said he did CoF p1 20 times each day, CoE path 1/2/3 and then AC 1/2/3, every day. A lot of players want legendaries, so I thought that maybe I could progress towards mine if I did something similar to him.

For this post I want to find a regular group to replicate his farming schedule for two weeks to see how far it gets us. I’d want meteorlogicus for my ele before the new legendaries come out (and then I’d go for incinerator or whatever the new legendary dagger is after that) and with the start of a T6 price rise, I feel like it would be a good idea to get going on this soon. We would do the 20 CoF p1 runs, the CoE runs (for the charged core/lodestones and whatnot) and the last dungeon can either be AC or any depending on what tokens we’d need for our individual weapon specific gifts.

I’m looking for players of any class, with a decent skill level that would be willing to commit to such a farming schedule. I’d play either my ele or mesmer depending on the situation, both should have ample DPS, ele just has more heals/protection while mesmer has TW, and portal really.

I’d want to start around August 3rd or 4th, so if you’re interested comment on this post telling what professions you have that are up to snuff, what legendary you’re going for and what your progress is on it. I’ll talk to you ingame as soon as I can and we can talk to get things set up.

For example, I have a Mesmer, Necromancer, and soon to be 80 elementalist. I’m going for meteorlogicus for ele, and so far I have my 77 mystic clovers, and most of the gift of mastery (just need to be green again in wvw for completion).

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Legendary Weapon Progress Group

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


lmao 2 weeks?!?! not true, isn’t it obvious he’s paid real cash for it, or he would know the pain, im so close now and ive been on 5 months

RedCobra – Ranked PVP Druid
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin

Legendary Weapon Progress Group

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


4 hours a day …
Well let see I believe the claim I’ve seen for CoF farming was something like 5g/hour so that is 20g per day for 14 days. So that is 280g. The precursor for Bolt is Zap which cost at minimum 320g IF you are very lucky but lets say this person was very lucky and got Zap as a drop so that is not an issue. That still leaves 886g. Lets also assume this person was smart enough to use buy orders to get their other materials so I’ll be generous and give them a 25% discount that still leaves us at 664g or 344g short.

So … yes you can do it in 2 weeks provided you manage to get a precursor to drop AND you can farm 10g per hour. If you don’t get the precursor then it’ll likely be closer to 4 weeks unless you manage 20g an hour …

Legendary Weapon Progress Group

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hopper.5128


i finished predator in 2.5 weeks doing a similar cycle to that but no ac and got my precurser from the forge which is extremely rare


Legendary Weapon Progress Group

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RevGDFreeze.3485


I’ve been aiming for my legendary for the past 4 weeks i recently got the Gift of Mastery and am working toward Gift of Fortune. I have in the last 3 days put 316 rares in the forge and 50 exotics, this is going to break me as a man, i’ve never cried so hard.

I’m looking to make it easier if i can

Legendary Weapon Progress Group

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I strongly reccommend against using the mystic forge precursor route. Theres a theoretical and empirically calculated yield of a .15% of getting a precursor which is way too low to take risks on. I’d suggest placing buy orders or waiting for the new crafted precursor system. I’m not sure I want to commit to this schedule anymore, I’d kind of rather just invest in TP markets to expand my ingame income.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..