Legendary help!

Legendary help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadowwaka.1952


Hia forums. Loooong story short, my friend and I (okay, mostly him) have been working on getting Twilight, and now he is one step off: the precursor Dusk. I know there are probably a lot of threads on Dusk and such, but I wanted to get recent replies, but does anyone know the most reliable way to get this weapon? We are sooo close to the legendary but so far too (Buzz Killington strikes again, eh?) XD, so any help/superstition is ok too.

Also on a random note, if you happen to have a Dusk laying around and have the sudden urge to give it to a guy named Shadow Waka, feel free to do so. XD but seriously thanks for any input and stuff.

Legendary help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Undertaker.2731


Very rare random drop from foes.
Mystic Forge: combining four rare or exotic pieces of equipment with an average level of 75 or higher, e.g. one L60 weapons + three L80 weapons or three L75 pieces of armor and an L75 weapon.
An unlikely drop from various chests:
The event chests after killing an epic boss, such as the Shadow Behemoth and Claw of Jormag.
Bonus Chests from world boss events; these are more likely than the others to drop a precursor.
Event chests in dungeons.
Jumping puzzle chests.

Legendary help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


No one will give Dusk or any other precursor to you for free unless they’re braindead.

I’m in a similar predicament with Bifrost. My advice to you is, farm gold and world boss events. Hope to get lucky and if not, at some point you’ll have enough money to outright buy it off the TP.

I don’t see myself ever using the forge because if I come out like some people here who pour their souls in and get nothing, I’d probably quit out of frustration. Some people do get lucky though. Personally, I’d rather methodically (albeit slowly) work my way towards buying it off the TP. Prices for (some if not most) precursors have been rather stable lately if you look at their lifetime values on spidy, so it’s pretty safe to assume they won’t be skyrocketing randomly anytime soon.

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

Legendary help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Undertaker.2731


No one will give Dusk or any other precursor to you for free unless they’re braindead.

I’m in a similar predicament with Bifrost. My advice to you is, farm gold and world boss events. Hope to get lucky and if not, at some point you’ll have enough money to outright buy it off the TP.

I don’t see myself ever using the forge because if I come out like some people here who pour their souls in and get nothing, I’d probably quit out of frustration. Some people do get lucky though. Personally, I’d rather methodically (albeit slowly) work my way towards buying it off the TP. Prices for (some if not most) precursors have been rather stable lately if you look at their lifetime values on spidy, so it’s pretty safe to assume they won’t be skyrocketing randomly anytime soon.

I lvled up my seconde toon ( mesmer asura) in weaponsmithing. Will farm mats and make rare greatswords and just throw them in the mistic toilet. It will take me more then 500 greatswords but oh well, at least ima try

Why will i do this? saw one dude getting dusk from that. Call me a dreamer or even stupid but at least i will try and won’t get frustated if i don’t get it, after all its a game and in every game you need luck, if i don’t have luck..oh well… kitten the luck

Also good luck getting 600g lol, me farming my kitten off only got me 30g in 7 days, but if you got the paciente, good luck sir!

Legendary help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadowwaka.1952


No one will give Dusk or any other precursor to you for free unless they’re braindead.

Hope this quote works, I’m a noob at forum stuff, but I know, I was just trying to use my bad sense of humor XD Anywho, thanks for the info, seems I have an epic Me vs. RNG battle coming up