Legendary on Twink
To be honest there is a lot not known bout legendary weapons. afaik nobody has ever tried what you are trying so it is all guessing here.
First off all, the legendary weapon will be for lvl 80+, so with a fine transformiggor stone you might be able to get the skinn to a lower weapon (and that is also guessing), but in my opinion that is ruining some very good stats for just looks. In the end if it is possible, that is up to you however.
Secondly there is no reason to assume it would not be possible, a lvl 80 requirement is for handling the item, not for having it or creating it (a lvl 400 crafter can also make lvl80 items).
Last off all I have the impressions is that (except the clovers) everything needed for the legendary weapon is portected, so if you can get the items in the forge and press the reforge button the outcome is 100% sure.
Again. This is guesswork with argumentation. If you want to be 100% sure you should not risk it and wait for someone else to take the plunge and report it. But I am afraid that it might take some time. If you do take the plunge please let us know what the outcome is.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Yes you can. The world first Moot crafter was a level 35 at the time.