Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: normyp.8671


Hi, this is going to be my first legendary weapon that I’m trying to get. I’ve looked around online and it seems the best way to get the precursor is to buy it off the trading post. I’m going to making Bolt so I need Zap and it looks like it’s worth 700g from the TP. This seems a mighty amount and if my maths serves me well…

I make currently about 5 gold a day. So divide 700/5 and you get 140. So it’ll take me 140 days to save up 700 gold. That’s roughly 4.6 months… I guess that’s cheap…

But the thing is there’s still more to the legendary, I think I need a lot of karma (not sure how much) and I need gold to buy all the mats for the gifts. Haven’t done the maths here yet but it’s probably going to add up to a lot.

So if you could share with me the best ways to farm gold and karma or how you got your legendary please do! Thanks!

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linken.6345


play the game do the events orange circles on the map.
World bosses are nice aswell http://dulfy.net/2014/04/23/event-timer/

Map complete all the maps and gather everything while you run around.

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Legend of Rogue.5394

Legend of Rogue.5394

Ive gone for 6 already after all of this i can easily help… It sucks…. Ill be honest. with the state of the game the worst is the covers now. The icy rune stones never go away, nothing ever changes except the clovers. It is so ridiculous the cost of coins and how hard it is to get them that it almost ruins legendaries altogether. You need so much ectos so much coins. Roughly I would say about 500,000 karma does the trick since obsidian shards are so easy to get. But I farm cursed shore on megil Event every 10 minutes and that spawns maggots. Get yourself in a good pve guild and they will help as well. Guilds love seeing players have fun and do well. But T6 and coins are always the hardest…. Get in another WVW guild and get your gift of battle going as well. Took me a week of about 2-3 hours a day getting mine. Re going after bifrost so if you need help let me know you have my in game tag

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


If you have HoT, it is currently cheaper to craft Zap than to buy it outright. If it’s going to take you 4-5 months to save that gold up, you may aswell shave a month or so off just crafting it using your own daily Ascended cooldowns.

Get the Gift of Battle track going now. If you don’t like WvW or don’t want to WvW, just do the WvW dailies you can manage for potions to progress the track. If you don’t mind WvW, still go and get stuck in and get it going. Some reward tracks give clovers out, some give 2, others give you 7 clovers each. These are split from PvP, so you can do the same track in WvW and PvP for more mystic clovers which will save you gold when it comes to making Gift of Fortune.

You’ll need atleast 250 Obsidian shards and extra if you craft your clovers. These can drop abundantly in Silverwastes bandit chests, if you are particularly low on karma.


Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katastroff.1045




Slow, but takes about 10 mins a day. You’ll get loads of T6 mats and a nice bundle of gold.

Why simplify things when its so easy to complicate them ?

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Also, always choose the Legendary chest from the Chest of Loyalty (final login reward)! It’ll drastically reduce the amount of clovers you need to RNG for in the forge.

About crafting instead of buying: look through the collections on the wiki, look at the things you’ll need to do, and check that there aren’t any that you just won’t do. If there are – buy it on the tp. If everything looks doable to you, go the collection route. You can save money by crafting the time-gated stuff yourself, and you’ll spread out the spending a little bit, dividing it up into discreet things rather than one lump sum of gold.

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jethro.9376


the calculator on gw2efficiency.com is very useful for keeping track on your progress

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’ve made 2 legendaries and both times my first step was to make a big list of everything I needed and where it came from. I found that extremely helpful.

Firstly because I could check off several things already (or partially check them off, like I had 60% world completion so I only needed 40% for the Gift of Exploration) and that made it seem less daunting.

But also because it enabled me to plan ahead. I knew to save my Mystic Coins to make Clovers, but also that I could get some clovers from other places. I knew to wait to buy T6 mats until I’d got everything else because the Clover recipe would give some and they can drop, and that I could buy them with laurels. I knew to start playing WvW right away (the first time for map completion, 2nd time for the gift of battle). I knew which materials I needed to save and which I could sell for gold.

That meant I didn’t have any nasty surprises as I was going along and I could space out the most time consuming or boring parts, which made the whole process more bearable.

It also let me track my progress so every time I felt daunted by what I had left to do I could see all the stuff I’d already done and feel like I was getting somewhere.

Actually…that was the second thing I did. The first thing was make sure I was absolutely certain I wanted a legendary, wanted that legendary and wanted it for reasons that weren’t going to change. The first one I made was The Dreamer and although I loved the concept of it right from the start I held off until I was absolutely certain I’d be sticking with my ranger as my main, and using a shortbow a lot (regardless of what builds are currently in vogue) and I was prepared to go through with the process of making it. The last thing you want is to be stuck with an account bound weapon costing thousands of gold which you don’t even want and a whole lot of buyers remorse.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryou.2398


I was really looking foward to getting some legendarys not so sure now, hopefully they will look into making this a little easier in the future.

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


I was really looking foward to getting some legendarys not so sure now, hopefully they will look into making this a little easier in the future.

Obtaining Legendaries are long term goals, and heavily documented (wiki) and trackable (gw2efficiency). All any player really needs is patience.

The first 4 (1st gen) I made, I just used wiki. Then I got into using gw2 efficiency tracking my account and crafting and it’s been a breeze. I’m almost finished making Nevermore, the 10th legendary I’ve crafted. I gave one legendary to my husband and 2 others I sold.

I tend to hoard materials until I decide I want to make another one. Then I sell what I don’t need and passively collect more until I need to just start buying specific materials while still selling everything I will not need. Material management is key.


Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I was really looking foward to getting some legendarys not so sure now, hopefully they will look into making this a little easier in the future.

It’s highly unlikely that Anet will intentionally make it easier (or cheaper) to get legendaries because they were designed with the express purpose of being a long-term goal and a major achievement.

They process has changed over time, sometimes intentionally – like when they introduced precursor collections so you don’t have to throw rares into the Mystic Forge and hope you get lucky (the drop rate for that method is something like 0.5%) or buy them from other players. Sometimes unintentionally like when achievement chests awarding badges of honour briefly made it easier to get the Gift of Battle, or when material prices change because of other things they can be used for.

But they’ve not going to make it quick and easy to get a legendary, because that would defeat the point of having them in the game.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryou.2398


I was really looking foward to getting some legendarys not so sure now, hopefully they will look into making this a little easier in the future.

Obtaining Legendaries are long term goals, and heavily documented (wiki) and trackable (gw2efficiency). All any player really needs is patience.

The first 4 (1st gen) I made, I just used wiki. Then I got into using gw2 efficiency tracking my account and crafting and it’s been a breeze. I’m almost finished making Nevermore, the 10th legendary I’ve crafted. I gave one legendary to my husband and 2 others I sold.

I tend to hoard materials until I decide I want to make another one. Then I sell what I don’t need and passively collect more until I need to just start buying specific materials while still selling everything I will not need. Material management is key.

I havent even learned how to make gold yet, I do not see how with crafting for example lol.

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryou.2398


I was really looking foward to getting some legendarys not so sure now, hopefully they will look into making this a little easier in the future.

It’s highly unlikely that Anet will intentionally make it easier (or cheaper) to get legendaries because they were designed with the express purpose of being a long-term goal and a major achievement.

They process has changed over time, sometimes intentionally – like when they introduced precursor collections so you don’t have to throw rares into the Mystic Forge and hope you get lucky (the drop rate for that method is something like 0.5%) or buy them from other players. Sometimes unintentionally like when achievement chests awarding badges of honour briefly made it easier to get the Gift of Battle, or when material prices change because of other things they can be used for.

But they’ve not going to make it quick and easy to get a legendary, because that would defeat the point of having them in the game.

I meant slightly.

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


I meant slightly.

Legendaries are not hard to get, all it requires is patience.


Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jaina Ashlynn.1043

Jaina Ashlynn.1043

I meant slightly.

Legendaries are not hard to get, all it requires is patience.

Twilight was my on & off project for about 3-3.5 years. The last thing was the precursor that I bought after farming SW everyday for 4 months.

Anvil Rock: Beta →Friday 13th 1/13/2017
Crystal Desert: 1/13/2017

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zephic.3075


Farming Silverwastes is probably the way to go for gold and materials. If you have the patience of a saint and the Agony Resistance to do it over and over again, Fractal 40 – Molten Boss farming, might be a faster way to gain the gold needed.

Doing your daily fractals can reward you with a lot of gold fast, but you need to have the AR and fractal levels to do the high level fractals. I would advise joining a friendly guild that does fractals every day. Doing a fractal also awards karma, although if you have HoT, you can also access LS3 maps. Farming the Winterberries in Bitterfrost Frontier, consuming them for the Unbound Magic, and trading that in for the Obsidian Shards is a quick way to getting all the shards you will ever need.

The only real problem is getting Mystic Coins, which means either sucking it up and buying from the TP, or playing the waiting game. You can trade in laurels for the T6 materials, so that is not a major issue if you have been saving those up.

Personally, I like crafting the precursor. Zap might be a project I will do in the future, but as I just finished Bifrost, I’m a bit gold strapped myself. I crafted The Legend on my own. The important thing is to take your time. Legendaries are a long term project.

Legendary weapon: best methods to obtain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katastroff.1045


Bubba and Chubaka must be the most fun i had doing a collection for a legendary. Even if you are not crafting it, its worth the gold you spend on it.

Like they say, its mostly a long term goal, unless you are swimming in gold.

Why simplify things when its so easy to complicate them ?