Level 80 Boost question
“The first purchased Boost will appear in a new shared inventory slot. The only way to remove it from this slot is to consume it; the slot will remain available for use afterwards.
The second purchased Boost will stack on top of the existing Boost (If you still have one), leaving the shared inventory slot it came with free for use.”
Hello, I have not used my Level 80 Boost that I got with HoT yet(multitude of reasons, mostly me forgetting about it).
Now the issue is that it uses up the inventory slot for all characters and I assume the Level 80 Boost from PoF will do the same. Do any of you guys know whether I get a second shared inventory slot or do I need to use the boost before I get PoF?
You only get the shared account slot the lvl 80 will provide you. After the use of the 80 boost the slot stays. So you can use the slot but you have to use the boost first.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Awesome, so I don’t need to worry about using it up. Thanks a lot!