Level 80 boost help

Level 80 boost help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kazaa.9140


So I’ve used my level 80, happy with my choice..
But is there any way I can get hero points quickly for the elite specialization?
or do I have to go to every hero point going around the world?
Thanks for the help

Level 80 boost help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Do heart of maguuma, they are harder but quicker (give 10points/challenge)
But besides that, no.
You just do you cant buy or shortcut elitespecs, tho some people might prefer wvw over actual exploration.

Level 80 boost help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Neyensb.2581


In my experience the best way is to join a Hero Point Tour!
To see where and when they are being organized check the Gw2 Reddit subpage. (mostly on weekends, zerging with 10-20people is fun)

also fun is WvW every rank chest gives around 7-9proofs of heroic (can be exchanged for hero points 1:1)

other than that just explore Hot it’s fun

Level 80 boost help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kazaa.9140


Haven’t started HoT yet, so I take it I gotta start that to get some hero points also? (awaiting to start HoT with girlfriend)
Thanks for the reply and help guys!

Level 80 boost help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leaa.2943


Ofc you have to go and get the hero points for each character you make, we all do

How ever you should really get them in HoT maps because each of those points give you 10 instead of 1 like you get in the core game. So it goes way faster to go through the HoT maps. Mostly there are players doing them because you can remake them one time a day and getting event marks for them in the map you are in. But if you feel it is to hard to make on your own and noone there, just ask for help in chat